Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1552 throll hunter

On Halloween in 1991, Harry and his red-haired friend Ron Weasley made Hermione Granger cry so much that Hermione didn't attend the Halloween party and hid in the toilet crying alone.

Later, Quirrell ran in and told everyone in the auditorium that a troll had entered the castle. At that time, many children from magical families screamed in horror.

Harry had grown up in the Muggle world, and he might have heard of trolls, but he hadn't seen them. As for Ron Weasley, I don't know if he was loyal or guilty, or for other reasons, but he chose to go with Harry to save Hermione.

The ignorant are fearless. Nietzsche believed that children are supermen. Ron and Harry actually rescued Hermione from the troll, and they used the simplest levitating spell.

Muggles are full of curiosity about the world of wizards, but because of the International Statute of Secrecy, this door is closed, and only a handful of people can spy on the world inside the door.

Napoleon and his senior government officials, as well as the British Prime Minister and King are all political figures. They will be protected by wizards, so they have the right to touch things that ordinary people don't know. Lord North even planned to let the Minister of Magic be George III Cure madness.

Muggle cooperation is needed to drive away those mountain monsters who are looting. Napoleon ordered Ney and Reading to cease fighting for three days. Taking advantage of this time is when wizards "work", sometimes soldiers will see strange things on the battlefield Things like Justin's grandfather seeing werewolves in the forest before the Dunkirk evacuation, some of these stories will become storylines in the movie novels.

Georgiana would not be as soft on these mountain monsters as Pierre, the president of the International Federation of Wizards. After she released the fireball with the fire opal ring, she chased those monsters with "thousand bullets", and the dragon's breath The resulting fireballs were big and scorching hot. They were holding big sticks, and they were burned into "torches" by her before they got close. She alone blocked the attack from one direction.

At that time, she was riding a rune horse and flying in mid-air. On the hillside not far away, Napoleon and his senior officials should be watching with binoculars.

Maybe she was being treated as some kind of "weapon" demonstrating its power, or as some kind of performance. The French love novelty and excitement, and this kind of "performance" is not something that anyone can see at any time.

These Muggles came with the wizards in a carriage drawn by a rune horse, and it took less than a day to arrive. After all, the flight is a straight line, and there is no need to go around so many mountains and mountains.

In the newspaper of the Paris Commune, Georgiana saw an article called "The Ignorance of the Educated". Completely ignorant of the true character of the populace, of their loves, dislikes, and purposes, they were as benevolent to those who were destroying France, as fearful of hurting them as insects.

Those who have not been harmed by bad people are easy to be sympathetic, and can talk about a lot of humanitarian theories, just like President Pierre. And for those victims, it is unfair that the murderer was not executed on the spot, but sent to a prison to lock him up. Perhaps one day later, they met a happy day, because a pardon opened the prison door , was released to harm people again, just like the people of Liechtenstein and those evil and cruel mountain trolls.

She let the French pure-blood nobles block the coming members of the Wizarding Union, and now she has no time to pay attention to those pedantic people.

Her time is very limited, and she has to make those trolls who want to take advantage of the chaos and looting dare not cause trouble as soon as possible, and she also needs to rescue those abducted Muggles.

In the eyes of trolls, human beings are as food as sheep, and pure-blood wizards are not interested in saving Muggles, but this time there are also half-blood and Muggle-born wizards who have feelings for Muggles.

Even if the Muggles were to be rescued and the Oblivion Curse would have to be cast on them, they were emotionally satisfied.

The hottest selling product among wizards and Muggles is a potion called "Perfect Blonde Water". Whether Muggles or wizards, men like blondes. This potion requires chrysanthemum, licorice and cedar wood, and the hair dyed with it is perfect blonde, just like natural, the economy of the French wizarding world is gradually taking shape, and it won't be long before they will be cut off from the Muggle world .

This will lead to other problems in the future, but this is much better than wizards participating in the war. The current scene of flames and chaos under the Alps makes Georgiana feel as if she has returned to the dark middle ages, with soldiers and civilians screaming everywhere.

The premise of the promulgation of the International Statute of Secrecy is the witch hunting movement. Not every wizard has the magic power to deal with groups of Muggles, and there are still little wizards, especially those born in Muggle families. Pure blood children are difficult. Requiring half-bloods and Muggleborns to replenish fading bloodlines, Grindelwald's approach, while delightful, is dangerous.

Looking at the giant monsters that were burned to ashes, Georgiana felt a little sad. Who would believe that she was Hufflepuff now? She's more like a ruthless pure-blood wizard, except she doesn't laugh like the big villain.

Once she felt the trolls were almost intimidated, she let the rune drop to the ground as the Aurors from the French Ministry of Magic headed into the forest.

Then she started digging for the seeds of the trees, and when it was almost time, she would put out the fire and replant the forest with the farmer's growth curse, which was not something she could do alone.

Just as she was rummaging in the small cloth bag, Napoleoni appeared, followed by a group of generals with epaulettes on their shoulders.

She cast a blazing flame ten steps away from her, which scared him back a few steps. Maybe he thought the flame and the dragon's breath were the same thing.

The "Idlers" following behind felt very self-conscious at this time and turned around and left, leaving space for the two of them.

Now she looked into his glowing eyes, and it seemed to her that she was looking at the magic-hungry king in the fairy tale.

He owned a kingdom, but still couldn't get the magic power, so he was deceived by two charlatans, everyone has weaknesses.

"What do you want to tell me?" he said in a low voice.

"My husband is stronger than me." Georgiana said calmly, "Also, there is another prophecy I want to tell you. One day in the future, Paris may be burned down by a dark wizard. You'd better prepare in advance. "

"Will you help me?" he asked again.

"I don't know, Leon, sometimes I wonder what caused the Dark Ages." She said softly, "I read the books you looted from Venice, and their most precious collection is in Greek. There are no books about war in these books, including the navy that the Venetians are proud of, nor in other books."

"Venice has no army, they have only mercenaries," said Bonaparte calmly. "After several generations, the descendants of Dandolo will panic at the sound of guns."

"Can you tell me what the purpose of the Freemasons is?" Georgiana asked. "I know you have contacts with them."

Bonaparte did not answer her.

"I don't mean to look down on soldiers, but I really think it's time for the barbaric war to end, and it's time to start building peace..."

"The Swiss uprising was inspired by England and Austria." Napoleon interrupted her. "Even if I want peace, will others sit back and watch France grow stronger?"

Georgiana said nothing.

"Poland was divided among three families, and even France was almost the same." He said calmly amidst the soaring flames, "The purpose of Freemasonry is freedom, equality, and fraternity. Starting from humanitarianism, it declares the value of human life and promotes peace. , They hate all wars, in the name of mankind, in the name of fraternity, in the name of the ravaged motherland, they hate all wars, and believe that a new future can be created with the power of wisdom."

"Sounds so romantic," she sighs.

Napoleon laughed. "If these demands cannot be fulfilled, they will smash the old institutions that serve these purposes, but they do not accept civil wars, and the misery that civil wars cause."

She didn't quite understand what that meant.

"I'll introduce them to you when I get back." Bonaparte smiled and said, "You are welcome to join the Brotherhood, sister."

There are many fraternities on American university campuses, and there will be Greek characters on them

As for why it is Greek and not Latin, it starts with a publisher in Venice...

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