Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1735 The Queen of Hell (6)

It is difficult for smokers to quit smoking, not only because of their dependence on nicotine, but also because smoking can stimulate the sense of taste and smell, which can relieve anxiety like eating, and they will not eat frequently.

Severus stood on the balcony smoking a cigarette, blowing the Parisian night air that hadn't cooled down completely due to the heat island effect. Maybe the Oriental Hotel used to be decent and luxurious, but now it is blocked by all kinds of houses, and you can only see the wall from the balcony, not to mention the scenery of Lawrence's house that can be compared with a tourist postcard. up.

On the North American continent in the 17th century, the Indians would help capture escaped slaves after collecting the benefits of immigrants. Some of these slaves came from Africa, and some were from tribes that were hostile to them. This was another acquisition of guns and whiskey besides the fur trade. way.

There were also many mercenaries in France in the 20th century. Some of these people did not join the French Foreign Legion, and some were aimed at other employers who could give higher commissions. Not only artists settled in Paris, but also exiled politicians, warlords, mafia, oligarchs, arms dealers, etc. It is not without reason that Interpol is in Lyon, the second largest city in France.

"for you."

Lawrence handed Severus a glass of whiskey with a chunk of ice in it.

"How's your wife?" Severus said, taking the glass of wine.

"It's the same as usual." Lawrence took a sip of his wine and said, "She told me that you have modified my memory. You are different from the people who usually come to trouble us."

"Why did you choose to stay in France?" Severus asked.

"I told you, I'm worried about security." Lawrence took another sip of his wine. "I have a lot of secret files in my office, so I don't feel at ease about hiring bodyguards."

"When are you going to leave?" Severus said.

"It's up to you, boss." Lawrence smiled wryly. "Will you let us go?"

Severus didn't answer.

"You know, I'll keep it a secret," Lawrence whispered. "When your son threatens me..."

"He's not my son," Severus said.

"You're different from a lot of people I know," Lawrence said. "I trust you more than any of the 'friends' I've made before, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Filch is loyal to you, so I choose Call you, not anyone else."

"You just want to hand over the burden to me," Severus said. "It's troublesome to explain where the bullet hurts."

"And I have to pay a sum of money." Lawrence curled his lips, "and get involved in something I don't want to get involved in."

"You want to stop?"

"If you want that house, take it." Lawrence said generously, "give me one euro, and it's yours."

"Your wife has no objection?"

"It's summer, it's time to go on vacation." Lawrence sighed, shaking the ice cubes in the glass. "We're leaving France and going skiing in Switzerland."

"Who is that group?" Severus asked.

"I'm still a lawyer now. According to my professional ethics, I can't tell you the client's information." Lawrence said, "Are there any foreigners in your school? For example, Americans and French?"

Severus didn't answer.

"There are foreign students at my alma mater, and they go crazy when they hear the English and French accents raised by xxx, but I don't think anyone likes the American accent, right?"

"You speak in London," Severus said with a smile. "People are proud to have the Queen's accent."

"Who did you mess with?" Lawrence asked.

"French from Xxx," Severus said, imitating Lawrence.

"Because of a woman?" Lawrence asked.

"Why do you ask that?" Severus asked.

"Three people were imprisoned, and a warden gave them one request, the Americans asked for three boxes of cigars, the Jews asked for a telephone to communicate with the outside world, and the French asked for a beautiful chick. Now it's in France." Lawrence said indifferently.

Severus and Lawrence clinked glasses, then took a sip of whiskey.

"The woman who came with you, she is yours..."

"No one." Severus said decisively, "You can be understood as a collaborator."

"I have handled a lot of marriage cases, so I want to give you a piece of advice, don't let the women outside think that you are dependent, and you will be easily bored to death." Lawrence touched his bald head, "I choose to let You're making yourself an impossible target, you should probably change your hair."

"Not so thick hair?" Severus asked with a smile.

"You know, whenever I see people wearing 'natural wigs' or hair transplants, I can't help but think of those 18th-century French aristocrats, now only judges in English courts still wear that kind of wig, our American judges I don't wear them anymore."

"Are they still the same people?" Severus asked.

"Different wigs, different people, I like my natural baldness."

Severus laughed.

"You know I wouldn't let you go if you were joking," Severus said with a smile.

"But we can suffer less, such as removing the guards?" Lawrence said.

Severus glanced at the languid Filch, then at Lawrence, "How can I make sure you don't run away without guards?"

"You can be my client..."

"I have a poison, if you don't drink the antidote you will die, and I am the only person in the world who knows how to make the antidote." Severus interrupted Lawrence's rhetoric, "Drink it, and I promise you to withdraw Go watchman."

Lawrence's eyes rolled quickly, as if thinking of a way to get out.

"I will give the medicine to someone I trust, and even if I don't come back, she will give you the antidote." Severus said leisurely.

"Where you're going is dangerous?" Lawrence asked.

"Do you think the underworld is dangerous?" Severus asked.

Lawrence's eyes widened, looking at him like he was looking at a madman.

"Look at this." Severus pulled out a pharaoh's dagger. "This is Kamose I's dagger."

"So?" Lawrence asked confused.

"There is a war going on in the underworld, and whoever wins is the king of the underworld. Kamose I wants to drive away the invaders who invaded his land, not only his former enemies, the Sisoks, but also Napoleon Bonaparte ’” Severus said, “I will destroy his soul with this dagger.”

"You mean..."

"He is my enemy." Severus put back the golden dagger. "The pharaohs lent me their strength, and I am like their mercenary. I destroyed that wild lion, They regained their dominion over the underworld."

"Sounds like a plot from a movie." Lawrence couldn't help but said, and then took another sip of wine, as if trying to scare himself.

"Let me give you a piece of advice. Maybe you want to get rid of everything now and go to retire away from the world, but you will soon get tired of such a boring life, and you will miss everything you have now. And when you want to get it back, you will find it extremely difficult, so my suggestion is, no matter how difficult you feel now, you must persevere, as long as you get through, everything will be fine."

"You don't have to," Lawrence said stiffly.

"It's covered now, but I think you've seen it." Severus pointed at his neck. "I almost didn't make it through."

"You think life is good now?" Lawrence asked.

"I'm a lucky man to have found my wife." Severus smiled triumphantly. "She's a flower that can only be seen in heaven."

"But I don't think you're doing very well," Lawrence said.

"That's why I fight." Severus said with a very Slytherin smile, "We came from the quagmire, but we won't be stuck in the quagmire forever. The right pressure will become the driving force for us to move forward, and we will become stronger." powerful."

"You look like a..." Lawrence suddenly stopped.

"Crazy?" Severus asked.

"No," said Lawrence, "change your haircut, Mr. Smith."

After he finished speaking, he left the balcony and went back to the hotel room.

After he left, Severus was still standing on the balcony. He looked at the sky where no stars could be seen because of the light pollution, took out his wand, and cast a spell on his greasy black hair.

It quickly turned white, looking both the white-haired devil Tituba had spoken of and Gellert Grindelwald.

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