When the weather becomes very hot, people will not only become unwilling to move, but also lose their appetite and want to eat light and cold food.

Just like when the weather becomes cold, people will want to eat high-calorie foods to resist the severe cold.

It's part of nature, but sugarcane grows in the tropics and subtropics. There are only two ways for people to overcome this kind of nature. One is the slavery of forced labor, and the other is the reward mechanism. There must be brave men under heavy rewards. However, the latter method is not conducive to long-term profit.

The leader who claimed to abolish slavery has resumed forced labor, Toussaint Louverture is not a peaceful liberator, and sometimes it is not your friends and lovers who understand you best, but your enemies. Napoleoni was now under siege, but there was no rescue for him. The consultants around him each have their own positions and opinions, and it is no wonder that he will say what he will naturally listen to when he wants to hear opinions.

Georgiana put away the dagger that Napoleoni ridiculed as a "bread knife", pulled down the hood of her cloak, and left the mansion with Figel. Although she was a witch, she still wanted to go to Paris Notre Dame for confession and mass.

She looked at the busy Frenchmen on the road. In fact, she could understand Merlin's resentment. Although Napoleon set high tariffs for the Italian Republic, the taxes in Italy were very low, which meant that the Italians could no longer follow the past. After doing foreign trade, they can use their energy in other aspects, such as reading and recreating the glory of the Renaissance.

In Spain and Portugal, reading is still the same as in the Middle Ages, and it is still the privilege of the nobles and the rich, but Italy already enjoys the right that everyone can read. The rich provinces help the poor provinces, actively eliminate illiteracy, improve public health, Inspiring art and music, and he also intends to restore the Pangting Wetland to cultivated land, it will feel unfair after comparison.

The story of the farmer and the snake teaches people that you can't expect all the objects of your sympathy and relief to be worthy, and kind-hearted people must not accept this, so the kind-hearted farmer yelled "I'm sorry" at the last moment of his life. You want to do good deeds, but because of your lack of knowledge, you take your own life and suffer this kind of retribution.”

Georgiana herself suffered a loss and was deceived. She showed kindness to Peter Pedillo who fell in the snow, but the child was gone and she almost died.

This may be the arrangement of fate, because Severus has an unbreakable oath that he will "always" take care of his godson Draco Malfoy, so the god of fate will arrange such a disaster to send them from Drive out of hermitage.

People in the 20th century are used to "benevolence", so it is difficult to understand the French in this period. The old system has never shown mercy to repression. ", including dismissing elected officials and reappointing them, being able to replace the army's conscription, arresting suspects, collecting taxes, imposing price controls, forcing loans, and extorting agricultural tools, clothing, and raw materials.

Some of these representatives were to satisfy their own selfish desires, and some, like Merlin, thought that this method could eliminate those who were still accumulating money when foreign enemies invaded regardless of the country's peril.

Napoleon was considered one of the few positive figures in the Jacobin faction. Merlin just now was considered polite. The Scottish Academy was once transformed into a prison because the original prison was not enough, and even Luxembourg was also a prison. In another period, she would have been arrested and imprisoned long ago. She doesn't have the same charm as Teresa, and Talian launched a coup to save herself.

Queen Ekaterina chose a bride from a small principality to become the "Emperor" not just because of her beauty. She ordered the execution of all Turkish captives and turned the Black Sea into a sea of ​​blood.

It is easy for a woman who wants to be a queen to die when she looks at the queen's jewelry and gorgeous costumes. I also see that the French king has so many mistresses and lives in a mansion, and I think I can try wearing a crown. You will die too. Under the throne is the Hill of Bones. If you have no idea about the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, you can go to the catacombs in Paris.

There are many ambitious people in this world who have died because of their ambition, otherwise the crown would not be called the crown of thorns.

This time she didn't bring Mamluks with her, only Figer was a bodyguard. The priests in the church did not hide like the priests in St. Pierre's Cathedral, and greeted her very politely.

Under the guidance of one of the priests, Georgiana saw Caprara in a small chapel. He was whispering something to a priest. The priest looked a little panicked, but kept nodding, and left after a while.

After he left, Caprara looked at Georgiana.

"What brings you here, princess?" said Caprara, laughing.

"I need to confess," Georgiana said. "Need to go to the confessional, Father?"

"You don't need to go to such a private place." Caprara reached out to Georgiana. "Let's talk while walking."

Figel deliberately walked ten steps away from the two of them.

"Who was that person just now?" Georgiana had nothing to say.

"I thought you were here to confess," Caprara said. "That's Father Platt, who is going to Warsaw as ambassador. The First Consul wants to rebuild Poland."

Georgiana could not help a sardonic smile.

"Why are you laughing like that?"

I'm jealous of those pure women. she said in her heart.

"Nothing," Georgiana said.

"He didn't want the Poles to know what he was doing," Caprara said. "He wanted Poland to support France because Queen Catherine had taken half of Poland."

Georgiana froze for a moment, "How can you tell me such a secret?"

"It's not a secret." Caprara smiled. "The First Consul wants us to carry out patriotic education at the Mass. This is clearly stipulated in the agreement. He also hopes that Father Pratt can give a patriotic speech in Poland."

"But you don't support them doing that, do you?" Georgiana said with a laugh.

Caprara stood firm, "The church today is not the church of the Eastern Expedition. We hope to bring rational life and moral order to the world."

"Your behavior is important, and others will think it is treason if they know it." Georgiana reminded.

"I've heard you've done something terrible, too. How can you hand over papers to the British in public?"

"If the French don't implement that document, it's just a pile of waste paper. If they plan to implement it, they will have to announce it sooner or later. I don't think there is anything to hide about it." Georgiana said confidently.

Caprara laughed, "What did you come to confess today?"

"Someone wants to deport me from France." She said coldly. "Leon needs help. I can't leave at this time."

"You want us to help him?"

"I just need guidance, and I don't think continuing to deal with Santo Domingo with brutal repression is the answer," Georgiana said.

Caprara didn't answer her question right away, instead walking on.

"Levy once said that Corsica is a rugged, mountainous, and almost uninhabited island. The residents on the island are like that place, fierce and unmanageable like wild beasts." Caprara said "hard The primitive life, deep family hatred, and fierce resistance to the invaders make the Corsicans suitable for guerrilla warfare and mercenary career. Civilization grows in the city, but Letizia breathes the spirit of war while holding him. The air, living in the mountains and forests, her child has remembered all this since then, he is different from those children of noble blood who were conceived in a peaceful palace."

"I don't think the palace is peaceful. I was assassinated not long ago."

"His gray eyes may have been inherited from his father, but anyone who has seen the Bonaparte brothers will recognize them as Letizia's children." Caprara said with a smile, "Master Bonaparte once said , all his good deeds come from his mother."

Georgiana felt like a sap.

Letizia got married at the age of 14, and Napoleon was born at the age of 16. Catholic girls in this era get married relatively early. Strictly speaking, both Georgiana and Napoleon’s mothers are 48 years old.

It is a part of nature that when a man is old, he tends to be gentle and accept religion, but when he is young, he is full of passion and blood.

Louis XVI was a good man. He did not suppress the people bloodily like the kings of old times, but unfortunately the people killed him.

The smell of corpses on the battlefield will spread from the countryside to the city, while the smell of corpses during the revolution will spread in the cities. The countryside has not been disturbed, except for a few aristocrats who have committed heinous crimes. The countryside has become a place for the nobles to hide. Because the theocracy has not fallen in the countryside, the peasants still support the church, and they do not implement the ten-day rest system in the city at all, but still follow the traditional seven-day rest system for thousands of years.

Only the Inquisition turned the quiet countryside into hell, and at that time the city people laughed at the ignorance of the countryside again.

This is the difference between men and women. Men can kill rationally, while women are emotionally benevolent. Therefore, most of the people who are finally tied to the stake and burned to death are witches.

"Do you remember what I told you about the coat of arms last time?" Caprara interrupted her contemplation. "Count Felsen is now the chief of the coat of arms of Sweden."


"He served in Rochambeau's army," Caprara said, "and he was Marie Antoinette's lover."

"What did you mention him for?"

"If you really think you're British, you know what it means for the UK if the Nordics and the Baltics are blocked," Caprara said.

Georgiana did not answer.

"He also helped the king and his wife escape Paris," Caprara said with a smile. "Do you think your husband would do that for you?"

"No." Georgiana categorically denied.

"Bonaparte called you his tormentor. You made him suffer. If he is the tyrant of power, you are the tyranny of love. Only the power of love is beyond his power."

"I couldn't make him change his mind," Georgiana said.

"I've told you how," Caprara said, "and I'm sure you're not the only one in Paris who wants to change things."

"What do you mean?"

Caprara smiled mysteriously, "The French love the god of war who brought them victory, but also fear the Jacobins who brought terror. When victory becomes far away, fear will dominate people's minds. You never know when you fall into fear. What man will do, this is a historic moment, Georgiana, let's see what man will do."

"Unfortunately, I don't want to witness with you." Georgiana said hurriedly, "I have other things to do."

"God bless you," Caprara said.

Georgiana didn't even wait for him to finish crossing herself.

"May God bless us." Caprara stood alone in the corridor of Notre Dame, looking at Georgiana's back and said.

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