"If new coins are to be minted to replace the old currency, and if, as the First Consulate wishes, the new coins contain more gold and silver than the old currency, then we need more precious metals." Director of the Bank of France Tower Mr. Long said in an old and tired voice, "There are a lot of coins in the French banks. They seem to be asleep. They must be awakened and flowed into the market so that we can recycle them. Your farming loans can make those conservative bankers Willing to lend these coins, countries around the world are short of precious metals, which is why there were so many foreign banks wanting to join last year."

Only then did Georgiana remember that it was almost time to sow seeds again, and the weather this year was indeed going to be much warmer.

"What's there to discuss?" Georgiana asked.

"The first ruling means to hope that the money will be raised in the form of fundraising instead of national debt, and the Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Finance, local governments and the Paris Agricultural Association will be jointly responsible for lending, so as to prevent the 'South China Sea incident' from happening again. said Mr. Talon. "You will be in charge."

All Georgiana could think about was Lange's 1.2 billion.

"The lending area includes Lorraine?" Georgiana asked.

Talon didn't speak.

"I don't know how much money I can raise," she said without confidence. "And I have to make sure there is no corruption in the operation, oh my god."

"You don't have to worry about this." Talon said with a smile, "We will appoint the most honest and honest people to handle it."

Farmers trade with "cash money". During the reign of the king, farmers used coupons to pay land rent, and they also received coupons when they sold grain. Loans will also be issued in coins rather than money orders.

Losing money for two years in a row, some small farmers probably couldn't take it anymore, so Georgiana agreed after thinking about it.

In fact, she is more like an image spokesperson, just like King George of England guaranteeing the South Sea Company, but if the money is lost, she may really go to the guillotine, and she will not be safe and sound like King George.

This is the benefit of hereditary kingship. Even if the common people were deceived into bankruptcy and their wives were separated, they never thought of overthrowing George II.

The world is unpredictable, and even Newton, a genius who can calculate the trajectory of celestial bodies, did not escape the storm that swept across the country, and she was the one who started it.

Got Georgiana's approval, but Talon didn't leave.

"I heard that Monsieur Monge and Monsieur Laplace have their daughters as your companions?"

"That's what happened."

"My daughter Lia used to stay at the court," Mr Talon said. "I remember that the queen used to have four female companions."

Georgiana smiled and shook her head.

This dream is getting more and more outrageous.

"Do you think it's funny because I'm an exile?" Mr. Talon asked.

"Not for this reason."

"Then can you tell me why?" Mr. Talon asked again.

"I'm not a queen." She said seriously.

Mr. Tallon looked her in the eyes as if trying to tell if she was telling the truth.

"You don't seem to like the opera, but do you know the story of the kidnapped Sabine women?" asked Mr. Talon.

"How could I not know." Georgiana smiled sarcastically. This theme is also one of the artistic inspirations of the artists.

"Because a Sabine woman bravely left the city-state of Rome and came between the warring Romans and the Sabines, and begged them that if there was a war, which side would die, these Sabine women who were taken captive would lose Husband and family, this Sabine woman successfully moved the Sabines and the Romans, and the Sabines were also willing to join the Roman family and become Roman citizens. In terms of military strength, the Sabines could never defeat the Romans, and they were already In defeat, the Romans looked more respectable to put the victory at the end of the Sabine women's affair."

"You think I'm a Sabine woman?" Georgiana said in disbelief.

"Some people also say that you are Helen of Troy, who brought disaster to Troy." Talon said softly, "Although you have lost your virginity like Josephine, you are different."

Georgiana was about to laugh.

"In addition, 20 million of the 30 million condolence funds we raised last time to pay to the bereaved families of the soldiers who died during the Great Revolution have been distributed. Will the remaining 10 million be handed over to the national treasury?" Talon asked again.

What else can she say?

"I want to open a cannery to solve the employment problem for some women." Georgiana said.

"I think this money can be broadcast." Talon said, "2 million is enough?"

She nodded.

Talon stood up, bowed courteously to Georgiana, and left her living room.

After he had gone, Matilda came in.


"Who else is here?" she said listlessly.

"If you become a queen, will I become your head maid?" Matilda asked softly.

"The future of France is still in the hands of Josephine." Georgiana said coldly, "This is what the prophecy said."

Matilda pouted.

Georgiana couldn't explain any more to the little girl.

Who would have thought that there was also a prophecy in the Muggle world 200 years ago, about a prince who would save Europe, but the royalists added "Bourbon" without authorization.

This "prince" can come from Qianmo, because he may be conscripted to the battlefield, and then create brilliant achievements like Napoleon, and eventually become the emperor of France.

This is of course a dream, but it will also arouse the ambitions of many people. When Napoleon was preparing for the founding of the Italian Republic in Lyon, Tarma and Ms. Rocour performed "Merobo" written by Voltaire at the Lyon Opera House. There was a line at that time: the first soldier to become the king is lucky.

It is said that Napoleon was very unhappy about this. When he received the actors, his expression was very cold. After returning to his residence, he scolded the Minister of the Interior, and then the play was banned.

Napoleon felt that of course the most outstanding person sat on the throne of the king, rather than by luck, and he was very disgusted with the satirical lines of Polyfont. He felt that Polyfont was an honest man and should not be killed. is the murderer.

Polyfont was once a beautiful woman. She joined the virgin hunting group of the goddess of hunting and vowed to remain a virgin for life. This incident aroused the anger of Venus. The reason made her fall in love with a bear, and later she gave birth to a pair of bear-like sons.

Because their wildness made them attack passers-by, Zeus sent Hermes to punish them and wanted the Furies to cut off their hands and feet, but Ares, the god of war, intervened, hoping that Hermes could reduce the sentence.

After discussing with each other, they decided to turn the two brothers, Polyfont and her maids into birds. One of the two brothers became a horned owl, which brought bad luck to people, and the other became a vulture, which was hated by gods and humans. Polyphonte turned into a glassy-eyed, insatiable, gray-winged big-headed bird called Tix, who was later killed, but what did he do wrong?

Voltaire once said that the secret to being a bore is to tell others everything.

Polyfont joined the maiden hunting group, and the god of love said that she did not perform her duties as a woman, and the god of love had a reputation of infidelity, why didn't the goddess of hunting help her members?

Napoleoni is a Muggle who can speak for monsters. He saw Georgiana turned into a monster, and he didn't kill her, but accepted her.

He forgave Josephine, but separated from her because he could not accept an unfaithful woman.

He accepts her because she's a monster and it doesn't matter if she can't have children, right?

What normal person would accept a monster as queen.

If one day they met in the forest, she thought that the poorly dressed little man would not be afraid of her.

It's a pity that their time and space are two hundred years apart.

She heard a song, the man sings if one day I have nothing, will you still love me? Girl sing If one day I am no longer young and pretty, will you still love me?

She believes that there will be women who will still love a man when he has nothing, just like Irene to Tobia, even if she has changed from a noble lady to a woman living in a slum.

But how many other men can be like Arthur, when Jasmine's waistline has become thick due to multiple births, how many men still tell her that Jasmine is trembling?

She couldn't help but copied the lyrics of the song on paper with a quill, and then left the living room with Matilda.

Still in the appearance of a human being, he did not fly away as a swan.

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