Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1680 The Secret Words of the Goddess (25)

In the Hollywood movie "Legend of Ghosts and Ghosts", a brave and skilled warrior led an army to attack Thebes, but because Thebes was too strong and the people in the city resisted desperately, he still failed to capture it after seven years of war. "City of Wands".

In the process of retreating, his army fell one by one in the desert, and finally he was the only one left. On his deathbed, the warrior made an oath to Anubis, vowing to dedicate his soul to Thebes if he could gain the power to defeat Thebes.

He did get a response later, possessing an army of the undead and a city of Amshay. However, on the day when the army captured Thebes, Anubis took away the soul of the warrior according to the agreement. This warrior was the Scorpion Emperor, and his army returned to the ground with him.

There is indeed a Scorpion King in the history of Egypt. He unified Upper and Lower Egypt, but his army did not disappear with his victory like in the movie.

Yin Merton, who was also fabricated, was just a scribe. He became famous because he was the designer of the pyramid. He didn't flirt with the pharaoh's concubine in the movie. He not only has the power of magic, but also is a high priest who can fight.

After Napoleon's expedition to Egypt, if the Directory could take care of the rear, he might not need to cross the Alps to attack Italy for the second time. Naturally, he had no excuse to escape the hell in Egypt and run back to France to carry out the Brumaire coup.

Sometimes if a person is too smart and capable in the crowd, he will inevitably become complacent and ambitious.

Napoleon was later crowned emperor not only in Notre Dame de Paris, but also in Milan as the emperor of Italy. The crown he wore at that time was the Lombard iron crown worn by Charlemagne.

This golden crown was made by Constantine the Great for his mother. There is an iron nail in the center of the crown, which is said to have been taken from the cross.

Like Charlemagne, he seems to want to accomplish what the previous king of France had never done, to merge Italy and France, and to form an alliance with the Holy Roman Empire through marriage, so that Rome will reappear again.

There are many people in the world who want to be known as the "Great Emperor" forever, but there are very few people who have the ability. Justinian I also planned to reunify Eastern and Western Rome, but unfortunately the ensuing plague and natural disasters caused heavy losses to the Eastern Roman Empire, and conscription became a problem, so that mercenaries were needed to supplement the source of troops.

Mercenaries have no loyalty at all. Francesco Sforza was also a mercenary. He jumped from a commoner to the Duke of Milan. In addition to his own efforts, he was also related to luck. In the East, it is another situation. The source of soldiers is easy to find. Characters such as Cao Cao pay their military salaries by digging up funeral objects. In this way, the military expenses for looting from living people will be lighter, and they will not be like Justinian. The civilians were driven into riots.

France under the Catholic rule has the largest population in Europe, so it can form an army with the same number as the Holy Roman Empire at any time. The young officer who used to follow Pauli to make Corsica independent is a duck to water in this environment.

In fact, he also brought the French into Italy like Sforza, but unlike Sforza, Napoleon knew military affairs and commanded, unlike the descendants of Francesco, they gave up military training, There is no trace of the mercenary ancestors in them.

Maybe he didn't work hard enough when he was born, and he wasn't born into a wealthy family like the Duke of Sforza's family, but Napoleon Bonaparte changed his life by himself.

Who could have imagined it? That little man who used to run away at the sight of the mob will one day wear a crown, and two at that.

The anointing of oil at the coronation ceremony is not a process, it represents the blessing of the church, but a kind of authorization, which means that the anointed person is God's agent in the world, and the anointed priest is only responsible for completing this ceremony, not who he chooses Come be king.

The previous secular king's coronation ceremony was a process, and they obeyed the "tradition". Napoleon Bonaparte broke free from this shackles and used "innovative" methods to give himself, and Josephine wore the crown.

The last person to receive a crown from the people disappeared in the velodrome of Constantinople, wearing a crown made of a gold collar on his head.

In order to keep the crown on his head secure, Napoleon needed dazzling victories one after another. Unfortunately, the expedition to Moscow became a halberd battle. He also lost his own army, but it was different from the army of the Scorpion Emperor. One by one fell to death in the desert, but disappeared into the ice and snow.

Severus took a little red oil from the silver box, put it in a test tube, then dripped it into the visualization solution, shook it lightly for a few times, and then pink gas came out of the test tube.

"What do you see?" asked Conseil.

"Blood," Severus said, looking at the test tube.

"Human blood?" asked Conseil.

Severus looked at Conseil coldly.

"Who is your Potions teacher? Wait, let me think about it, I seem to know Beauxbaton's Potions teacher..."

"Oh, don't mention him soon," wailed Conseil.

"If you have some common sense, you should know that human blood is not the best potion material." Severus looked at the test tube again. "This is dragon's blood."

"How can you tell?"

"You may have forgotten that the great White Wizard discovered twelve uses for dragon's blood," Severus said.

"He taught you this?" asked Conseil.

"I'm his assistant." Severus said as he shook the test tube. "I've got eyes and a brain."

"He let you see it, do you know what price I paid for the qualification to be an 'assistant'?"

Severus didn't answer. After a brief reaction, he took a little solution with the Levitation Charm and let it fall on a piece of test paper. One end of the test paper was soaked in a transparent liquid, and soon a line appeared on the test paper. Pale yellow bars.

"Maybe it's Egyptian eyeliner," said Gonceil, "to prevent desert ophthalmia."

"You can try some." Severus said as he took a little ointment in a small saucer and handed it to Conseil.

"No, thank you." Conseil pushed the metal plate away.

Severus put it on the table and lit it with a blazing fire. It burned quietly, glowing blue, and the color of the ointment changed.

"It looks like the fire that Grindelwald lit at Père Lachaise." Looking at the miraculous reaction, Gonseil said, "Do you think this is the fuel for that fire?"

After thinking for a moment, Severus said, "Have you seen XZ's sky burial?"

"I have heard."

"I've seen that the celestial burial master will light a special spice to attract the vultures." Severus looked at the oil and said, "After smelling that smell, the vultures will come."

"I heard that Hogwarts has researched a new species, the snail, which is a cross between a manticore and a fire crab." Gonseil said, "How did you do it?"

Severus shook his head.

"Does the manticore really eat people?"

"Of course." Severus said with a smile, "it likes students who don't follow the school rules and go out at night."

"No!" cried Conseil.

"Why are you so excited?" Severus said coldly.

"You feed the monster with students," said Conseil.

"You shouldn't call him a monster," Severus said. "He has human emotions, too."

"You use 'he'?" asked Conseil.

"He can talk, I've talked to him," Severus said quietly.

"What are you talking about?" asked Conseil.

"Music," Severus said. "He has a nice flute. Have you ever heard musica universalis?"

"what is that?"

"Pythagoras was the first person to discover this phenomenon. The difference between the maximum angular velocity and the minimum angular velocity when a planet is in orbit. For example, if the sun is used as the measurement point, the maximum angular velocity of the earth is the closest to the sun in the elliptical orbit. The far and nearest point echoes Mi, fa a semitone, and their ratio is 16:15."

"I don't understand what you are saying, who told you?" asked Conseil.

"An old guy who likes to listen to chamber music." Severus said blankly, looking back at the sculpture of the God of Bass in the alcove. "Let's look for it again. There may be a sheet of music hidden around here."

Kepler Planetary musical harmony is a concept in medieval philosophy, Kepler thought the stars were choirs

Venus has only one sound because its orbit is circular, and Mercury can make the most sounds because its orbit is a large ellipse

The earth made mi fa mi, this theory of music and geometric harmony became the basis of the laws of motion of the stars, and later became the theoretical basis of Newton's universal gravitation,

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