If a man kills, whether on purpose or not, usually he is not thinking of pleading guilty.

For example, if a man catches his cheating wife and adulterer in his own home, according to the Napoleonic Code, he can kill them both without taking any responsibility. Tell the story as a victim.

But in other countries, a husband is not allowed to kill the adulterer and his wife in such a situation, he must deal with it "calmly", if he does not deal with it "calmly", such as killing them with a gun, then he has to fake the scene and Create your own alibi and show up at the opera or some other public place as if nothing happened.

Hortense is the wife of Louis Bonaparte. She is about to have a baby, and it should be Louis who is most anxious. What's the matter with Napoleon?

In a normal family, it is enough for Louis' brothers to bring their wives to the door to congratulate him. Napoleon does not need to go in person at all, but it would be too irresponsible to play outside with his mistress.

The "bang" she heard that night might not be a gunshot, but a salute. The king had to fire cannons to celebrate the birth of a prince and princess. The prince fired 101 cannons, and the princess fired 80 cannons. It's not a king, nor a crown prince. Why did he celebrate the birth of a son with cannons?

If it is the custom of this era for Napoleoni to have a relationship with Miss Georgina who is 16 years old and does not look like 16 years old, then it is unethical to be with Hortense and have a child.

Let alone politicians, even ordinary people cannot bear such rumors.

"Do you trust him?" Belle asked.

"Believe in what?" Georgiana asked impassively.

"He's not the child's father," said Belle.

Georgiana looked at the Greek slave girl.

"That's not what people of your status should be curious about." Georgiana said coldly.

"If you choose to trust him, why don't you trust your husband?" Bai Lierqi said reluctantly, "Don't care what the whole world says, he loves you."

Georgiana saw the gold bracelet with ancient runes on Belle's wrist, which was given to her by Napoleon.

"Who are you?" Georgiana asked.

"I thought you knew who I was?" Bai Lier smiled mysteriously.


"Do you want to go now?" Belle asked, "I can help you."

Bonaparte first came to Georgiana's mind.

She felt that he couldn't stand another betrayal by a woman.

"I swear, I won't leave until after he duels with Severus." Georgiana said timidly, "I can't do that."

"Then you are asking for your own death." Bai Lier looked out the window at the crowded, noisy, dirty, half-medieval city "Look at this city, it looks calm at first glance, but it is actually in a state of restlessness , bums, slobs, hooligans, and other vagrants congregate in public places for the fun of breaking street lamps and the windows of other city dwellers. Danger lurks beneath the pranks of those who do nothing to pass the time of boredom. Kidnapping of Children, 1750 The riots also came from rumors that the police were involved in the case and that they were doing it in the service of a leprosy prince who was going to use the blood of children to heal his disease. Things like that Just like the bubbles emerging from a pond, there will be waves under the calm surface. If they can be extinguished in time, that’s all right. I’m afraid that the bubbles will cause a series of violent reactions, and they will continue to roll like boiling water, turning Paris into a boil. boiler."

"Did you read the report?" Georgiana asked.

"When Louis XV first came to the throne, the French people welcomed him enthusiastically, but love and wealth are not inexhaustible." Belle turned to look at Georgiana, "Once the enthusiasm faded, and various rumors began to spread about him and those around him, although by then he had completely cleared the memory of the depression and pain that Louis XIV brought to the country in his later years, and he suffered because of his weakness. Criticism, especially of his lazy nature, the word 'lazy' pops up in opinion polls, it seems that he is not interested in anything but private entertainment, the accumulation of rumors and complaints made Louis XV an unpopular The king who became the Herod of the people, the people no longer shouted 'Long live' to the king's motorcade, the Dauphine gave birth to a daughter, salutes were fired at the Les Invalides and the City Hall, but there was no joy in Paris Signs, even indifferent to the fireworks and lanterns, they have been silent, just like the note pasted on the door of the Tuileries Palace, "The silence of the people is a gift to the king." class'."

"What do you want to say?"

"Every story has a prologue. The kidnapping of children is just a small episode. You don't want to know what happened next?"

Georgiana didn't know what to do next.

"The birth of an heir is a big event. In September 1751, the Dauphine gave birth to a boy. According to the tradition in Paris, the female fishmongers from the Candide Market would come to the Tuileries Palace to send their blessings, but the king refused. Receive them because in May of that year someone overheard someone in a tavern near the Place de la Victory saying 'the women from the Market of Candide will go to Versailles to dethrone the king and gouge out his eyes before they return to Paris Killed the lieutenant in charge of crime and public security', the king refused their blessing after knowing it, but the people thought it was the king's contempt for them, and since then the king broke with the people."

"Do you think I should go to the Tuileries Palace to receive the blessing of the female fishmonger?"

"Do you think your lion is a king?" asked Belle. "Is he a king in the eyes of the people?"

"What are you trying to say?" Georgiana asked anxiously.

"Don't trust the spies in the tavern collecting information." Bai Lier said with a smile, "and don't trust a king who will easily abandon the capital."

Georgiana realized something.

"Napoleon's military talent can allow France to gain the maximum benefit in the war with the minimum loss, and relieve a lot of pressure on the country's finances, and the wealth obtained from the enemy's territory can relieve France's financial pressure, which is better than other marshals. It is true, but the French have no intention of using war as a 'cash cow', and the French soldiers are not mercenaries of Hesse-Kassel, they rely on fighting to subsidize their finances."

"I know, they don't want to subsidize the state's finances, they just want to fill their pockets with gold coins." Georgiana said with a curled lip, "It takes a lot of money to pay for the extravagant life in Paris."

"Although you are not likable, no one compares you with Mrs. Pompidou and Mrs. Du Barry, and no one slanders you with obscene words. They just think you are seeking benefits for the British."

"I didn't expect that," Georgiana whispered.

"In addition, this Swiss war has something to do with you." Bai Lier said, "Do you still remember that there was an Italian banker who came to the mountains to collect coins?"

Georgiana opened her mouth.

"He was from the Rothschild Bank in Naples, and the coins ended up being funneled to Moore and then paid to Reading, who were going to get the coins from Mason in Hesse-Kassel if you didn't get in the way .” Belle tossed a coin to Georgiana, on which was the profile of Napoleon wearing a laurel wreath.

"For soldiers, it doesn't matter whose face is on the coin, it's all made of gold anyway, what they don't accept is paper money."

"How could you have..." Georgiana looked up and found that Bai Lier had disappeared.

She looked at the gold coin in her hand and saw that it had vanished like dust, like gold made by leprechauns.

It's just that on the table not far away, there is the ancient rune bracelet.

Georgiana approached it, and there was a small cluster of flames in the middle of the bracelet, which looked like a small fish in a bowl.

It didn't disappear with a "poof", and even when she got close, it still swam leisurely.

She was so angry that she threw it to the ground with her wand, the bracelet made a crisp sound, and the little fish disappeared.

The bracelet went out from the door, rolled and rolled along the stone steps, and finally landed at Bai Lier's feet. She glanced upstairs, then at the gold bracelet under her feet, and hesitated for a long time before picking it up.

Candide's Market is the Lobby of Paris

The ability to not care what other people think is a valuable quality

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