Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1649 frogu0026fog (thirty-seven)

There is such a breastplate in the Les Invalides, there is a 23-year-old carabiner regiment cavalry called François Foveau just married before enlisting in 1815, and then he participated in the Battle of Waterloo, a solid shell hit If it is an ordinary bullet, the breastplate can protect him, but it is like a piece of paper in front of a solid shell. There is a hole in the breastplate. It is obvious that Francois Fau There was no way Waugh would make it back alive to meet his new wife after being shot.

On the Longchamp Plain in 1867, Napoleon III and Tsar Alexander II held a grand military parade here that could be recorded in history. The bright sunshine and gorgeous lineup seemed to write a magnificent chapter for France again. Napoleon III started the military parade In front of him is a treasure of the town - the shining breastplate.

This breastplate is not very different in style from the one worn by François Foveau, and it is not made of gold. The only difference is that it is intact, as if it has been restored, and has followed The people of Napoleon I were full of thoughts, as if recalling their glorious past, and the young soldiers looked resolute. It reappeared above the Longchamp Plain like a star swallowed by the night after the Battle of Waterloo.

The parade would undoubtedly have been a success if it hadn't been for a bullet that hit the horses pulling the carriages in which Napoleon III and Alexander II were riding near the end of the parade. This assassination is not like Archduke Ferdinand. In fact, Archduke Ferdinand died after the second assassination that day. Before he was shot, he was attacked by a grenade, but he did not end his trip for the day because of the assassination.

There were more than two people who planned to assassinate the Grand Duke and his wife in the city of Sarajevo that day. If the second assassination was unsuccessful, there would be a third assassination, and if the third assassination was unsuccessful, there would be a fourth assassination. This kind of endless scene did not appear at the military parade in 1867. Napoleon III and Alexander II managed to evacuate, and they talked secretly again a few days later.

Taking the heart out is like opening a hole in the chest, as if the most cherished thing is really lost.

The National Seal Park has the style of Versailles, but it is far less luxurious than Versailles. After Colbert succeeded Fouquet as Louis XIV's finance minister, in order to avoid repeating the mistakes of his predecessor, he was careful in the construction process. The palace was small and there was only one building, the garden area was small, and there were only a few fountains.

There are no sculptures in these fountains, and there is a long waterway in the park. Because it is not the cherry blossom viewing season, there are not many tourists in the park. In short, it feels very empty, and it can almost be used for military parades.

"Just now the administrator told me that the water for irrigating the green space and the fountains comes from the Arcueil Aqueduct, and the direct drinking water in the park comes from the Montsouris Reservoir." Alejandro said, he has already changed his face Dress, and changed back to the usual sportswear "but direct drinking water was only installed in the 20th century."

Severus lit a cigarette and began puffing in the fresh air of the park.

"Maybe Napoleon III didn't participate in this plan." Alejandro said, "It's just a coincidence that the Great Seal Line and the Great Seal Park have the same name."

"Have you ever heard of the term overreach?" Severus asked.

"What?" Alejandro asked curiously.

"Everyone has his own identity, and if he owns something beyond the scope of his own identity, it is called overreach. For example, the viscount's palace cannot be more magnificent than the king's, no matter how rich he is." Severus said "Louis XIV was a man of court etiquette. Although Nicholas Fouquet was right in the Fronde movement, his residence was outlawed. Louis XIV was enraged by this. After visiting his mansion, several Zhou arrested him for embezzlement and confiscated all his property. I remember that his family emblem was a squirrel, and that little thing sat proudly in the center of the laurel wreath. Two lions held up the laurel wreath, and the squirrel had a A parchment with 'quo non ascendat' written on it, and I don't think there was anyone who wanted death more than him."

"What does that mean, quo non, uh..." Alejandro said as if his tongue was tied.

"It means, how high is he going to climb? The king suspects him because of this motto, and thinks that Fouquet has the heart to usurp the throne. I don't think he just can't climb high enough, but the squirrel doesn't know how high he climbs. , as long as the tree he is climbing on catches fire, he will also fall into purgatory."

"that's all?"

"Look at those fountain stones. Can you see where they come from?"

Alessandro shook his head.

"Maybe not the stones of the fountain, but the statues of the fountain," Severus said. "We're going to bring Mr. Gray's sculpture here."

"Didn't you ask us to move the sculpture of the Michel Fountain?" Alejandro asked.

"I asked you to investigate that fountain." Severus couldn't help growling, "There are so many policemen there, and so many passers-by, do you want to be on the front page tomorrow?"

"I see." Alejandro said calmly, "Can you keep your voice down?"

"Maybe you should trade with Monica," Severus said. "She seems smarter than you."

"Do you need a companion, or are you going to find the old woman?" asked Alejandro.

"You can go," Severus said to Alejandro, who shrugged and walked towards the taxi parked in the distance.

After he was gone, Severus took out the communication crystal, and it wasn't long before Conseil's voice appeared on the other side.

"How's the investigation going?" Severus asked.

"How are you doing with your investigations?" asked Conseil.

Severus grimaced.

"Maybe your family has been away from the noble class for too long, causing you to forget what rank is all about?"

"You can go to other places to promote your rank." Goncey said bluntly, "I have other things to do, boss, it's all your business."

"I've got a message," Severus said. "Bieshaw wants something that belongs to the king."

Conseil was stunned for a moment, "How did you think of it?"

"I just have this feeling." Severus said, looking at the palace in the distance. "Even if I'm not a squirrel who doesn't know how high the sky is, I should know that wax wings will melt if you get too close to the sun."

"Where are you?"

"The Great Seal Park." Severus said, "It's the same name as the Great Seal Line. I heard that it was owned by Louis XIV's Minister of Finance Colbertio."

"The French often compare Louis XIV with Napoleon." Gonceil said, "Colbert once said that the trading company is the king's regular army, and the factory is his reserve army. The business under the French autocratic monarchy is different from yours in England. .”

"Do you know why the Potter family is pure blood, but not divided into twenty-eight pure blood families?" Severus asked.

Conseil did not answer.

"Why is the Gaunt family down and out, still pure blood nobles?" Severus continued.

"I don't think it has anything to do with having more or less money." Earl Leroy muttered dissatisfiedly.

"Then how much do you think the Great Seal Park is related to Montsouris Park?" Severus said. "I heard that the direct drinking water of Montsouris Reservoir is sent here."

"Have you ever heard of Queen Eugenie and her queens?" said Conseil. "Sometimes I really feel it is necessary to have a good wife."

"You think Carolina de' Medici is a good queen?" Severus asked.


"There is an aqueduct near here, which was built by Carolina de' Medici, and the artificial lake of the Montsouris Park is also drawn from it. This lake has dried up for some unknown reason. Suicide, what if I somehow drained these pools and filled them with the summoned 'Water of Immortality'?"

Conseil was speechless.

"I'll continue to investigate, so hurry up." Severus put the communication crystal in his pocket after speaking, and then Apparated.

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