Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1553 The Beautiful City

Do you enjoy what you do every day?

Even if it is a job that looks good in the eyes of others, or a job chosen because of interest at the beginning, it will be very boring to do the same thing day after day for a long time, such as cleaning the glass, and Or a butcher.

Cleaning windows every day, slaughtering livestock every day, one day I will want to change jobs.

The same is true for soldiers. The battlefield is their place of work. The working conditions are very bad, not to mention life-threatening. Even if the war can bring them rich spoils, some people still choose to be deserters or evade military service.

Perhaps those who hate war most are those who are most familiar with war, not pacifists, and those who are warlike...

However, after leaving the battlefield, the skills they have learned are useless in a peaceful environment, just like housewives, once they leave the family and return to society, they cannot adapt to survival.

These people will live in confusion and poverty, living on the streets, with no shelter from the wind and rain above their heads.

This may not be the world ruled by the rich and educated, as Mrs. de Stael imagined, but not everyone is rich and educated. Cooking is the power of the rich. Poor people are more concerned with getting the food than making it delicious. Even animals that die of disease are eaten. Some diseases are transmitted from animals this way. People, and then spread through human-to-human infection, and then expanded, and finally turned into a plague.

Seeing death a lot, doctors will become numb to death. Although they don't have guns, they have scalpels, and they know how to quickly end their lives, and there is absolutely no hope of being rescued.

In Dante’s Hell, there are trees that suicides turn into. These people are not all people who were cornered by gambling debts. They may have done things that many people think are great.

Soldiers need a reason to fight. They are not machines, they have emotions. They also long for their souls to go to heaven and be saved. Gentle comfort will discourage them at critical moments, whether it comes from religion or female nurses.

Movable type printing has indeed increased the speed of printing, but it has also brought rumors and false news. In Venice in the 16th century, such a situation was often seen, when ships full of exquisite goods and the latest news appeared in the When in the port of Venice, the reporter immediately asked the captain and sailors for the latest news, and then he would write down the news he heard and paste the manuscript on the wall. People don’t believe the information printed in printed characters, but they will gather together to read the manuscript. There are two reasons for this.

One is that the manuscript copying speed is fast, and the people who collect the information can post it on the wall after writing it. There is no need for typesetting or checking, and the speed is faster than printed matter. Large sections of text in the middle are scribbled.

When Napoleon passed through Venice, he did not leave a piece of armor behind. All the manuscripts and printed materials were confiscated, including 5,000 ancient books with the seal of the "Venice Government".

Among them, the most beautifully bound and magnificent-looking one is the "Grimani Prayer". This book consists of more than 800 pages and has more than 50 exquisite pocket paintings. It originally belonged to a bishop and was later acquired by a Venetian. Owned by the aristocracy, and later it went to the library of San Marco, its status in the printing world is comparable to that of the Sistine Chapel. Georgiana lived in the Paris library for a while and read this book. Of course she couldn't understand a word, and she didn't know Hebrew.

And the staff in the library don't pay much attention to this book. They are more keen to discuss the first edition of "Golden Ratio", author Leonardo da Vinci, the illustrations in it are not only the famous "Werther" Luweians," and other Da Vinci whimsy.

This book was found by Napoleon's soldiers in a cemetery in Venice. The cemetery managers are often priests. When the soldiers went to the priest who guarded the cemetery, they had already disappeared.

Mention Leonardo da Vinci, and people go into an irrational frenzy, but even that book is not a core collection of the San Marco library.

Whether the Crusades snatched Greek books from the Arabs back then is impossible to verify. Anyway, the core collection of books in the St. Mark’s Library is Greek, and they are not listed as banned books. Borrowers want to read them freely, provided that To be able to read Greek.

So Georgiana found the feeling of seeing hieroglyphs in the Louvre and not knowing what they wrote.

After asking someone for advice, she realized that these books included law, classical anthology, medicine, and geography, but no military affairs. I don't know if Napoleon did it on purpose or it was not in the collection. However, from the information left in the manuscript, it can be seen that military books were a big business in the 16th century, and various printers rushed to invest in it, wanting to get a piece of the pie, but no one became the leader in this field.

The donor of the core collection of the San Marco library was a Greek. Greece was never as belligerent as Rome. Since then, Venice has had a Greek Brotherhood, and then started the Greek printing industry. People in Europe at that time were eager to learn more. The knowledge of ancient Greece and Rome, and Venice is the center of knowledge dissemination, where Eastern and Western civilizations meet, and the printer who printed the "Golden Ratio" also printed the "Quran".

Not only that, Venice also has bookstores marked by prophetic witches. There is also a strong navy as a reliance.

Successful merchants would set up shops all over Europe, selling Venetian goods and prints. There is a painting of "The Last Judgment" in which King Carlos III of Spain and the devil are put together. This may be the earliest caricature. .

In addition to these printed materials, there are also a large number of alchemy and magic books, some of which are true and false, and all of them have been confiscated by the Brotherhood.

The "Union of Free Stonemasons" has built a stone building on the outskirts of Paris not for gatherings, but for storing things. There are many divided small rooms in this castle, and each small room has a letter on it. The intruder has to play a game called "Dead Wall Game", you will enter through an entrance, and then spell the one you guessed Words, enter these small rooms and press the button, a letter can appear multiple times in a word, if you guess correctly, the secret door to the secret room will open. If you guess wrong, the mechanism will be triggered, and the two walls will slowly close together, finally crushing the intruder into a "biscuit".

The castle is maintained by a group of people like monks, but they are not monks, as you can tell by doing it. An insider revealed that they wore black robes with hoods, and even when they ate, they covered their eyes with the hoods. The meals were quiet and the dishes were very rich. For entertaining guests.

"At first I thought they were dumb," the insider revealed, "because they all communicated in sign language, and then I found out that they could speak."

"Is their sign language used by ordinary deaf people?" asked the curious reporter.

"No, it's the internal language used by monks in the monastery." The insider said, "Do you want to break through?"

The reporter shook his head.

Although she doesn't understand Greek, she still knows how to spell death.

"It's hard to imagine that someone actually lives like that." The reporter said in disbelief.

"Maybe it's because the Bible doesn't allow them to laugh." The insider teased, "That place is like a monastery."

The reporter remembered that Reading planned to restore the Priory, and even the church in France was almost gone, let alone the Priory.

"Are they female admirers?" the reporter asked curiously.

"What do you think?" the insider asked back.

The reporter pouted and stopped asking such silly questions.

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