Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1703 The Secret Words of the Goddess (48)

2004 was an eventful year, not only the Indonesian tsunami, but also other things happened.

The first was the hijacking incident in September. A group of unidentified armed men broke into the primary school, hijacked 1,200 teachers and students, and demanded that Russia withdraw its troops from Chechnya.

The other thing is the presidential election in Ukraine in October, making friends with people like Lucius Malfoy, who will bring you into the social circle will expose you to many things that you can't touch with the Arthur Weasleys . Ukraine and Russia have been merged for two or three hundred years, and Ukraine is also a founding member of the Soviet Union. Almost everyone believes that Ukraine is the most steadfast part of the Soviet Union.

It is precisely because of this that the Soviet Union developed the top technology and heavy industry in Ukraine. However, all this changed after Ukraine listened to the rhetoric of the United States. The Americans admitted that as long as they voted for independence, they would immediately give huge economic aid to make Ukraine's life better immediately.

This is indeed a big temptation, after all, the brilliance of the Western capitalist world is obvious to all.

There are many models from Ukraine on the runway. It is well known that Ukraine and Russia are rich in beauties. They left their hometowns and came to Milan, Paris, London and other countries, waiting to be discovered by agents like luck.

Sometimes these models will take some other jobs, such as accompanying rich people to certain receptions or something.

In the eyes of most men, having a beautiful woman is one of the signs of a man's success. They don't understand English, nor do they understand politics, economics, culture, etc., but they have charming smiles, and that's enough for them.

The world can be roughly divided into two types of men, one is able to give a woman everything she wants, and the other is to give her everything he has. Men who give her everything she wants sometimes don't give her what she wants, so she goes with the men who give her everything she wants.

At this time, a woman should understand that a man who can give her everything she wants may not necessarily marry her. Voldemort's mother Merope doesn't know this, yes, old Tom Riddle can give her everything she wants , leave that dilapidated house, live in a big house, and have a handsome husband or something. In fact, old Tom Riddle abandoned her as soon as the effect of the love potion wore off.

She was so ugly herself, and the girls who were much prettier than her were also abandoned.

Usually before the "breakup" they get some presents, which can be expensive and cannot be given by a man who gives her everything.

Old Tom Riddle was more stingy, and his family's reputation in his hometown was the same. He didn't give Merope anything, so Merope had to live by pawning Slytherin's locket, and it happened that she met a profiteer, 10 A gold Galleon sold the locket cheaply.

Afterwards, everyone knows how much trouble her son caused, so these upper-class men will not marry these "Kiev women" with "Cinderella" dreams.

After seeing the top luxury life, a woman will seldom "resign herself to depravity" and marry a blue-collar or white-collar worker, because they can't satisfy her material needs even after all they have done.

They also know that they have to work hard while they are young, save enough money, accumulate enough contacts, start a business of their own, or find another way out.

Their success will be advertised by the media back to Ukraine, attracting more undisputed, dreaming girls to leave their hometowns. The situation in Ukraine is getting worse and worse. Not only beauties, but also talents left by the former Soviet Union, but this country does not have resources such as oil and gas like Chechnya, which needs to be imported from abroad.

Later, a smart Ukrainian beauty monopolized Ukraine's natural gas supply, realizing the myth of turning from a poor girl into a hot and rich woman in Ukraine. Her legend is also unrepeatable, because there will not always be a "prince" who makes a wrong call.

What is the "American Dream"?

Some people think that it is a social order in which a man and a woman can achieve the greatest achievement according to their own qualities, regardless of her or his origin or social background.

The concept is so abstract that for most people the American dream is a car, a big house, a beautiful slender wife (husband with thick hair), a kid or two, plus a dog in the yard, preferably a golden retriever, Labrador or border collie, occasionally have some bbq or something with friends in their own garden, while drinking cold beer, while chatting about some short stories with parents, children's learning problems and so on.

Houses are not built for people, houses are built for banks, and banks will not lend money to others for nothing. For example, Jacob hopes to open a bakery. He thinks his craftsmanship can convince the people in charge of lending in the bank. For this reason, he also brought some bread he made himself, which is considered unreliable by the bank.

At least give a detailed business plan, and even if you have a detailed business plan, you may not be able to get a loan. Starting a business is risky, which is very risky for banks.

It is different when there is collateral, such as the eggs of a bird and snake that Jacob later obtained, which looked like silver, so that he could easily obtain a loan.

If Jacob sells the silver and realizes it, he may encounter a profiteer like Bojinbok, who may take Jacob’s bird and snake eggs at a low price, and the money he gets in the end is far from enough Open a bakery.

Let’s say there’s a group of bankers, and they get together and drink bourbon and say, “We need to borrow more money, that’s how we make money, we get people to put money in the bank, and we loan that money out for interest, But we need a commodity to get the loans out."

Before slavery was abolished in the 19th century, slaves were also collateral. Like houses, they could get loans from banks. Now that slavery has been abolished, of course they cannot lend money like this.

Then in the 1950s, someone hit upon an idea: Everyone needs a home, and a family needs a house, and they're going to fight for a home, right?

We should give this idea a name - the American Dream.

Since then, people have been divided into two categories: those with homes and those without homes.

The homeless people are undoubtedly pitiful. Those "good-hearted people" who bbq in their backyards have found opportunities to donate money and things as volunteers. After all, these people will pick up stray cats and dogs when they see them. raised at home.

No one wants to be the same as stray cats and dogs. Some people will barely rent a house to live in, but the high rent also makes them hover on the edge of homelessness.

During the previous Civil War, southern slave owners also participated in the war to protect slavery, and thus protect slaves who represented wealth.

Whereas the northerners needed workers and someone to consume their manufactured goods, slaves had no discretionary wealth.

If things go on like this, the United States will split into two opposite sides, one is the car company, and the other is the real estate company. The car company needs someone to buy their car, and the money in people's hands is going to buy a house. Under such a high debt situation It is very risky to give them loans to buy cars, and the car company has an interest relationship with the oil company. If the car company goes bankrupt, who will buy their oil?

Judging from the current situation, Detroit has been abandoned, and the real estate in Detroit has also collapsed. The confrontation did not form, but they ended up together.

This is just chatting in the club. Its essence is similar to chatting in the BBQ in the backyard. They are all looking for something to talk about, but the content is different. Many business opportunities are spread through this kind of gossip.

According to the scene in the crystal ball, the police suppression is no longer effective. Only the army still drives armored vehicles and treats Paris as a war zone under martial law.

Even if the French army chose to raise their hands and surrender during World War II, it seemed that the whole world was laughing at them, but at that time the French "nobles" could only rely on them.

If you want to find mercenaries, you need to know where to hire them. These people are "cannon fodder" on the battlefield, and they take money to do things. If the American soldiers die, the president will give an explanation to their families. The mercenaries who died in battle are not recorded in the death list at all. .

Unless the French Republic exits the Eurozone, switches back to francs or dollars, or joins NATO, similar riots may erupt every few days.

Rich people don't just wait around in Paris, they get "insider tips" from sources and prepare ahead of time. They themselves only stay in this city during the most beautiful season in Paris. It is so hot in July and August, and because of "environmental protection", they cannot turn on the air conditioner, and there is no sign of leaving to go abroad. As for whether the "prophecy" of the wizard Lucius is accurate, we will know in autumn. If it is accurate, then even if they owe him a favor, they will remember him for any business in the future.

That's why the patriarch of the great Malfoy family was so "obedient" and came to Paris from England.

"Have you thought about it yet?" Lucius urged impatiently.

"I'm still thinking about it!" Severus said angrily.

"This is your biggest shortcoming, always indecisive." Lucius said.

"I call it prudence, I think I finally understand where Draco got his recklessness in third year, you taught that right?" Severus said bitterly.

"How can this be blamed on him, it's all the fault of that animal, and that half-giant, how could he bring such a dangerous animal into the classroom?" Lucius muttered.

Severus glared at him through gritted teeth.

"Uh, I don't think any of you care." Baldwin looked at his phone and said, "I heard the toast plate was stolen from the Naples museum."

"Toast plate?" Arlette asked.

"A plate made of agate, which can be used to hold wine and bread, but the bottom of the plate is engraved with the story of Prometheus."

"Such plates are not for communion," Arlette said.

"I don't know what it's for, the museum uses it as an art exhibition." Baldwin said.

"I can go to Notre Dame to get some frankincense." Arlette said, looking at the two people staring at each other.

"Let me go." Baldwin said, just about to leave the secret room.

"Stop," Severus said, and he walked over to the statue of the Mysterious Madonna.

The roses held by the Virgin are all plastic flowers, only the golden roses are made of gold or gold-plated copper. He used transfiguration to turn the rose into a censer, and then took a small piece of red oil and put it on It lit up.

"Oh, God." Arlette closed his eyes and prayed, "Please forgive these sinners."

"Just lighting a fire to burn incense," Lucius grumbled. "What crime have we committed?"

Arlette read the scriptures alone.

As the fat burned, a white smoke drifted out from the gap in the incense burner. It swirled continuously in the stone chamber and slowly extended towards the dome.

The scene was so magical that everyone stared at it until the smoke gradually approached a crystal ball.

With a "poof", the shell of the crystal ball shattered, and the glass and the smoke inside drifted away, and a figure could be vaguely seen shouting in the fog.

"...We want to cleanse those dregs of society severely!" the man said in English.

"I know him." Lucius said with a gleeful smile, "So it's because of this, no wonder the whole of Europe will be caught in the flames of war."

These are the words of a politician who is now in prison with what he calls the scum of society

Also, this plastic flower friendship is really sweet

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