Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1498 Like a dream

Sweden is a member of the Hanseatic League. The earliest purpose of the Hanseatic League was to suppress pirates, combat private plundering, and cancel unreasonable tolls. Later, it evolved from a purely economic alliance to an economic, political, and military alliance. Many cities Joined an alliance in order to obtain commercial benefits or obtain security guarantees.

In order to gain the support of the United Kingdom, the Bourbon royal family gave all the overseas colonies to the United Kingdom. Through the "Amiens Peace Treaty", the United Kingdom returned all the colonies to France, including Guadeloupe. Napoleon has always fought for every inch of land. It is possible for him to claim St. Barthelemy Island back from Sweden.

The so-called neutral countries are often not absolutely neutral. The British Royal Navy believed that Denmark secretly supported Napoleon, so it bombarded Copenhagen, and Copenhagen is located in the Oresund Strait, which is the throat of the Baltic Sea.

Whether it was the Seven Years War, the Anglo-French War, or the early days of the French Revolution, Denmark remained neutral.

Denmark not only has Andersen's fairy tales, but also the Danish royal family. The life of marrying the royal family is not as "fairy tale" as outsiders think. Caroline Matilda, the youngest sister of King George III of England, married Christian VII It was only after his death that he found out that he had a mental illness. Her marriage was not happy. The king lingered in the romantic places in Copenhagen all day long. He took his entourage on the street and beat the citizens brazenly, smashing the glass and destroying the furniture for fun. He even publicly declared that he could not fall in love with the queen, and eventually he fell into a state of mental coma, showing symptoms of paranoia, self-mutilation and hallucinations.

Dreams were sometimes confused with psychotic hallucinations, and Napoleon might have thought himself crazy, thinking that Georgiana was a figment of his schizophrenia.

Many geniuses have problems in this regard, and John Nash Jr., the discoverer of game theory, has schizophrenia. To treat Christian VII's insanity, the reformist and radical Johann Friedrich Strunzer became the king's advisor and personal physician.

He has a quick mind and a clear mind. He taxed gambling and raising high-quality horses in captivity, punished backlash, rebuilt the judiciary to reduce corruption, and established state-owned granaries to stabilize food prices. Compared with the mad king, he is undoubtedly more attractive. The lonely life was neglected, and the young and beautiful queen Caroline Matilda began to have an extramarital affair with Strunzer. The queen fell in love almost suddenly after several years of unhappy marriage, and she couldn't wait to reveal her youth and joy to the world.

She repeatedly showed her disheveled clothes to the maids after every visit by Strinzzer to her chambers, the two lived together openly at the summer villa, behaved intimately at court balls, and later lived in a luxurious cottage at the palace. building. Although one is upstairs and the other is downstairs, they are connected by a secret staircase. The queen later left a princess, and the people's separation of Strunzer was finally ignited. Scaling down the power of the nobles made him many enemies. In the end, the opponents from all walks of life came together to oppose Strunzer and the king, making people outside the court believe that the king was not crazy, but was controlled by others. The Queen Mother Juliana Maria also joined the opposition alliance.

The process of the coup was very simple and not thrilling at all. After a palace masquerade in 1772, opponents broke into the bedroom of Christian VII and forced him to sign an arrest warrant. Lovers grabbed it.

The king returned to power and was sent by the people to parade in a golden carriage in Copenhagen. The court began the trial. The queen denied that he had anything to do with Strunzer, and Strunzer defended himself. He denied the court's charges against him. , claiming that he has no intention of disobeying the laws of the country and usurping the kingship, and that his friendship with the queen is innocent.

But he was executed three months later, and the king divorced Caroline Matilda, who, although her title was retained, eventually left Denmark and was exiled to her brother's She spent the rest of her life at Celle Castle, where the German Elector of Hanover lived. She died of scarlet fever in 1775 at the age of 23.

Since 1772, Christian VII has been king in name, and Denmark has been controlled by Christian VII's stepmother, Juliana Maria, his half-brother Frederick and the statesman Ove. The eldest son of Caroline and Christian VII came of age in 1784. He was educated in the education method advocated by Emile of Rousseau. He grew up with two commoner boys. Derek has all the power in his hands. In 1788 he abolished serfdom, but disagreed with British shipping neutrality, which was related to his pro-French and pro-Napoleon, which led to the Battle of Copenhagen in 1801.

He did not choose her stepmother Juliana Maria and the Prussian princess supported by King Frederick the Great of Prussia as his wife, but chose the German Hesse-Kassel family who had close marriage ties with the Danish royal family and the British royal family Since 1790, the princess has continued to give birth to him, but unfortunately none of his sons survived, so even though she is a princess, Princess Marie Sophie still has to continue to have children until she gives birth to a male heir.

Of course, Gobert would not let Bonaparte climb up from the outer wall of the tower. If the first French ruler fell to his death in this way, then his crime would be great.

Bonaparte came to her residence every time it was dark, and Georgiana didn't want to be Caroline Matilda. Young girls are easy to get pregnant, but they are also easy to fall into the sweetness of love and do confused things. Even though everyone in the castle kept secrets, Georgiana still insisted, especially Matilda, who was inquisitive, could not go around showing it off.

What's more, the life of a commoner is conducive to keeping a clear mind, at least it can keep away from mental illness, so she will also go with Dillock to accompany Bonaparte to visit the workers in microservices.

The "Factory Act" passed by the British Parliament is also being discussed in the French Parliament, but it is difficult to pass the restoration of the seven-day rest system.

Not all workers want to restore the seven-day rest system. They hope to earn more income by working more. Some families have six or seven children. How can the family live if the father does not work?

Accompanying leaders and great men must make sacrifices. He is not the father of a family, but also the father of a country and a nation. If Napoleon wants to be a man, he is still human, but he also knows that he can gain by deception. Many benefits.

He tried to show his positive side in front of Georgiana, and she also learned about what happened after the Cairo riots in Egypt from Belle.

Belle was terrified of him, and the first time Bonaparte appeared in front of Belle, she knelt down in fear.

It is really incredible for people in the 21st century to see this scene. How could someone kneel down, but that scene happened right in front of Georgiana.

When Kebir Sultan was in a good mood, he was like the sun. He didn't blame Belle for telling Georgiana the shady things. He asked Belle to stand up by herself. sword to him.

So the story that Napoleon stood guard instead of a soldier who fell asleep while standing guard was really just a story. If there was a soldier who fell asleep while standing guard and was seen by Napoleon, he would definitely be dealt with according to military law. It was inevitable that the gendarme would invite him to drink coffee.

The Vikings who expanded westward formed Denmark, and the Vikings who expanded eastward formed Sweden. The simple way to put pressure on Sweden is to support Denmark. Gustav IV was frugal, pious but mediocre. In 1800, he was in Norrkoping convened a parliament, and after encountering fierce opposition, no more meetings were held. If Napoleon wanted to coerce him, it would be easy, but if the king was pushed into a hurry, he might join the anti-French alliance and deal with France's trade in the Baltic Sea. make an impact.

Even Alexander of Russia had to "listen" to Napoleon, showing respect, whether he was deaf because of being beaten by Queen Catherine.

Napoleon was capable of doing unimaginable things with just a hint, and the railways were like that. Georgiana didn't remind him that he could fly across the English Channel in a hot air balloon, but he set up a hot air balloon full of books, Let it fly away at the celebration.

Maybe this is God's will.

"What are you thinking?" Just after chatting with the workers, Leon took her hand and looked at her with a smile on his face.

"Nothing." She smiled and said, "It's just a daze."

He kissed her in the street, and Dilloch turned his head away.

"Long live France," he said happily, after kissing her.

She smirked.

"why are you laughing?"

"No one will believe it."

"Tell me about it."

"My French lover is you." She pinched his ancient Greek nose. "They'll think I'm crazy."

He did not speak, as if thoughtful.

"What are you thinking?" Georgiana asked.

"I don't believe that women like you exist in the world." He said softly, "It's like a dream."

"Go on dreaming then," she said, and kissed him.

Just like the street in the 21st century, every couple who comes to Paris will do the same.

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