Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1577 Life and Death Sniper (7)

The weather in Venice at the end of June was much hotter than in Paris, but Severus was still wearing a neat shirt, with a glass of whiskey in his hand, leaning on the railing to watch the rainy scene outside the villa.

"Tolerance is like the drizzle from the sky, which nourishes the earth. It blesses those who are tolerant, and God blesses those who are tolerated." Gianluca held a glass of cold beer and said, "Do you mind?"

"This is your home." Severus turned his gaze back to the sea.

"How do you usually smoke at school?" Gianluca asked.

"I don't smoke at school," Severus sneered, "but I don't socialize with candy either."

"Could you show me your Patronus," said Gianluca.

Severus ignored him.

"You said just now that memory can materialize?" Gianluca said.

Severus waved his wand, and a swan flew out from the end of the wand.

It flew towards Gianluca like a bomber, Gianluca was almost knocked over by it, and then he watched it fly away and turned his eyes to Severus.

"I heard from your companions that summoning a Patronus requires happy memories."

"Happy doesn't just represent happiness, it also represents happiness." Severus said calmly, "What makes you happy doesn't necessarily make you happy, and what makes you happy doesn't necessarily make you feel happy."

"What were you thinking just now?"

"It's none of your business." Severus took a drag on his cigarette "Have you satisfied your curiosity?"

"Just now you mentioned the Battle of Trafalgar. I checked on the Internet. Nelson was killed by a sniper on the French 'Awe'." Gianluca took a sip of beer, "The sailors put his body In the brandy cask they divided the cask when his body landed."

"What do you mean?"

"Maybe Napoleon didn't reincarnate, he became a vampire." Gianluca said seriously.

"You believe it?" Severus said with a smile. "The Frenchman in there doesn't believe it either."

"A lot of people don't believe that the Dark Lord will come back, but he finally came back, so I would rather choose to believe." Jan Luke took another sip of beer, "Do you think anyone else would be like him, who doesn't sleep, relying on bubbles? Taking a bath can replenish your strength?"

"You'd better not tell anyone, they will think you're crazy." Severus said deadpan.

"My ancestors were also shipowners like Francis Hayez's uncle. After Napoleon imposed a continental blockade, the Adriatic Sea became an important area for British trade. In 1811, a very bright star appeared in the sky. Comet, it was in that year that the famine broke out again, and my ancestors made a fortune from trafficking food." Gianluca said, "The comet can be observed with the naked eye without a telescope, and it appeared for 260 days, and it has been going on for 260 days. It wasn't until 1997 that Comet Hale-Pope broke its record."

"That's a normal astronomical phenomenon." Severus said indifferently.

"Comet Hale Pope will visit the earth again after 2000. Can you imagine what the world will be like after 2000?" Gianluca asked.

"No." Severus took a drag on his cigarette.

"The wine of that year was particularly good. The merchants called it the wine of the comet. At that time, the comet could be seen all over Europe. Later, Napoleon invaded Russia. Do you think this is a coincidence?" Gianluca asked.

"Maybe he attacked in conjunction with the celestial phenomena." Severus said, "For people in the 19th century, abnormal celestial phenomena still bring panic and confidence."

"There is no such astronomical spectacle this year, maybe nothing will happen." Gianluca said.

"Does a total solar eclipse count?" Severus said. "And a new Pope election."

"It's just a coincidence that a South American bishop became the Pope." Gianluca corrected, "Now the Papal State only has a piece of land in the Vatican."

"The pope in the 19th century still has appeal. Pomona believes that '7' has magical powers. The pope who happened to crown Napoleon was Pius VII."

Gianluca looked surprised.

"What's wrong?"

"Now the Napoleon family has just succeeded to Napoleon VII." Gianluca said, "His mother is Princess Louise of the Bourbon-Orleans dynasty."

"That's great." Severus smiled and showed his yellow teeth. "The Bonaparte family and the Bourbon royal family are married."

"Time can dilute a lot of things. Some words that were originally symbolic have become meaningless. Do you really believe that there are still 'Bonapartists'?"

"I believe that some people still miss that time. Isn't there a ceremony for people wearing Napoleon's military uniforms on the French National Day?" Severus said.

Gianluca took a sip of his wine, "Tell me about something else, the ghost you just mentioned..."

"Many people believe that Harry Potter is the seventh Horcrux of the Dark Lord, and he will not be revived unless the Dark Lord destroys that Horcrux himself, but I believe what Pomona said, that kid is not a Horcrux. "Severus interrupted Gianluca. "He and his godfather are always complaining about the unfairness of fate. I can't bear to be in the same room with them."

"You think fate is unjust?"

Severus said after a while, "I used to think that going to a magic school would change my fate. Like many fools, I pinned my personal future on the few hours of exams in my teens. I was busy with exams. , I spent too long studying on the bench at school, neglecting to learn to protect myself, to be fully armed in advance, to accumulate combat experience and skills, those rich boys don’t need these at all, it’s about fate for me In their eyes, the exam is just a game, they can easily obtain things that I can't get even if I work hard, they form a commanding height, if I want to beat them, it is not just to strengthen my own strength."

"I also had an unpleasant puberty," Gianluca said. "I was also a rich man's kid."

"You're not a pompous fool," Severus hissed. "Harry Potter is mediocre and a complete waste of the gold coins his father left him."

"Tell me about the Dark Lord," Gianluca interrupted Severus. "He wants to rule the world?"

"Why do you feel that way?"

"Crazy ambitious people will eventually go this way." Gianluca took a sip of his beer.

"At first he wanted the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts," Severus said. "Then the old fool wouldn't give it to him, so he cursed the position."

"He wants to be a teacher?"

"What do you think the classroom is?" Severus asked.

"Let's just sit there and listen," Gianluca said.

"That's your Latin model of education, the Anglo-Saxon model of education is more practical, and their favorite Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Lupine, used that model." Severus said sarcastically, "Practice Can coordinate and improve their practical and theoretical balance, instead of being full of theoretical knowledge like Miss Know-It-All, who doesn’t know how to be flexible, their Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in fifth grade is a teacher who makes them sit on the bench Women who study theory, get out of practice, and don't teach them how to think in an adult way, and their employment status, thankfully the old fool's education method is still working a little bit, making those little trolls understand that magic is fun, otherwise the wizarding world The future will be bleak."

"How do you think the Dark Lord would teach?" Gianluca asked.

"A man who is good at eloquence and charisma will put a lot of his opinions and insights into your head. Do you think if there is a riot, you will open fire on civilians with cannons like Napoleon?"

"Unless I'm crazy," Gianluca said.

"People who have been brainwashed think that what they do is right. This powerful common sense will influence their judgment. The Dark Lord will cultivate a group of little Death Eaters who are loyal to him in the classroom, and even torture his classmates. I hope they aren't just studying hard, but I also don't want them to use their classmates as objects to practice the Cruciatus Curse, and fall into some kind of loop that repeats endlessly. The classroom is such a place." Severus said, "If you use mercenaries It's what made Venice go down, it's the classrooms that made the Latin people go down, your asses on the stools too long, Harry Potter and his pals knew it wasn't going to work, organized a 'Dumbledore Army's organization, this makes me feel at ease, their troll brains still belong to me, and they haven't been secretly replaced by anyone."

"Oh..." Gianluca suddenly exclaimed, "I have a terrible idea."

"Do you think someone would secretly replace Napoleon's brain? Like changing a light bulb and put it in a new head?"

"Isn't there magic?"

"Magic is not omnipotent. No one has been resurrected before the Dark Lord, so the White Wizard couldn't resist the temptation to put on that ring." Severus said blankly, "His brain is not just sugar It has been corrupted, and you have read too many fairy tales, what have you read too much? Child."

"I guess I should watch less Hollywood movies." Gianluca took another sip of his drink, only to find it was empty. "I'll get another bottle."

After speaking, Gianluca slipped away.

Severus stared at Gianluca's back indignantly, then took another drag on his cigarette and threw the last butt into the sea.

"Stupid boy." He muttered, and then took a big step, almost dragging his long cloak, turned and returned to the villa.

Harry is not mediocre...

Gianluca is a few years younger than Harry. Although he should treat adults with an adult attitude, the old professor can't help but see Harry wearing a school robe when he was 11 years old.

As long as the newness of the robes is ignored, everyone wears the same, which is also a kind of "equality". If Snape wears his mother's floral shirt to class, he will be laughed at by his classmates

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