If a child looks like his father, no matter how rumors spread outside, the child's mother gave birth to someone else, such rumors will be self-defeating.

There have also been such rumors that Napoleon was born to Letizia and Count Malbeuf, who sponsored him to study in the military academy. This count had extraordinary care for Napoleon. Later, because Napoleon looked like his father Charles, this rumor was just a rumor.

The pamphlets that printed the rumor came from across the Channel in London, where Napoleon had in August scoured British newspapers and periodicals.

Georgiana remembered that Napoleon-Louis Charles was going to die young, but she didn't know how or when he died.

In order to avoid suspicion, she consciously stayed away from Hortans, and she didn't even give a gift, which seemed very impolite.

Even if Georgiana gave the baby a pacifier, she would be responsible if he accidentally choked on his spit, and she would rather be called a savage.

Rothschild had five brothers who established branches in London, Frankfurt, Paris, Vienna, and Naples, while their father, Meyer Rothschild, served Count William IX of Hesse-Kassel.

There are court confessors, also known as "court Jews", whose job is to provide kings, princes and princesses with hidden wealth, which is not known to the common people, and these Jews who provide financial services to the royal nobles are rewarded with various benefits. privilege.

During the American War of Independence, the United Kingdom hired a Hessian-Kassel mercenary with a total of 22,000 people, 2,000 more than the 20,000 sent by the British mainland. These Hessian mercenaries survived after the battle Half of them stayed in the United States.

Hesse-Kassel has no special products, only mercenaries. This kind of mercenary is different from ordinary mercenaries. It is the king who collects fees from other countries and then sends Hesse government troops to help others fight. This tradition has been around since the 30s. It has been around since the 1990s War, when many emerging duchies were using it.

Later, in the War of the Austrian Throne, the Hessian mercenaries who signed a contract with Bavaria fought against the army that fought for the Hanau region for Hesse. Sometimes they were father and son, sometimes brothers. The two met on the battlefield. Since then, the contract must be It is stated that a pension will be given.

The pronunciation of the Hessian currency "thaler" was later changed to the US dollar. In 1798, there were Hessian mercenaries who suppressed Ireland. They had close ties with Britain and the United States, and there may indeed be money exchanges.

If it was known that Georgiana was involved in this matter, she would definitely be in trouble. For those who spend money and have fun, it is difficult for them to understand Georgiana's mood at the moment.

The gangsters in Paris would fight each other for a single rich man. The scene was like seeing a pack of wolves with a fat sheep. When it arrived, the gangsters would fight first, and the lost rich man took the opportunity to run away.

For rich people, it’s good to be able to save a life. Don’t think about revenge. It’s even more useless to call the police. Next time, just don’t go to places you can’t go. This will save many people trouble.

The Saint-Marceau district is the poorest place in Paris. There are no exquisite and beautiful buildings there, only a group of vicious and lawless gangsters. Even more rebellious, even the police dare not stay there for long. For the people in that area, there are only two kinds of entertainment. The homeless bar is full of such customers, where men and women dance with bare feet, and then drink. For these people who live in extreme misery and poverty, drinking to paralyze themselves is the only means of pleasure. As for parents who exchange money for alcohol, they hardly care about what their children wear. There are often naked children on the street. run.

The blame is here, those places where kidnappers are not so chaotic and don't take human life seriously, go to places where the law and order are not bad.

For parents in the slums, losing one of their children is equivalent to reducing their burden, unlike the children of workers, although they are not as good as rich children, but they have parents who love them very much, or the kind of dry errands Children who live to support the family, the parents of this kind of family will definitely make a fuss if the child is kidnapped.

Workers generally have co-workers and so on. Louis XV, who was so involved in the kidnapping case that year, also held an imperial council to investigate.

The Earl of Mullsbury is a good instigator of riots. He has done it in the United States and the Netherlands. Georgiana and Bonaparte left Paris at this time. Fouché was also withdrawn from the position of Minister of Police. Joseph is his opponent?

The decision to go north had been settled a few months ago, and Georgiana herself had to meet with the mayors and bankers of Belgium to promote the sugar beet and sugar industry, and it was impossible not to go.

In 1799, Russia and Turkey signed an eight-year treaty. Turkey promised that when it opposed France, Russian warships could sail through the two straits of the Black Sea, so that Russia once again gained the strategic advantage of monopolizing the two straits of the Black Sea.

In May 1802, Russia forced the Turkish Sultan to agree that the Grand Dukes of the two principalities on the Danube River should be candidates elected by the ancient countries.

Since Russia and France have already negotiated peace talks, it means breaking the contract first, and Russia should withdraw from the Black Sea unless an anti-French alliance is established.

Britain has an army composed entirely of Hessian mercenaries. This army was established by the father of William Pitt Jr., William Pitt Sr. It is self-evident who is behind the scenes who cheated Georgiana, although No one reminded her of this.

"No wonder you are so good-looking and single." Georgiana muttered while staring at the gold bracelet. She suspected that this thing, like the Ravencrow crown, could enlighten people's wisdom, but she didn't know the news about Hesse and Naples. You know, what the hell is this bracelet for?

"What do you want me for?" Napoleoni asked with a smile.

"Confession." Georgiana said blankly.

"If you want to repent, you should find a confessor..."

"I've been tricked." Georgiana stared into his eyes and told him the truth.

"How do you know that banker serves the British?" he asked calmly.

"Would you believe me if I told you that I saw it through the flames?" asked Georgiana.

He stared at her without speaking.

"Come here." She bossed and said to the French First Consul.

He really came here.

Georgiana rested her head on his shoulder.

"I thought a lucrative peace would last," she said feebly. "I was stupid."

"There is a saying that if the Englishman becomes Italian one day, he is the devil incarnate," whispered Bonaparte. "Did you ever think that young William Pitt was more talented than Henry Addington?"

Georgiana nodded.

"What about you now?"

"I want peace," she said wearily, "and peaceful days."

"When I first saw you, I knew you were different." He said softly, "You are a conqueror."

"I'm not." She felt like denying it.

"Think again." He asked again.

After a while, Georgiana said, "Adaptation is also a kind of conquest."

"Do you still want to go back to him?" Pluto asked.

She didn't give him an answer.

She was a happy person, but she participated in the Battle of Hogwarts, and she was also a person who has been on the battlefield.

She felt that she might not be able to become a housewife like Molly, although Albus had always hoped that she could learn from Molly.

"Let me give you a piece of advice." She raised her head and looked into his blue-gray eyes. "Don't trust the spies who gather information in the tavern, and don't trust the king who easily abandons the capital."

He had that charming smile again. "Have you said all you have to say?"

She nods.

"It's your turn to accompany me." He put his big head on her shoulder, just like he leaned on her just now.

"We were like two drunks," Georgiana said.

"A sober person is the most ridiculous." He said softly, "Want to drink?"

She nodded vigorously, now she wants to drink to relieve her worries, anyway, this is not a school, and there are no children around.

This chapter is still made up. I don’t know where the Swiss Civil War military expenditure came from. Maybe it was paid by the Federal Party itself.

The Grisons are a faction of the Parisian gangsters, they wear gray clothes, they happen to have the same name as a canton in Switzerland, I don't know if they are Swiss or not~ I'll just keep making it up

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