Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1702 The Secret Words of the Goddess (47)

On the Go board, the star position in the center is called "Tianyuan", which means "Tianyuan point" in ancient Chinese astronomy.

If the chess piece falls in Tianyuan, the levy is bound to be beneficial. However, from the etiquette of playing chess, it is very impolite to play the first move in Tianyuan.

During the Second World War, the French mainland suffered a disastrous defeat and was divided into "Vichy France" which surrendered to Germany and "French France" who went into exile.

"Fighting France" established a new government in the African colonies and launched a counterattack with African soldiers, resources and wealth. It can be said that African materials not only helped the French pay off all the loans owed to the British, but also supported 400,000 French troops , of which 300,000 were African soldiers, leading to the recovery of Paris.

Hitler originally planned to destroy Paris, but this idea was really crazy. Pétain changed his method and demolished or damaged the houses that did not conform to the political aesthetics to the point of being uninhabitable. During the reign of **, 6 million citizens were homeless, more than 200 billion francs of industrial products were looted by the German army, three quarters of industrial raw materials were looted, and 40% of agricultural products were looted. The "occupation fee" of more than 600 billion francs was paid to the German army. At the end of the war, France owed debts of 1.8 trillion francs to Britain, the United States and other countries.

It can be said that West Africa has played a vital role in the survival of France, but how does France, which was rebuilt after the war, treat Africa?

The 1995 Paris Metro bombing that killed eight people was from Algeria, Niger's next-door neighbor, another country rich in oil and wine.

Africa supports the recovery of France. According to etiquette, France should provide technical support to make life better for these West African countries, and at least build a hydropower station so that they can use electricity. However, in the bustling Paris, it is not only women who are reluctant to leave, men are also reluctant to leave, how comfortable it is to lie in the capital to bask in the sun and make money.

They are unwilling to endure hardships, invest capital and technology in the colonies, and are even less willing to bear the infamy of "cruel colonists" and "slave masters", but superficial articles still need to be done. Therefore, after the war, France made these West African countries independent politically, and still adopted a looting rule economically. West African countries sold iron ore, petroleum, lead ore, olive oil, grain and other raw materials to France in exchange for African The franc, a waste paper that is not recognized by any country except France, is used to buy steel, diesel gasoline and other materials that need to be refined in domestic demand at high prices. Countries and peoples in the CFA franc system are being squeezed while the "slave masters" bask in the sun in the parks of Paris. Even if the franc is abolished, the euro and the CFA franc can be converted indefinitely, and the country in which the CFA franc circulates still has to hand over 50% of the German foreign exchange reserves to the French treasury.

Algeria is the "family business" left by Napoleon. After Napoleon's defeat, tens of thousands of French soldiers were unwilling to work under the Bourbon dynasty, so they set foot on the territory of Algeria and occupied the land after several months of war.

Later, the French army went south and went deep into the hinterland of the desert, starting a new round of expansion. It can be said that Algeria is the beginning of French colonization in Africa. France later established a city here, and a large number of French immigrants also entered here with the archaeological fever. Due to the earliest establishment and the most investment, Algeria has also become the most important colony of France, and it can even be said to be a province of France.

After World War II, wars of independence broke out in various parts of Algeria. At this time, the French political circle surprisingly reached a consensus and resolutely suppressed it. Until Charles de Gaulle came to power, he believed that the uprising would not be suppressed sooner or later, so he announced the end of the suppression and let Algeria become independent.

Political independence does not mean economic independence. Laziness is an original sin. Niger is located in central and western Africa. It is a landlocked country in West Africa with backward infrastructure. There is no seaport or land route. It is like an isolated island on the sea. . In fact, there is another solution. Help Africans build some infrastructure to make their lives easier and get rid of the current backward and primitive life. The water source in Niger is poor, and half of it is not up to the drinking water standard. Not only is there famine , and malaria.

What should have been done by the French was done by others. If they don’t learn from the good ones, they will learn from the Anglo-Saxons’ way of plundering the colonies. If they can’t keep their own business, who is to blame?

Other EU countries watched with cold eyes. After Germany's defeat, no army was allowed, and the size of the active military was only expanded by taking advantage of the opportunity of the Cold War. As for the UK... it's hard to say. Other Nordic countries expect them to send troops, it is better for them to pay for mercenaries. The number of American troops, weapons and equipment, and military literacy are all the highest, but just like the French use African francs to squeeze African people, Americans are also using dollars to squeeze African people. Other countries.

They also wanted to vote against the Iraq war. Who wouldn't want such a good reputation? The problem is that the economic and military lifelines are in the hands of the Americans, so they were kidnapped and put on that tank.

The refugee problem has to be faced throughout Europe. Terrorists also enter the country along with the refugees. Even some ordinary refugees who were not terrorists have a worrying living condition in Europe. Even if the church is open to the homeless for free, followers of Muhammad will not live in it.

Luxury goods are gorgeous and dazzling, but this thing is very hateful. Drugs were used as a luxury in the 19th century, and only the rich could afford them. It is precisely because they are endowed with beautiful meanings that people regard them as gifts and commodities instead of harmful things, such as scorpions, Venomous snakes and the like are kept out.

Victor Hugo once said that there are two robbers in front of history, one is France and the other is England.

Proclaiming that letting go of hatred and treating people with tolerance is a religious matter, and secular issues must be resolved with secular methods.

Since Tianyuan Zhengzi has already made the move, he has no regrets. Those who are well-informed can see that this move will bring chaos, but the extent of the chaos is unknown. After all, there is an "ally" holding dollars behind him. Will take this opportunity to make some trouble in the euro zone.

Theoretically, the guillotine was burned by the Paris Commune in 1871, but the method of execution is not guillotine.

Marx said that Napoleon was one of the few men with sound minds.

It's humiliating to do an IQ test, but wizards didn't think much of it when they gave Muggles intelligence tests in the 19th century, even though it turned out that wizards and Muggles had about the same intelligence.

So far, all Severus has come into contact with are left by Muggles in the 19th century. Only the Mystic Virgin appeared in the 20th century. According to Arlette, the goddess of harvest was enshrined here before, and Lester The "Mr. Gray" in the Lanci family tomb said that the sculpture was moved to be his neighbor in 1806, and it was the work of the Italian sculptor Canova.

Eugene also provided wrong information. The beach square was not built by Napoleon to welcome Marie-Louis, but the child had a hurdle in his heart. As for the information provided by Mr. Gray, it was related to the letter from the church that believed Napoleon was dead. .

The ancients believed that the falling of the stars was related to the fate of great men or emperors and generals, and it was a sign of great calamity, usually representing the end of life.

In the era when Hubble can observe the starry sky, people certainly don't believe in these "superstitions", but they must know that it has been tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of millions of years ago. In fact, it has already been issued.

Time has no meaning to ghosts, they only have memories, and everyone has misremembered times, including documents.

The glass balls inlaid on the dome were originally decorated as fruits on the vine, on the cloak of Dionysus, and were later redecorated by the monks as decorations on the dome.

There is an art pulpit in the Uffizi Palace in Florence. The purpose of this pulpit at the beginning was to place collections and evoke the poetry of nature. It is octagonal, and many original masterpieces are displayed in front of red velvet.

But "Venus of the Medici" is a replica of a bronze sculpture, and there are also many pearl oyster decorations on the dome. They look like drops of water, because Venus was born from water.

It was Napoleon's favorite, he plundered her from Florence to Paris, and was later taken back by Canova following his defeat.

Some people can live on memory, some can't.

Severus lit a cigarette in the dank space, a dungeon-like space, a habit he'd learned in the first place to rebel against the White Wizard.

A small amount of smoke spewed out with his breathing, but it condensed in the air and did not disperse, presenting a spiral shape and slowly rising.

Both Arlette and Baldwin's eyes widened in surprise.

However, the smoke dissipated quickly, as if what they saw just now was a hallucination.

"Ah, I remembered!" Arlette said excitedly, "After the SS removed the remains of the King of Rome, the other brothers lit the censer to pray for him, and the smoke from the golden censer was also in a spiral shape. "

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Lucius said unfriendly.

"I... I thought it was a..."

"Superstition?" Severus helped Arlette.

Arlette said nothing.

"I have a censer, but no spices." Severus said slowly, "And some suspicious grease."

"What do you think will happen when you light it?" Baldwin asked.

"The worst case scenario is to wake up all the scorpions in those 'eggs' on the dome, and we may be besieged." Severus said lightly, "Have you seen the mummy?"

"Of course I did," Baldwin said.

"I'm talking about the American movie The Mummy, where they demonize scarabs that represent resurrection, bugs that burrow into people's bodies."

"Ouch~" Baldwin exclaimed.

"Do you think those scorpions will also get into people's bodies?" Lucius asked.

"I don't know." Severus took another drag on his cigarette. "I'm not cocky Orion, and I don't want to get stung by a Scorpio."

"Then you won't try?" Lucius asked again.

"I'm wondering," Severus said, "whether it's worth it."

What do Hogwarts students watch the stars at night in astronomy class?

I hope it's not watching a shooting star and making a wish

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