Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1640 frogu0026fog (twenty-eight)

I want to rush into the melee desperately and be hacked to death with knives. I want to see if you will cry because of my bloodshed and sacrifice.

Don't you want red roses? Find one, I want it to be as white as the snow on the top of the mountain, and you order someone to hold it and smear it with my blood, so that it will be scarlet enough.

The war is over, but I can't be happy, do you know why? We have never been in the same world. I brought you into my destiny, but you did not bring me into yours. Our destiny is not really intertwined. You love plants more than I do, and in your eyes my freedom is not as good as a potted plant.

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There is a water pump in Broad Street, London, sitting on a pedestal with an inscription on it. This is to commemorate Dr. Snow's discovery in 1856 that the culprit of the cholera epidemic in South London is the water source, not the miasma popular in the medical profession. monument.

At that time, Dr. Snow entered the core area of ​​the cholera outbreak, looking for evidence that cholera was transmitted by water, instead of just analyzing the data in the table.

This water pump is not as tall as a July pole, and it is about the same as a street lamp, but it is an important water source on Broad Street.

Dr. Snow is an anesthesiologist. He knocked on the doors of the rooms full of dead bodies one by one, and carefully asked the dead's condition and daily activities to investigate and collect evidence. In that slum where there are poor people everywhere, no infrastructure, and unsatisfactory sanitation facilities, every time he does this, he brushes against death every time he opens the door. After a large number of visits, he used map operations and found that cholera deaths were more concentrated near the water pump on Broad Street.

Following further investigation, he found a special object after consulting the death information provided by the government. It was a five-month-old baby girl. Snow had missed this patient, and the death information from the government included, The baby girl also died of diarrhea. After her mother washed her diapers, she dumped water into a cesspool on Broad Street, just 3 feet from the Broad Street pump. Excavations found the walls of the cesspool were damaged. That is to say, sewage from washing the diapers of the sick baby, who played a vital role in the outbreak of the Great Cholera Plague in London, polluted the well.

When Severus returned to the main house, a strange man appeared in the living room.

He was a Muggle, there was no doubt about it, his blood relationship to Jan Felix was obvious.

"This is my father." Felix happily introduced to Severus. "He's here to help."

Severus shifted his gaze to Fiona.

"His name is Haji, and I told Felix it was a bad idea," Fiona told Severus.

"Why?" Felix asked in bewilderment.

"Don't worry, I'm leaving now," said Felix's father, Haji, and then said to Felix, "Get out your key."

"What's wrong?" Felix looked at the adults.

Fiona looked out the window and said nothing, and Haji didn't answer.

"Sit down, please," Severus said to Hage, and sat down on the couch himself.

Haji looked awkward, and Severus asked after a moment of silence, "I hired your wife to take care of mine, and your son is also working for me, do you know that?"

"Yes," said Haji.

"Tell me what you think," Severus said.

"You seem to be dealing with a very dangerous character."

"Aren't you worried?"

"worry about what?"

"I got your family in trouble."

Haji smiled, "I left them to prevent them from getting involved in my troubles. You look much better than those people."

Severus sneered, and then said, "You can't go up to the second floor, only women and children can go up."

"You and my son are the same kind of people?"

"Not quite the same."

"Can you help him?"

Severus didn't answer right away.

"My wife can," Severus said. "We can take care of your son's schooling when she comes back."

Haji nodded solemnly, "I see, sir."

"I don't want to go to school!" Felix yelled.

Haji immediately glared at him, "What do you want to do if you don't go to school!"

"Warlock." Felix said confidently.

"I heard that school is better than Eton College." Fiona said, "Anyone who doesn't go to Eton College must go to that Hogwarts to study."

"Your son is special," Severus said. "My wife and I both taught at Hogwarts."

"They can be my personal tutors!" Felix said. "I don't have to go to school!"

Haji was silent for a while and said, "If I hadn't come to France from London all of a sudden, I wouldn't believe a word you just said."

"What special skills do you have?" Severus asked.

"I was a soldier in the Caucasus before."

"Will you shoot?"


"Go and get one. Your skills are useless in London, but here you are."

Hudge stared at Severus, and after a moment Hudge said "Thank you, sir."

"Don't thank me, if you screw up your wife will suffer too."

"Are you scared, Fiona?" Haji looked at Fiona.

She still looked a little scared, but shook her head.

"Your reaction was the same as when I asked you to leave that cesspit." Haji said with a smile, "Aren't you afraid that I will fail again?"

"I'm going upstairs to see Ma'am," Fiona said evasively, and left the living room.

"Who did you mess with?" Haji asked after Fiona's footsteps disappeared.

"Napoleon, he's a ghost," said Felix.

Hudge stared at his son for a moment and then at Severus.

"He's right," Severus said, "but he's different from ordinary ghosts. We can see a lot of things that you can't, but I didn't see him when we played chess that day."

"Play chess?" Haji asked.

"Senet, a game played between the dead and the living, used to be very popular in ancient Egypt." Severus said, "You also have a colleague who is an expert in ancient Egyptology."

"It sounds like we're an archaeological expedition," Haji said.

"It's just that you have experience in mountain warfare. Prepare what you want." Severus said as he took out a check with an astonishing number written on it, and handed it to Haji "Buy it and buy it." Come here to meet up."

Haji reached out to take it.

"You can choose not to come back," Severus said to Hage. "That's enough money for you to start over."

"I understand." Haji nodded.

"No, you don't understand." Severus took out his wand, pointed it at a vase, and it turned to dust "If you don't follow the rules, that vase is what will happen to you, I don't like Muggles very much, you What you are about to contact is a world that is completely unfamiliar to you, and I don’t have time to explain it to you. Maybe you think that the patients in the mental hospital are more normal than us, but my enemy is a person who has been dead for two hundred years. And I have reason to believe that someone is trying to revive him, you can choose to start over with this money, and you don't have to worry about your past troubles sticking to them, you understand what I mean?"

"Yes, I understand," said Hagee, taking the check away, and setting an army knife on the table. "It's serving you now, sir."

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There is a band dressed as Egyptians on board, and they are playing exotic songs with ancient Egyptian instruments.

If it weren't for the sea outside the boat, and the biting sea breeze blowing against her face, Georgiana almost thought she was rafting on the Nile.

Since the death of Queen Anne, the British royal family from Hannover no longer used red and white roses as the official emblem of the royal family, but the white rose was retained. In informal occasions, the rose is still a symbol of British identity.

The scarlet bloody roses that are common on Valentine's Day in the future were brought back to Britain from China by Bud Slater through the East India Company. Before that, there were no such red roses in Europe. After the rose, it caused a great sensation, and then Queen Josephine issued a passport for him, and even during the naval battle between the two armies, the ship carrying the rose was allowed to pass.

Georgiana looked at the "Egyptians," and if Pauline was a tool of Napoleon's revenge on Josephine, a joke Cleopatra, now it was a little more serious.

Legend has it that Antony saw Cleopatra's path covered with knee-high rose petals, but Georgiana wanted him neither to be Antony nor Caesar.

The essence of Napoleoni is actually very good. He just, like most self-made successful people, did not see the traps covered by flowers.

He needs help, and if she can, Georgiana wants to be his friend, not the bad status she is now.

She really just wanted to invite him to a picnic that day at the Canal Saint-Martin, which hadn't started construction yet, and she didn't expect what would happen later, not to mention that she was still wearing a nun's clothes that day.

This wild lion really should have a little more fear of God.

Georgiana shook the fan slowly, and this flashy lace fan still blew the scent of roses. The perfume Durchamp made for her did not add musk, a commonly used spice, but ambergris, an energy A spice that evokes love.

She recalled the few encounters with Josephine, trying to identify whether Josephine's perfume contained musk from many perfume smells.

According to the information provided to her by fellow British villagers, Josephine and Napoleon still shared the same bed in Malmaison, which shocked many people.

Josephine didn't care about the child born to Hortense at first. There were a lot of gossip in the palace about whether the child belonged to Louis. Hortense also begged Napoleon to transfer Louis out after she became pregnant, so even if she was the daughter's head She went out to the hot springs at such a stressful time as the delivery, and Louis didn't want to admit that the baby was his own.

Malmaison has no priests, but the Tuileries Palace has them. Napoleon not only wanted to copy a small chapel in the Vatican, but also completely copied a part of the Tuileries Palace to the layout of the Pope's Palace, and then put Pius VII "Please come to" France to "stay temporarily".

If the Pope and his envoys continue to force the constitutional clergy to apologize, the Catholic clergy who pledged allegiance to the French constitution will be separated from Rome. Who knows if they will develop into a sect similar to Protestantism.

Baptizing the child would be a formal ceremony, Josephine was the baby boy's grandmother, and Georgiana theoretically had a chance too. With her "threat", Josephine paid attention to the birth of her grandson.

If Georgiana had the opportunity like Josephine, she would never take advantage of the truce between the British and French navies to bring back a few pots of roses.

She will write to those exiled French aristocrats who fled to England, and as long as something is done, she will give them special passports as botanists, let them return to their hometown in France, and try to preserve the strength of the French navy so that they will not be destroyed. After the Battle of Trafalgar, the French Navy fell into a slump and lost its command of the sea, and Britain will not lose Nelson.

Josephine should have thought of this. There are so many friends around Josephine who can advise her. Georgiana is just a commoner female teacher. She does not know many secrets of the royal family. She is fine and will not Going to a place like the royal family's secret archives, just taking care of those energetic little wizards is enough for her, how can she have the energy and time to explore these.

After a few moments of affected Egyptian music she continued her walk on deck with Henry Petty, but he soon suggested that Georgiana should drink tea in the cabin.

She agreed with a smile, and before she left, she asked Matilda to call Mr. Martin, after all, what should come still will come.

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