Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1578 Life and death sniper (eight)

Georgiana finally understood why Napoleoni did not like to attend the Faculty of Political Sciences of the French Academy.

So many scholars have been arguing for a long time, but they are not as clear as a slave who has not received formal education. Just like fresh water and salt water, although both are water, but because the density of salt water is higher than that of fresh water, fresh water floats on salt water. The baseline and benchmark for "equality" are different, and the slave owners of Santo Domingo would never want to be equal to the "untouchables" living in the slums of Paris. When a certain group's survival is a problem and life is humble enough, talking about the word "decent" becomes a luxury. The clothes of these people are very dirty and shabby, and the living conditions are also very bad. Because they are eager to get rid of this place, when they see rich people passing by, what they see in their eyes is not envy, but greed. Sword, Georgiana guessed that those people had set out to rob her.

Fantine in Les Miserables ended up here, with narrow and dark alleys, muddy roads, excrement that would fall from the sky at some point, and the only few dressed in brighter clothes were criminals. In front of the door, the residents inside were urged to pay back the money, and there was a lot of crying inside.

Borrowing usury is sometimes forced and helpless, as is the case with individuals, and so is the country. England can issue 3% interest rate national debt, and sell more than 5% interest rate French national debt because Britain has never owed money and has a high credit rating. Naturally, it is convenient to borrow money.

The Bank of France has a "debt repayment" treasury. Those who bought the French national debt can get compensation from there. As for those who bought the property of Santo Domingo, they had to lose everything. Ma, and Michel's father, Robeschamp.

What the slave owners want is equality with the noble class, but it is a pity that those who have seen the sun can no longer bear the darkness. Most people who know what freedom is like will not go back to be slaves. Slave owners The foundations of domination and wealth acquisition were shaken, and they themselves were shaken. They are like a child stepping on a shaky tiptoe, trying to touch the top of the cabinet. Parents are afraid that he will break his teeth and put the candy very high on purpose. Before he touches the candy jar, he will To fall to the ground.

Once Santo Domingo becomes independent, the new government will inevitably use those plantation owners as sacrifices. First, it can consolidate the new government's "justice" status, and second, it can distribute their property, housing and land to those who participated in the uprising , the property of the church and the nobility during the French Revolution was confiscated and auctioned off.

There is slavery in the United States, but at present there are more free people than slaves, and they also have troops and guns. Santo Domingo's guns are in the hands of slave-born generals.

The "equality" that the slave owners dreamed of is not only not available, but also puts their own lives on the line. However, people are gamblers. As long as the government army wins, they can regain everything in the past.

One's choice determines one's own happiness. There will be some people who choose to continue to be slaves because they are greedy for a comfortable life. Free workers work more than ten hours a day and live in poverty. They can't even eat bread and fruit. But in the more benevolent slave owners, they work 9 hours a day, and they also include board and lodging, and they have dried meat and fruit to eat. They live much more comfortably than these people living in the slums.

"Ma'am, he's over there!" said Gobert's intelligence company colleague, pointing into the distance.

Her contact looks like he just came out of a homeless tavern, and a man wearing an old vest, old leather boots, and a neat shirt is seeing him off. This kind of attire would be looked down upon by people in rich areas, but here many people A place with bare feet is considered a "respectable person".

Georgiana didn't bother Gobert until a colleague ran over to call him.

Gobert quickly turned his attention to Georgiana.

Georgiana led Figel into a windowless alley, and Gobert soon followed.

"Go and help me find a man," said Georgiana. "He served in Egypt before. His name is Alexandre Dumas."

"What do you want him for?" Gobert asked.

"I heard he asked Leon for help?"

"He wrote a letter to the Führer saying that the army was behind on his salary, which is a lot of money for a desperate man," Goebel said.

Georgiana had nothing to say.

This is another person who likes to open people's letters.

"You know where he is?"

"He sold his house in Paris and has now moved to the countryside in Villers-Cauterets," Gobert said.

"How much does he want?" Georgiana asked.

"2000 francs."

"Aren't you going to give it to him?"

Gobert stared at her strangely.

"How is Poitvin in Spain?" she asked, avoiding his sight.

"General Juno didn't believe him. Now he and Sophie are living a leisurely life in Madrid. They are married." Familiar with the customs of Spain, now as a special representative, stay in Madrid to assist Juno."

"Two people with head injuries as ambassadors in Spain? Sounds good," Georgiana teased.

"That's all you want to tell me?" Gobert asked.

"Do you know what conflict Alexandre Dumas had with Leon?"

Gobert was silent for a while and said, "It was the problem of suppressing the riots in Cairo in 1798. General Dumas did not support the way the head of state dealt with it, so he refused to carry out the order, so the head of state fired him from the military."

"No wonder he said not to mention that man." Georgiana whispered.

"Why don't you be honest and ask me that question directly." Gobert said rudely, "You came to see what I did with the 600,000 francs given to me?"

Georgiana said nothing.

"Isn't that why you came here on purpose?" Gobert sneered, "This place is not for a lady."

"What are you doing here?" she asked directly.

"Under Joseph's crony Rodrey, Fouché was removed from office, and the powers of the police department were transferred to the Ministry of Justice under the control of Lord Chancellor Rainier, who left behind a vast intelligence network that cost millions of francs a year in secret Funds are used to maintain it, and now it is divided into several pieces, and I plan to buy one of them with 600,000 francs."

"You're playing a dangerous game," whispered Georgiana.

"I know," Gobert said calmly, "but I have no family. I have nothing to lose."

Georgiana was dumbfounded.

"Are you afraid?"

Don't trust the spies who gather information in the tavern, and don't trust the king who abandons his capital.

"I heard that Poitvin said that he planned to do smuggling. Have you two found a partner?"

"No," Gobert said.

"I don't want to get involved in this matter. If the anti-smuggling police catch you, I won't help you."

Gobert said nothing.

"Have you got a gun?" Georgiana asked.


"I'll get you a gun license and find Fornier. A living person won't just disappear like that." She said coldly.

"There's a lot of people looking for him, and he's going to be arrested soon," Gobert said casually.

"Didn't you understand what I said? Any attempt to subvert the Republic is not allowed. If necessary, you can use extraordinary means. The case of Fournier happened in the referendum. Fouche only dealt with it in a low-key manner. You should try your best Let Fournier surrender, don't let him be bought by the royalists, Jacobins, if he attacks you, you can shoot back with the gun I got for you, keep yourself safe, use your money They can’t just take money and not work.” Georgiana said, “Send another 2,000 francs to Alexandre Dumas, and you go there yourself.”


"The three-year constitution of the Republic stipulates that the Republic is indivisible. Anyone who tries to split Santo Domingo will be tried by the people's court. The new Governor of Santo Domingo has the power to approve the death penalty. I need A man of integrity and integrity, if Alexandre Dumas was a man of money..."

"He has a family to support." Gobert interrupted her. "Are you going to follow Robespierre's reign of terror in Santo Domingo?"

"Think about it, Gobert, if you don't use an iron fist, how can you restore order in Santo Domingo?" Georgiana said coldly, "Republicans are not reused because of this."

"I don't understand..." Gobert asked confused.

"You are human, Gobert, don't be like mud, you are engaged in a very honorable career, and you are defending homeland security in another way."

Gobert was stunned.

"You, like her, are the defenders of the Republic." Georgiana pointed to Figel and said, "You must have a mission in your heart to bring order and justice to this land."

"You are very good at speech." Gobert said blankly, "but did you bring justice and order to France?"

"I don't know, Gobert, this scene hasn't finished yet, we won't know until after the curtain ends." Georgiana said, "You also suspect that I am a British spy?"

"I really want to know what it takes to make you completely loyal to France. The Scottish engineer you introduced has already become a French citizen."

"Do as I told you," said Georgiana, and left the alley.

Not far away, she couldn't help laughing.

She really hoped that someone could see if she acted like 007's boss Mrs. M just now.

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