Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1681 The Secret Words of the Goddess (26)

Severus knocked on the door of the Headmaster's office.

"Come in." Albus Dumbledore's voice came through the door.

Snape pushed open the door, Fawkes was grooming himself, the silverware was clanging, Dumbledore was not wearing the dreaded star robe this time, but a red iron red velvet robe, his face was still Through the half-moon glasses, those wise blue eyes looked at him.

"You see me, Headmaster," said Snape, standing across the desk.

"I think you should already know why I'm looking for you, Severus." Dumbledore put down the quill in his hand and stood up. "Your friend, Mr. Lucius Malfoy is still not Drop the charges against Buckbeak?"

"Rubus Hagrid is a professor now, and every teacher is responsible for his own teaching." Snape said with a false smile, "including accidents."

"It was your godson who was hurt," said Dumbledore.

"I believe Draco has learned his lesson." Snape said lazily, "Unlike some students, no matter how you teach, there will be accidents."

"I believe Mr. Neville Longbottom has made great progress in Potions, as long as you don't put so much pressure on him in class..."

"I want to put pressure on him to come to the cellar for lessons." Severus interrupted Dumbledore. "He's been absent from my class for a week, Headmaster, so why don't you deal with it?"

"There are many people in life who desperately want others to accept their opinions, because we always think we are right." Dumbledore said while pacing, "This kind of thinking will make us unwilling to change ourselves. As you can imagine, many The painters sit around a round table and paint together on a vase placed in the middle of the table. The vases drawn by each of them will be different, because each of them sees the vase from different angles. So it's important to listen to other people's opinions, even more so as a decision maker, only fools and dead people will never change their opinions."

Severus smiled. "Do you have anything else to do, Headmaster."

"Don't be a narrow-minded, opinionated person, Severus, we should have the grace to realize our mistakes and correct them."

"If Draco Malfoy is dead, I hope you can also say what you just said to his sad mother who came to ask for an explanation, Headmaster." Severus said with a cold face, "I don't agree to classify mom as three Star dangerous animals to bring to the classroom."

"If young Mr. Malfoy bowed to it to show that he was harmless, as Harry did, there would be no danger in him getting any closer to it," said Dumbledore. Careless, is this what you taught?"

"That animal is dangerous," Severus said coldly.

"You always say in front of me that some students are too reckless in the face of danger. It seems that you are not only referring to Gryffindor House, right?" Albus smiled slyly. "When we face danger, we should Be cautious instead of walking over there swaggeringly, that's someone else's opinion too, are you going to listen to it, Severus."

Snape's face looked disgusted as if he had eaten a fly.

"Stubbornness is a negative habit, it will stop your growth, and keeping an open mind will make you successful and friendship." Dumbledore took a book from the shelf and handed it to Stanley. Napp: "Also, please run for me and return this book to Mr. Harlan Rysted."

"Who is Rashid?" Snape asked, taking the book.

"You can ask Hagrid," said Dumbledore. "Of course, if you don't plan to see him, you can go to the library. I think he should be there at this time."

Severus eyed Dumbledore thoughtfully for a moment, then bowed to him and left the Headmaster's office.

"By the way." Dumbledore asked just as Severus was about to close the door. "What do the Slytherins call the Gryffindor lounge now?"

"Is that important?" Severus asked.

"I heard that some people call your lounge the room of doom." Dumbledore picked up a candy from the table and put it in his mouth.

Snape smirked, "Even a room full of doom smells much better than a cage."

After finishing speaking, Snape closed the door, and then looked at his pocket watch. It was already half past eight in the evening, and the library should have been closed by this time.

With doubts, he quickened his pace and walked towards the library.

Snape had lived in school for many years, and he had long been familiar with the terrain in the castle. Coupled with his extraordinary eyesight, he could walk in the dark corridors of the castle even without the fluorescent spell.

Along the way, he heard a lot of whispered voices, some talking about those who didn’t sleep, and some students who didn’t obey the school rules and went on a night trip. Every time he caught them, they were like rodents in the dark, always holding their hands in their arms. Holding a load of food.

The stomach of a growing child is like a bottomless pit, which will never be full. Severus chose to ignore these "little mice" and walked directly towards the library on the second floor.

There was no one in the library, it was dark inside, only the dim moonlight came in from the window, but he still heard the sound of flipping books behind the bookshelves.

Snape followed the sound and walked over. At the end of the library, near the restricted area, he suddenly saw a creature. It had the body of a lion, a tail like a javelin, and its crimson skin had the luster of pearls. Lie on the table and read a book facing him.

Maybe it was too focused, and Snape's footsteps were so light that it didn't notice anyone coming, and it took a while before it turned to look at Severus.

"You are the professor of the school, right?" the monster said with a human mouth, "Dumbledore allowed me to ask him face to face after the library is closed."

Severus looked at this manticore in shock. Compared with its terrifying lion body and scorpion tail, it had a very gentle human face, and its mane was mixed with golden sands of shimmering light. , his expression looks like a melancholy poet.

"Are you Harlan Rashid?" Severus asked.

"You can call me that." Manticore turned to face Severus. "What's the matter with you?"

"Dumbledore asked me to return this book to you." Severus said, shaking the book in his hand.

"Oh, thank you." Lai Shide said in surprise, "Just put it down, and I will take it away later."

Severus couldn't help but glanced at the cover of the book, which was called "The Flying Snake of Essex".

"It was a magical beast sighting, before the Ministry of Magic was established, and Muggles thought they had encountered a dragon," said Laishde. "I thought it was just a bird snake. When the dragon is hungry, it will harm them and drive it away."

"What?" Severus said confused.

"It was summer. I heard that dragons in India would drink elephant blood to cool down during the dry season. They would hide in the grass. Sometimes the dragon would kill the elephant. Sometimes the elephant would overwhelm the dragon and die with the dragon. The blood of these two animals mixed together forms a red fat, which is a wonderful reagent, and most dark magics and poisons will turn it from blood red to black."

"That's India you're talking about," Severus said. "England has no elephants."

"How do you know? I heard that India was already a British colony at that time." Laishde said.

"Will English dragons sneak up on elephants like Indian dragons?" Severus asked.

"This is the point of contention between me and Albus. He thinks that dragons attack elephants regardless of India or England. I remind him of climate change. India is in South Asia and has a warm climate. The weather in England is very cold, which is not suitable for dragons in India." Survive."

"Are you from India?" Severus asked.

"I know what you're going to say." Lai Shide said with a smile, "Do you think I will attack humans like Manticore who attacked Alexander's army?"

"There's already a werewolf in this school and a hippogriff who attacked students." Severus broke down. "What else but you?"

"Don't worry, I don't include human beings in my diet." Lai Shide continued to say with a smile, "Just like the human beings said in the fifteenth century, I am a human being, and I have all the characteristics of a human being, including the desire for comfort and Comfortable, I feel that I have a safe haven, and it is much more comfortable to be able to read in the castle than to ambush and hunt in the forest."

"So you agreed to Hagrid's terms and bred the snails?" Severus asked.

"I also want to date the opposite sex, but do you know how difficult it is for me to meet a female of the same kind?" Laishde said, "I am a monster, neither a man nor a lion, and scorpions and crabs are close relatives..."

"Shut up." Severus stopped Ryshid.

"The scorpion was once a marine creature, but it became a land creature due to the drastic change in the environment. I don't think any beautiful lady is willing to marry me. If a person can't treat humanity with tolerance, he can't have a truly holy spirit either." Divinity, if a person cannot treat his own normal lust with tolerance, he will inevitably harbor a biting hatred for the lust of others. Have you ever read Notre Dame de Paris? The archdeacon in it is such a person,'in Before I met you, I was happy, at least I thought I was happy, I was pure, my soul was filled with a transparent light, no one's head was as proud and bright as mine, I saw you After two times, I see you a thousand times, I always want to see you, how can I not stop on the slope leading to hell, I can't dominate myself, the devil is tied to my wings, and the other end is tied On your feet, I become a wanderer like you', the feeling of wandering is not good, I hope to find a place to settle down just like Lupine." Lai Shide paused, "Compared to the beautiful opposite sex, I I prefer a comfortable life, Dumbledore taking me in is like taking Quasimodo in, and all I need to do is hide in the bell tower like Quasimodo, so that no one can see me and read books as a pastime."

"Where did this book come from?" Severus asked, holding up the book in his hand.

"You know what the wizard made us for." Lai Shide said with a smile, "It belonged to my former master."

"Can I sit down?" Severus asked.

"Of course." Lai Shide pointed his paw at the seat opposite him, "Please sit down, Professor."

Severus sat down across from him, and at this moment he found that Laishde put away his sharp claws, and used the cat-like cushion to gently flip through the fragile pages in front of him.

==================================================== =============

"I am a human being, and I have all the characteristics of a human being." Severus repeated that sentence in a low voice.

"Who said that?" asked Conseil, who was rummaging through the office.

"The humanist slogan of the Italian Renaissance," Severus said. "Have you ever heard of Kepler's Three Laws?"

"Do you think I'm a good student, professor?" Conseil rolled his eyes angrily. "Why do you speak in the same tone as my teacher?"

"I've been teaching for more than twenty years, what do you think?" Severus said teasingly, "There's a blackboard here, how about we stop and discuss?"

Harun Rashid is a character in One Thousand and One Nights and also a real caliph who reigned from 786 to 809. He is known for his sense of justice in folklore and likes to visit in private

The phrase "I am a human being, and I have all the characteristics of a human being" comes from the Latin poet Terence in the 2nd century BC.

Room of doom is written on the Marauder's Map. For Gryffindor, what kind of existence is the cellar?

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