Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1650 German Orthopedics

In the Middle Ages, people liked to blame women for their failures. These people were not only men, but also some women. The first victims of the witch hunt were women of low status, or annoying old women. Until later, the witch hunt continued to expand in scale, and even Queen Elizabeth had to burn a cat to prove her "innocence".

The magnificent Versailles used to be a place where nobles gathered, but the problem of going to the toilet was not considered when designing and planning at that time, so the busiest time in Versailles is often the most smelly time.

The Palace of Versailles was once recognized by the world as the dirtiest place in the world. The nobles would rather spray perfume to cover up the unpleasant smell, and no one dared to suggest to the king to find a room to build a toilet. Difficult?

Just imagine, how do you open this mouth to the king. Everyone else is talking about philosophy, art and military affairs, but you are talking about shit, ladies will cover their faces with folding fans and whisper, and other noblemen dressed like poodles will "smile ".

It's nothing more than being embarrassing in public, the key is that you may be excluded from the social circle because of your "inappropriate" behavior in the future. Although cholera appeared relatively late, diseases such as malaria and smallpox appeared very early. It is a miracle that so many people gathered in such a filthy sanitary environment that they did not die in groups like the residents of the slums.

It is inevitable that the king will be surrounded by many people to flatter and flatter him. In addition, there are all kinds of beauties for him to choose from. Otherwise, why so many people want to be king.

The Sun King, Louis XIV, was not Louis XV, much less Louis XVI, leading a lavish lifestyle in order to rein in the ambitious aristocrats who would unite with the Fronde mob to overthrow him. It doesn't matter if you owe the king money, as long as you listen to him and work hard for him.

After experiencing the sudden late-night escape when he was young, Louis XIV deeply understood that his greatest enemy was not the British. He chose to build a palace in Versailles, which was regarded as an escape from Paris. Without the walls and gates of Paris, he would not have to Worried about not being able to escape.

Childhood shadows sometimes accompany people for a lifetime, and it is not so easy to eliminate. The upper-class society, which seems to be enjoying the prosperity of singing and dancing, is actually under an invisible high pressure. After Louis XIV passed away, people can finally be liberated from the suffocation. At the beginning, people loved Louis XV .

But after relaxing for too long, people wanted to do something, such as expanding the territory like Louis XIV did. However, people soon discovered that Louis XV was far inferior to Louis XIV, although both of them had many mistresses.

It takes a lot of money to raise a beautiful woman, but fortunately, the mistresses of Louis XIV's period kept themselves safe and did not have the idea of ​​becoming a queen like Henry VIII's Anne Boleyn.

The mistresses of Louis XV were even less concerned. They were busy competing with Mrs. Pompidou, and they probably knew that their origin could not compete with the king's cousin.

It’s okay to be jealous, and it’s a fun thing to watch when you’re in a good mood, but you must be cautious when introducing people to the king, especially when mistresses are often supported by men behind them, these people are not even considered relatives .

According to the tradition of the kings of all dynasties, when the king is away, the queen is in charge of regent.

Although there are many mighty sculptures of Louis XIV, Louis XV, and Louis XVI on horseback, none of them have been on the battlefield in person, so Marie Antoinette, including Marie Antoinette, does not need to be the queen regent, but this is not at all Prevent people from pushing the blame on these women.

As one of the protagonists of the necklace incident, seeing that beautiful and luxurious necklace, Marie Antoinette declined it as soon as she heard that its price was worth a warship, and the other heroine, Jeanne, did not take this into consideration. Appetite is restricted by the capacity of the stomach, and there is always a time when you are full, and it will be even smaller if you add tights, but people's desire for the outside can grow infinitely.

Marie Antoinette was called the Queen of the Deficit in part because she was wronged. The huge military deficit caused by Louis XVI's misjudgment in the American Revolutionary War was the reason for the collapse of the French economy.

In addition, although selling official porridge has gained wealth and solved the income of the national treasury, it has also caused a large number of middle-class people to no longer be the reserve team at the top, but the reserve personnel who have fallen to the bottom of society. For the poor, the lawyer class loses its reputation if it loses a lawsuit, and no one will bring a lawsuit to them again. Leaders during the French Revolution, such as Robespierre, are generations of lawyers. With no way to retreat, they could only move forward, so they sang the Marseilles together with the poor who could not afford bread, and overthrew the feudal nobles who were having fun in the Palace of Versailles.

Madame du Barry used to be the "star" in Versailles. She was so powerful that she could not even look down on Marie Antoinette. She was used to this kind of bossy life, so she ordered her slaves Leaving the revolutionaries, she thought that the slave would be as trembling and obedient as before, but she didn't expect him to inform her.

Everything she once believed in has long since collapsed with the king's head, including the magnificent Palace of Versailles that she was used to living in, and was also looted by the people. There was only time left for the last words on the guillotine.

Both Napoleon I and Napoleon III were born in the army, and the Queen Regent was in charge when they were away from the capital. Josephine has never had this power. Nothing major happened during the regency of the Austrian princess. Napoleon III's Queen Eugenie was different. In a sense, the war in 1870 was caused by her.

This "capable" queen emptied Napoleon III. In order to maintain her regency and her son's right of succession, she did not consider rescuing her husband who was besieged in Chalons. She even tried to prevent Napoleon III from returning to Paris. Formed a new cabinet with the same political views as his own.

If the emperor died, then Eugenie would become queen mother and her son would become the new emperor. Even if her mind was not so vicious, if the queen commanded the army to win the war, then Eugenie's popularity would surpass that of the sick emperor. Therefore, after the new cabinet came to power, it commanded blindly, which made the French army's command system even more chaotic, and even caused the connection between the Rhine Army and Paris and Chalons to be cut off by the Prussian army. Contrary to Eugenie's expectation, the Paris Commune revolted, and the queen ordered Chalon's army to come to the rescue out of panic, which led to the fiasco of Sedan.

In short, Eugenie wrote a letter to Louis Napoleon: If you don’t want to see a terrible revolution , don't even think about coming back, you left the army to avoid danger.

It was a miracle that Napoleon III, who was sick and was connected to the news of the defeat, was not mad at him. From the beginning of their relationship, Jérôme Bonaparte's son, Napoleon Jerome, the cousin of Napoleon III, opposed it. Even to put it mildly, Eugénie was a "beauty who loved to travel to spa resorts", and she and her mother were formidable figures. They are different from Josephine, who is forced to make ends meet, has to take care of two children, and becomes a social star. The mother and daughter weigh the young man on the balance, just like a jeweler weighs the weight of gold and jewelry. However, if the goal is not enough to contribute to her ambition, Eugenie will be unceremonious and push the young man aside.

In a sense, Eugenie's mother is exactly the same as the laugher's mother, except that she is neither greedy nor selfish. She teaches her daughter to donate her worn-out shoes to the orphanage, so that those orphans will have a good life too. It's better to have your shoes ready to wear than someone who doesn't give money to orphans.

Napoleon III liked beautiful women like most men, but unlike his uncle, he was very good at pleasing girls. After Eugenie married him, "family revolutions" often broke out and quarreled, even though they still had love and tenderness at the beginning, Also consumed by endless quarrels.

The palace and the study were all monitored by Eugenie. Napoleon III couldn't find a place where he could breathe a sigh of relief. Later, he had a mistress, the Countess of Castileo, who married her at the age of 17 because of a political marriage. Count Castrio, and of course her beauty will not be buried here. Two years after her marriage, she was sent to Paris by the King of Sardinia to persuade Napoleon III to agree to the unification of Italy and to steal all kinds of French military intelligence.

The 19-year-old innocent girl took this nonsense seriously. Under the careful sculpting of the designers, the ugly duckling in the Italian countryside took off her cramped coat and began to play the role of the "fashion theorist" of that generation. Where did she go? Will become the target of other people's criticism.

Her uneasiness at the beginning gradually turned into enjoyment, but the Countess of Castileo did not get carried away by it. As long as Napoleon III was around, she would only hold his hand, which greatly satisfied the man's desire. Vanity also pushed her own marriage to destruction.

Her husband was not an old widower. Even for such a great cause as the unification of Italy, no man would be willing to "contribute" so much.

Eugenie had nothing to do with the mistress who was backed by the King of Sardinia at the time, but she was not like Josephine, she gave birth to an heir. Napoleon I said that the only motives that drive people to act are fear and interest. One point, that is revenge. Queen Eugenie, who was not simple at all, went the same way as Queen Ekaterina.

In fact, Napoleon I had two remarried objects, one was Marie Louise of Austria, and the other was Princess Anna of Russia.

The British intelligence agency also has intelligence officers in Russia. Paul I and Empress Maria Fedorovna have three sons and two daughters, including the eldest son Alexander and the eldest daughter Ekaterina. The siblings are very close and grew up together in the palace. They are just parents Too enthusiastic about politics, ignoring the growth of the two children, especially the Russian court was influenced by Catherine II, and there was a bad atmosphere everywhere. Under the influence of this kind of atmosphere, of course, there was no shortage of maids around Alexander. After he ascended the throne, he would be surrounded by high-society ladies and French female singers.

The husbands of these women were complacent about the ambiguous relationship between their wives and the emperor, and the entire court was accustomed to Alexander's affair, but it was Alexander I and his "sister" who talked the most behind the scenes.

No one saw it, only gossip, like Napoleon and his sister Pauline.

Napoleon's code of law blatantly deprived women of their rights, which made him the object of hatred of many women. Even if the Corsican dwarf became the emperor, he still didn't like women, but he was generally considered a normal person. He gave Austria The power of the princess regent queen is not only trust and preference, but also a kind of courtship and alliance with the Austrian emperor. Unfortunately, even the allies obtained through marriage are still unreliable.

It's not the first time Severus has been to Versailles, but it's the first time he's dressed so well and with a young companion like Monica, and everyone's looking at them when they show up in the Versailles hotel , Felix even looked a little smug.

In order to maintain the operation of the palace, not only a part of the palace has been converted into a hotel, but occasionally there will be catwalks. At first, the waiters thought they were watching the show. Later, Monica told them why they came, and they realized that they were here to participate in Napoleon. Foundation party.

The waiter who received them asked if they had an invitation, and Severus used a confusing spell before he led them to a suite.

The moment the double doors opened, the laughter inside stopped, and Severus walked in first. After seeing the clothes of those people, he realized why the waiter's expression was so weird.

If you put a pizza in front of each of these people, this place would be very suitable for a pizza party, and those gorgeous chairs are filled with middle-aged people in short-sleeved golf shirts, as if they just came from the golf course, The well-dressed Severus looked like a "weird" in this group of people.

"Who are you?" A tall, lanky man stood up and said in English.

"I bet he must be an Englishman." Another middle-aged man with dark hair said in a rough voice, "Who would wear so much in such a hot day except them?"

"I've heard it's a formal party," Severus said. "It's basic courtesy to dress formally."

"Who invited you?" said a woman in a white dress over a glass of champagne.

Monica sized her up "Dior?"

The woman looked at Monica's skirt "Why do I look so familiar?"

"I bought it at Givenchy. I was in a hurry. I didn't have time to make it myself. I just modified it." Monica said, "By the way, I like your necklace."

"Thank you... wait, who are you?" the woman asked with a restrained smile on her face.

"Come here because of the name." Severus took off his coat, revealing the white shirt inside. "Are you the only ones?"

"In these days, who will come to the banquet on time." said the man with a rough voice.

"Are we early?" Felix asked.

"No, you came at the right time." The woman hurriedly said, holding Monica's hand, "Come and help me, dear."

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