Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1734 The Queen of Hell (5)

Mary Sibley, who made the witch cake, was like all scholars who later studied the events of Salem, trying to figure out what happened in the village at that time.

The experiments she conducted were even more theoretical and practical than those based solely on the literature at hand, yet she opened a door to hell.

As Rebecca once told the delegation, she had convulsions when she was young, which is not surprising, after all, the wheat at that time was easily contaminated with ergot.

But she shouldn't have done that, it's the doctor's job to investigate the cause.

Griggs, the only licensed doctor in the town, was invited to the parson's house by Paris after Betty and Abigail started having convulsions. Some uneducated priests "exorcized" the twitching girls by themselves.

Griggs' maid and niece, Elizabeth Hubbard, was also there at the time, and her job is actually somewhat similar to that of a 20th-century nurse.

At that time, the doctor's medicine box was also very different from the medicine box in the 20th century. There would be a "medicine" called dried cow dung, which was mixed with dried and crushed snails and milk and then poured down by convulsed children. , and soon they will be "well".

That stuff really doesn't taste like chocolate milk, but the kids are given it every time they whip, and it's another proven "cure" besides whipping, linking sickness to bitter pills It's better for them than "home alone" and "playing games" with them.

After treating the girls, Elizabeth planned to brave the wind and snow to return to the clinic on an extremely cold winter night in 1692. But before leaving, the pastor seemed to have something to say to the doctor, so she stood alone beside the horse and waited for him.

It was very cold outside, and she couldn't help but touch the horse beside her, letting it bring a little heat to herself.

At this moment, she suddenly heard a movement in the forest - a wolf-like animal was standing in the distance looking at her.

It was dark and snowy, so she couldn't see what it was.

The second time she saw it was in February, during the daytime, when she went back alone after finishing her errands, and the animal followed her again at a distance.

Although it was still snowing heavily that day, the sight was much better than last time. It wasn't a wolf, but it was by no means the huge snake that the pastor said.

Maybe it was an Indian.

Because Indians often wear animal skins on their bodies, it should look like a "wearwolf".

==================================================== ===============

While everyone was discussing, the library phone rang suddenly.

So all the arguing stopped, and everyone looked at the phone.

Just letting it ring for a while, Suzanne answered it, although the library should be off-duty at this time, and no one should answer the phone.

"For you." After listening for a while, she handed the microphone to Severus.

Severus took the receiver and put it to his ear.

"Hello, is this Mr. Smith?" Lawrence's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It's me," Severus said.

"Someone attacked my house," Lawrence said. "Me and my wife and your friends are outside."

"Who attacked you?" Severus asked.

"I don't know." Lawrence said, "I was running for my life, and your friend was shot. I have a doctor I know, but I think you wizards have a wizard's way..."

"Where are you now?" Severus interrupted Lawrence.

Lawrence immediately gave an address, and Severus hung up the phone. He looked back at everyone and said, "I have something to leave for a while."

"What happened?" Lucius asked Severus.

"Filch and the others were attacked by a group of unknown men, and he was injured," Severus said.

"Beware it's a trap," Lucius said, looking at Susannah.

"You think I ordered it?" Susannah frowned.

"I just made an inference with a high probability." Lucius said, "It's like you suspect that Rosen is the murderer who framed Rebecca Nurse."

"Why would I do that?" Susannah asked bluntly.

"I don't know, what secrets do you not tell us?" Lucius asked.

"Why should I tell you?"

Lucius shook his head.

"Two people have gone missing tonight, and I won't allow a third to go wrong," Severus said. "I brought them out of England, and I'm going to bring them back."

"I'm going with you," Susannah said to Severus. "I can't stand being in the same room with rude people."

"You're the first lady to say that about me. People who know me think I'm polite and considerate." Lucius said pretentiously.

"Shall we go?" Susannah asked.

"What about you?" Severus asked Gonseil.

"I need to check the information about Amenerhat I, and whether there are other pharaohs who are 'Hathor's beloved'." Goncey said.

"You call this number and find someone named Lyle Meyer." Severus handed Lucius a series of numbers, "to confirm whether he has anything to do with this matter."

"Is he the death priest?" Lucius asked while holding the phone.

"No, he's just an old man by the phone," Severus said, and then apparated while grabbing Susannah's arm.

After a brief compression, they came to the downstairs of a Haussmann-era apartment building that was very common in Paris. A high-end car was parked abruptly on the side of the road. Severus went over to check and found nothing unusual.

"Do you trust me?" Susannah asked.

Severus looked back at her.

"I trust you……"

"About what?" she asked angrily.

Without answering, he turned and entered the apartment.

Old houses like this usually don't have elevators, and you have to climb up the wooden stairs one by one.

The first floor is usually a shop, the second floor is the residence of the shop owner, and the third floor is the best location, which will not make people feel tired, but also has a wide view and a decent height from the ground. Usually, the tenants on this floor It is the richest building in the building. Not only does the rent decrease as you go up, but the height of the windows also decreases, and the balcony will also be reduced to cast iron railings that are close to the windows.

The address that Lawrence mentioned was on the third floor, and Severus took out his wand and leaned against the door, eavesdropping on the movement inside.

"Can you tell me what you believe in me?" Susannah asked, also holding her wand.

"Is that important to you?" Severus asked.

"That's right," Susannah said gravely.

"I believe everything you said, except the pseudonym you used to lie to Leroy, is that enough?"

"Do you believe that Rosen hypnotized Rebecca?"

"Otherwise? Is there a devil?" Severus sarcastically said.

"Rebecca lost her hearing, as those girls said, and was blinded by a witch." Susannah said. Becca's home, when he presided over the prayer for the Nass."

"I don't want to tell you that." Severus lowered his voice and warned, "Don't distract me."

"Liar, you don't believe me at all!" Susannah said angrily.

Severus held back for a moment, then looked back at her "What do you want?"

"Prove that you trust me!"

"I'm starting to understand why you're still single at your age." Severus said bluntly.

"If you really believed that I had nothing to do with this matter, you wouldn't bring me here. You don't believe me at all!" Susanna said excitedly.

Severus gritted his teeth, and finally opened the door with a spell. Lawrence and Filch were sitting on the sofa facing the door. It was blood, and his expression was listless, and he only let out a weak hum when he saw Severus appear.

"You came so soon?" Lawrence said in surprise.

Severus ignored him as he quickly scanned the room with his wand raised.

It was a very ordinary small two-bedroom house, with the kitchen and dining room together, and only two bedrooms. When Severus tried to push open a door, he found it was locked.

"That's the bathroom," Lawrence said. "My wife's in it."

Severus had just let go of the doorknob when Susanna walked over and opened the bathroom door with an Arahor spell. Garcia inside didn't use the bathroom. She held the phone in her hand and looked as if Panicked, Suzanne shattered the phone into pieces with a spell.

"Who did you contact just now?" Severus asked.

"A...a friend," Garcia stammered.

"I can have someone check your call logs, or I can give you a hard time," Severus said. "Don't make me do it."

Garcia kept shaking her head, and she looked like she was about to break down and cry.

"If you want to torture her, you have to pass me first." Lawrence stood up and said aggressively, "I accept your check but I didn't promise you to hurt my family at will..."

"Why did you do that?" Severus asked Garcia, ignoring Lawrence.

"That's my home." Garcia said, "You threatened me in my home and sent people to watch me."

"So you contacted outsiders and asked them to kick you out of the house." Severus teased.

"What are you thinking, dear," said Lawrence in surprise.

"I wanted to drive these people away, but you accepted their checks!" Garcia yelled. "These people will leave sooner or later, but those people will not let us go in the future."

"That's why I accepted their check!" Lawrence shouted excitedly, "We'll leave when this is over and live somewhere where no one knows us!"

"No! They will find us!" Garcia roared. "There is no business from them in the whole firm, so you will."

"Oh, otherwise, how do you think we got the big house we live in now?" Lawrence said angrily.

"Where's the maid?" Severus asked.

"I sent her back," Lawrence said. "You erased her memory. I don't think there's anything wrong with her."

"Go!" Severus said to Lawrence. "This place is exposed."

"Don't even think about leaving!" Garcia said excitedly, "I won't leave!"

A red light from Suzanne's wand hit Garcia, who fell to the ground.

"Enough?" Suzanne said, staring at Garcia lying on the ground.

"What did you do to her?" said Laurence, trembling all over.

"She's passed out," Severus said, and then he walked over to Filch's side and applied white moss to Filch's wound, and the bullet fell out of the wound.

He fed Filch another sip of the blood tonic, then looked at Lawrence and said, "It's not safe here, let's talk in another place."

"Where else can we go?" Lawrence asked.

"I know a place," Severus said, "but we need to get them both settled first, don't you think?"

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