Going from the center of Paris to Versailles requires a carriage. Georgiana walked back after leaving Notre Dame Cathedral, but halfway she met Earl Musbury, who greeted her from a long distance away.

It is very close to St. Jacob's Tower, and the mansion where William Pitt Jr. once lived is not far away, but Georgiana has cross-dressed. It is really amazing that the Earl of Mullsbury can recognize her at a glance. easy.

This time Figel didn't deliberately keep a distance, perhaps because they were on the street with people coming and going at the moment.

She didn't know if Figel could speak English, but after walking in silence for a while, she planned to speak English with Earl Mullsbury.

"What do you want to tell me, count?" asked Georgiana.

"I don't know where to begin," said the Earl of Musbury. "I have so much to say, and it is very difficult to see you."

Georgiana did not answer him.

"Why did Merlin come to see you today?" Earl Mullisbury asked.

"They want to deport me." Georgiana said indifferently, "make me a princess of a principality or something."

"The arrow is on the string, but there is more than one person who draws the bow." said Earl Mullsbury. "It seems that the baby named Peace may die at any moment."

Georgiana was speechless.

"The generals of our time seem to be sensitive," said Earl Mullesbury, "whether it's Bonaparte or Nelson."

"What?" Georgiana said in disbelief.

"The Lady Hamilton who drove Nelson crazy, her name was Emma, ​​she was the daughter of a blacksmith, and when Charles Greville, the second son of the Earl of Warwick, picked her up, he taught her all the arts of being a lady. , changed her every move except her soul, she fell in love with him, but Greville sold his beautiful mistress to his uncle, Sir William Hamilton, a rich man, in order to marry an heiress. He is the widower of King George, a commentator of the British Academy, and a collector of classical art. Hamilton liked Emma very much. After returning to Naples, he invited Emma to Naples to continue her music education, and then Emma Contact with Greville gradually broke down. When France and England declared war, she became an active patriot and worked hard to make Naples and England allied. Nelson also had a wife in England. When he lost his right hand and an eye, it was him His wife took good care of him. In 1800, the Hamiltons returned to England. They met Nelson in Leghorn. After arriving in London, the whole city welcomed him, but public opinion condemned his beloved Mrs. Hamilton. Mrs. Nelson advised him to change his ways and ask him to leave voluntarily Emma, ​​but he refused, and Lady Nelson left him, and Emma gave birth to a baby girl at Sir William's."

"I don't think so." Georgiana said immediately. "As long as my husband still comes to me, I will go with him."

"When Pitt came to power, England was just recovering from the war that had lost the American colonies, and militarily we had to face a bankrupt but victorious France, a thriving Spain under Charles III, and a Under the rule of Linna, the territory was expanded, Russia annexed half of Poland, and the protection of England's security depended on the control of the sea and trade. King George was surprised when he heard the news of the death of Louis XVI, but he was not very sad, because it was Louis XVI. Let us lose America." The Earl of Mullsbury said "England has many reasons not to be as revolutionary as France. I think you can persuade him to learn to recover from the war that lost the colonies like us, instead of continuing there waste time."

"France's national conditions are very different from ours."

"The crown prince of Denmark is always away from his country. Have you heard any news about it?"

"He didn't mention it to me."

"Then what does he usually talk to you about?"

"Hey, baby, tell me a story," said Georgiana tartly, "or he'll tell me a story about his war days."

"Although Napoleon stopped conscription to France this year, his vassals were recruited locally by the "Jourdan Law". Polish soldiers, like slaves, were captured involuntarily. They may have found a common ground. Although Their conflicts were sharp at first, but they were reconciled later, and the peace treaty stipulated that the French army would withdraw from the Papal State, but Napoleon kept occupying Ancona. Who do you think is more hegemonic than France?"

Georgiana said nothing.

"The current French army is different from that of ten years ago. At that time, the young soldiers fought out of civic awareness and patriotism. I hope that the young people in our country can have this idea and awareness, but now they are different. The army was a morale booster, and in the eyes of many Napoleon was a criminal."

"Didn't Nelson rob a merchant ship?"

Lord Mullesbury smiled.

"Even if I said no, wouldn't you believe me? You would think I was beautifying myself."

Georgiana was silent.

"The situation in England is very different from that in France. Women are employed prior to men, and child labor is preferred over women because they are paid less. Our Factories Act sets a minimum wage for these apprentices and prohibits them. Work more than 12 hours a day, but Congress refuses to pay the commissioners who make mandatory bills, employers feel that wages must be reduced to force workers to work, otherwise workers will be drunk at the end of the weekend, and only hunger can drive them Take it to the factory."

"This is too cruel." Georgiana shook her head.

"Compared with the women's shelter you run, who is more cruel?" asked the Earl of Musbury. "I think you know the situation of French women better than I do."

Georgiana was silent again.

"Napoleon's spies are looking for Mrs. Hamilton everywhere in Naples, but unfortunately, she is not in Naples. You can also tell him that she is now in England. This is known to everyone in London. There is nothing to hide. Sometimes England in France People will tell me about ten years ago, when French women flooded into Versailles, their social status was much higher than they are now, at least they had the right to file for divorce, and mothers could veto their children's marriages just like fathers, the governor Women in the government, though not entitled to vote, could be a public force in politics, support ministers and generals, and they knew what was due to her and what she deserved, but I couldn't see that in Napoleon's government, as if we Back to the Middle Ages again, do you want women to live in such a future?"

Georgiana covered her heart.

"Look, where have we been?" Earl Musbury looked at the entrance of the Paris vegetable market not far away and said, "We have reached a turning point of fate again. I heard Pete say that you like to go to the vegetable market, so let's go in too." How about shopping?"

"He..." Georgiana gasped.

"You want to say that he is also a victim, that he was deeply hurt by his wife?" Earl Mullsbury asked, supporting her.

Georgiana nodded.

"Think about your husband. He's not an old widower like Hamilton. You hurt him too. Do you think he hates you?"

she cried.

"For the sake of your past friendship with Mr. Smith, don't go through fire and water for Napoleon." Earl Mullesbury said in her ear, "You will go home after all, Mrs. Smith."

Then he let go of her and said in French "Can you stand by yourself?"

"I can support Ma'am," Figel said.

The Earl of Mullsbury handed Georgiana's arm to Figel, and he looked at them with complicated eyes.

"Let's go." After the Earl of Mullsbury finished speaking, he walked towards the vegetable market where only women and small vendors visited.

"Are you all right, ma'am?" Figel asked with concern.

Georgiana had always thought that women in ancient times fainted at every turn because of their corsets, but now she felt that this was not their exaggerated performance.

If she could do it all over again, where would she start? Shouldn't the door be open for Severus at Christmas that year, or should he not have walked into the room with the Dendera horoscope board?

She stood up straight again, and followed Earl Mullsbury into the vegetable market.

Although she wasn't in the mood to hang out, she couldn't let him underestimate her.

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