Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1623 frogu0026fog (11)

Someone told me that the crown is a heavy burden to the mediocre,

When it is worn on the head of a genius, it is easy and comfortable, like a laurel wreath,

Even if the road is full of thorns, you can see the way ahead clearly.

But I see only a castle in ruins,

I ask people,

I was told that there once lived a king,

He was the wisest man ever.

I asked him what had happened to this kingdom,

Is it that the wise man has become stupid?

Or is there a powerful enemy invading?

The man told me, no, because of love, this king has a beautiful daughter,

She is more coquettish and sweeter than the buds of a May rose.

"She should marry a king\

,"Her father said the suitors who heard the news didn't think so.

The world is full of false kings who claim to be kings,

These philistines don't deserve a crown at all.

What is the difference between a king marrying his daughter to a false king and marrying a liar?

Or is he just marrying his daughter off to a title?

How can you pretend to be wise without distinguishing between the true and the false?

The suitors fought, and the king's kingdom and castle were destroyed,

During the melee, a devil cast a spell on her, causing her to fall into a deep sleep,

The long summer never dies, and her beauty will last forever.

I asked the man, is the princess still sleeping in the castle?

The man said, yes, you must be a prince.

I said to the man, no, I'm a poet who wants to be crowned.

==================================================== ===========

Severus stared at the poem in his hands furiously, as if he wanted to burn it with fire.

"Have you ever written her a poem?" asked Conseil, dying.

"Of course I did!" replied the old bat, and Conseil looked at him incredulously as if he had discovered a new world.

"You? Write poetry?" asked Conseil.

"Where did you see the angel?" Severus slapped the yellowed paper on the table.

"There is only half of it here. If we want to know the ending, we have to find the other half."

"I'm not interested in knowing!"

"Calm down, Snape."

"How can I be calm!" Severus growled.

"Did you meet no rivals in your pursuit of her?" asked Conseil.

Severus was silent.

"You lucky bastard," said Conseil.

"We have seen many people who don't care about what they get easily, but go after something that everyone is fighting for." Garcia came over with a glass of champagne and put it in front of Gongseil. I would suggest you stop saying 'I am her husband, she can't betray me', that won't save anything, it will make it worse."

"You didn't poison?" Severus asked Garcia.

"It's useless to you, isn't it?" Garcia said coldly, "This is the top Burgundy champagne, why waste it."

Conseil did not touch the glass of champagne.

"I came up with another way." Garcia looked up at Severus and said, "My husband met that guest at the Napoleon Foundation, and they happened to have a party today, how about you chatting with him face to face at the party?"

"I have no time to waste," Severus said dryly.

Gonceil tugged at Severus' sleeve.

"What are you doing?"

Gonseil whispered in Severus' ear, "If the other party is really an admirer of Napoleon, do you think he will help us?"


"For example, take him to that world and meet his idol." Goncey said, "In order to achieve this goal, I think he will do his best to help us. After all, our goal is to find the entrance to that world."

Severus was silent.

"When does the party start?" Severus asked.

Garcia glanced at his watch, "There are less than three hours left."

"We can go to Crimean and see what clues he found in the Bastille." Conseil said in a low voice, "If he really wants to be resurrected, we have to be careful after we rescue her. "

"Boy!" Severus said loudly.

Felix felt very confident that he knew he was calling himself, and let Lawrence, who refused to submit no matter what, let go.

"Go get the house-elf." Severus said, staring at Garcia, "in case someone plays tricks."

Felix leaves.

"Do you have a dress for the party?" Garcia asked. "It's a very formal party."

"Someone set up the Napoleonic Foundation?" Severus smiled sarcastically.

"Faith is the basis for motivating people to go the extra mile and achieve great things," Garcia said. "It's better to be with such people than to perfunctory those who don't know what to do."

"Do you know this ship?" Conseil asked García, holding a painting of a ship.

"It was the Pomona, the Genoese warship that Jerome commissioned in 1805, and it was brand new."

"Pomone?" asked Conseil.

"The goddess of fruit trees in mythology, there is a statue of her in the Tuileries Palace."

Conseil put down the picture in silence.

"I'm sure the Fruit Goddess might not like naming a warship after herself," Severus said with a grin.

"What's the problem?" Garcia asked confused.

"You don't know who Pomona is?" asked Conseil.

"I told you, the goddess of fruit trees in mythology."

Conseil fell silent.

"Even if she is a goddess in mythology, she is not as famous as Lily Potter." Garcia looked at Severus with admiring eyes. "Are you right, Professor Snape?"

Without warning, Garcia passed out.

"Baby!" Lawrence, who came out of the study, was stunned when he saw this scene, and immediately ran over to help her up.

"What did you do to her?!" Lawrence questioned the two wizards angrily and anxiously.

"I've changed my mind." Severus pointed his wand at Lawrence and Garcia. "Forget it."

Laurence's eyes glazed over for a moment, and before long, he looked at Severus and Goncey, and Garcia in his arms, with puzzled eyes.

"See you tonight." Severus tucked his wand up his sleeve.

"Do you know the address of the party?" Conseil asked immediately.

"What?" Lawrence asked confused.

"Where the Napoleon Foundation meets," Severus said.

"Versailles," Laurence said.

"Just what I want," Severus said, and just as he was about to leave, a door opened and Kreacher and Felix appeared together in Lawrence's living room.

"Ah!" Lawrence saw Kreacher scream.

Conseil put a spell on him and knocked him unconscious.

"You know, if it were Grindelwald, these two Muggles would be dead." Gonseil said, looking at the two lying on the ground.

"You don't want to lend me your house?" Severus asked.

"My house is always open for you, boss," said Conseil with a warm smile.

Severus sneered, and took out the blank check Lucius Malfoy had given him from his coat pocket.

While taking out the check folder, he saw a red square scarf, which was given to him by John to cover the hideous wound on his neck.

He looked at the neatly folded square scarf and fell into deep thought for a while.

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