Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1639 frogu0026fog (twenty-seven)

The children surrounded the storyteller, clamoring for him to tell another story.

Tell me more, the children shouted in unison.

The storyteller said: All right, but there is one condition.

what is it The children said in unison again.

The storyteller said: I want you to be quiet, I don't want to hear someone croaking like a duck when I'm telling a story.

The children covered their mouths with their hands, and the storyteller continued:

Just imagine an emperor, wearing a royal robe, but exposed to wind, rain and mud, does he look like an emperor?

The children shook their heads together.

You imagine an emperor, wearing imperial robes, but standing in a theater, does he look like an emperor?

Half of the children shook their heads, and half of the children nodded.

Just imagine an emperor standing in a palace without wearing a royal robe, does he look like an emperor?

Children look at me, I look at you,

The storyteller laughed.

It's time to go back, little ones, and you should listen to your parents, and the next time I pass through a village, chase me away, because my stories will only bring trouble and disaster.

==================================================== =============

After hiding the snow mountain hut, Severus returned to the manor, and Gonseil was not in a hurry to go to the Lestrange family cemetery.

"We have been ignoring one person." Gonseille said immediately when he saw Severus walking in, "Louis-Philippe, the former Duke of Orleans, was the founder of the July Dynasty. Before Napoleon III and Haussmann, he Already with Rambuteau began a large-scale rectification of Paris, the point is that the mummy under the July column may have been buried by him."

"You don't think it was an accident?" Severus asked.

"I think there's a difference between a mummified corpse and a 'fresh' one. Those mummies have bandages all over them, and even though those responsible for burying the corpses may have been tired, they wouldn't fail to tell the difference." Conseil said "1832 There was a cholera epidemic in Paris in 1999 and the Canal Saint-Martin had been repaired, apparently the river wasn't doing what it was supposed to do, and in my grandfather's words, 'those wretched muggles don't even have clean water to drink' At that time, people believed that cholera was caused by the miasma of dead bodies and other rotting objects. Muggles paid more attention to wind direction and temperature than water quality testing. Perhaps the Duke of Orleans thought that the plague was Napoleon’s curse just like the Black Death. Buried in the Bastille Square with those who participated in the July incident not only stopped the plague, but also prevented the riots, which of course didn’t work, and the plague caused riots in the end, just not as violent as the Cairo riots.”

"How do you mention Cairo?"

"Because there was also a plague in Cairo in 1831, but it was not the Bonapartists who launched the riot in 1832, but the republicans. The main reason for the uprising was that the government led by Louis-Philippe mishandled the epidemic. The oldest source of cholera The land is the Ganges River in India, with the travelers to India and the East India Company spread to Europe and Africa, the cholera in 1831 killed 14% of the people of Cairo. If the latter is to replace the former, it has to do something better than the former During the reign of Napoleon, France's industrial progress was faster than that of the Bourbon dynasty. During the Duke of Orleans' period, the progress was even faster because of British funding. I know that the British are not willing to give technology to France..."

Severus looked at Conseil coldly, and Conseil changed the subject.

"From 1833 to 1835 was the transition point between old and new in Paris. Ground was being broken everywhere in the city. From then on, my grandfather's neighbors began to move, looking for places with fresh air, beautiful scenery and exquisite architecture. A quiet life. Since the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty, officials have been busy with political struggles and have not paid special attention to infrastructure construction. The water in the city is still very dirty, and water transporters have to provide drinking water to Parisians. At that time London already had running water, and Napoleon at least knew to provide the city with clean water. Both Egypt and India were Napoleon’s dreams, and the death of a large number of people also made the cemetery crowded again. According to the king’s order, the original buried in The Martyrs of July in the cemetery were moved below the Bastille Square, but when digging the graves, those responsible for moving the graves found mummies with bandages on their bodies, not to mention that the coffins of the mummies are different from Western coffins, you Guess what those people think?"

Severus shook his head "That sounds ridiculous."

"With the rise of commercial galleries, the boulevards became popular, while the palaces and palaces of the past were neglected, the activity center of high society gradually moved westward, and the city center was crowded with immigrants from the provinces. They didn't care how dilapidated, crowded or dirty the place was. In April 1832, 12,733 people died in one month. Later, they analyzed the reasons for the spread of the epidemic. This is their conclusion based on statistical data and climate records at that time, don’t look at me like that.” Goncey complained, “At that time only one doctor thought it was because the sewage polluted the well water, but The baker took water directly from the clean water to make bread, and thus began a large-scale spread. Osman planned the building on the ground. Before him, there was a person named Rambuteau, who took over on June 22, 1833. High officials of the Seine department.”

"Not the mayor of Paris?"

"In the past, there was no mayor in Paris, and a high-ranking official from the Seine department served concurrently. This is a tradition in France." Conseil said impatiently, "Rambuteau believed the doctor's words, and began the planning of the Paris underground pipe corridor. , The water pipes are integrated and arranged underground, do you still remember that we entered the Louvre on June 21, which happened to be the summer solstice, and it was still full moon.”

"How could I forget." Severus murmured. "There are reflections of the Egyptian pyramids in the fountain of the Louvre."

"Just one day, do you think it's a coincidence?" asked Conseil.

"What about the clue in Venice?" Severus asked.

"I feel as if I saw a woman leading me to the shell house. Do you remember that Nefertari's sandals were also worn away." Goncei said, "If Pomona is not the first The victim, there are other women under his control, maybe this is part of the trap, and the male ghost who claims to be the gatekeeper, no one stipulates that ghosts cannot lie."

Severus rubbed the bridge of his nose as his brain seemed to process the news.

"After the first underground pipe corridor was designed, European countries began to follow suit and build underground pipe corridors. I remember that Britain was also hit by cholera in 1856. When was your first underground pipe corridor built?" Gong said. Sey asked.

"You're staying here?" Severus asked.

"Uh..." Conseil hesitated.

"Pack up your luggage or stay here. I don't want to see you half-packed next time I come."

After Severus finished speaking, he took big steps, tugged on his cloak, and quickly left the room.

==================================================== =============

There are roses all over the ship.

These roses are both British-bred and French-bred. It is impossible for botanists or professional rose breeders to tell the difference. For most people, what is the difference between roses?

At the beginning of the 19th century, people hadn’t discovered how profitable it was to make ready-made clothes. After buying the fabrics, girls had to go back to cut and sew by themselves. Whether she was an aristocratic lady in the upper class or an ordinary farm girl, almost every girl had to do needlework. Learned.

Who can tell whether the cotton in the cotton cloth in his hand was picked by slaves in North America or planted by homesteaders?

Henry Petty accompanied Georgiana on the cruise but never mentioned "business". Instead, he introduced a person to Georgiana.

The man's name was Jean-Louis Farron, who was Marie Antoinette's royal perfumer. After the French Revolution began, he managed to escape to England, and now he is serving the dignitaries of the British upper class.

Napoleon also heard about the fact that Napoleon burned a valuable fur that Georgiana received from the Americans and threw it out of the Tuileries Palace because he hated the smell on the fur, so...Farron came , his job is to collect the fragrance of flowers, fruit peels or some fragrant woods.

The meeting gift that Farron gave Georgiana was a black lacquer box with gold-painted flowers and birds, which contained a fan. The fan bone was shipped from China by the East India Company and was made of ivory. Errong personally mixed the perfume for Georgiana. As long as she shakes it gently, the fragrance will spread.

In the words of Voltaire, a lady without a fan is like a man without a sword.

Georgiana, who didn't have a "saber", had no choice but to accept it.

A fan is the most decent gift. When handing the fan box to Matilda, Georgiana saw Le Mashang whispering to her entourage out of the corner of her eye. She knew without guessing that she would have a new expensive fan soon. Here we go.

But is this a problem with the fan?

Marie Antoinette's maid of honor and later Marie Antoinette's perfumer, she wanted to use this fan to cool herself down, but the lace fan is airy, and it's completely flashy .

With only a few social etiquettes left, she continued to maintain a charming smile, and she spread her fan to cover half of her face like ladies, looking very elegant and reserved.

In fact, she would rather have a fan made of banana leaves, and use it to blow a strong wind like the iron fan princess in Journey to the West, so that this slow boat can go faster!

She opposes the use of ivory products, no matter how strong the fragrance is, it can't cover up the smell of blood. Who would be in a good mood to smell the blood and rain?

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