Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1429 Countdown

Maria Lenorman is not a combat mage, and she may not be a match for Louvre Truman.

Besides, if she wants to erase the memory of Severus from Georgiana's mind, she may have to erase most of her memories of her life. The trick is, the problem is that she has been a fortune teller for a long time, and she is used to talking nonsense, villains often die because of talking too much, so she left with a sense of humor.

Georgiana looked at the female Auror, also surnamed Truman, trying to find signs of Gabriel Truman in her face.

"What college did you graduate from?" Truman asked.

"Hufflepuff," she answered honestly, "same house with your Minister."

"What's your real name?"

Georgiana shook her head.

Truman sat across from her "What did you see?"

"Hunger, and greed, there is a disaster looming."

"Is there a solution?"

"I don't think so." Georgiana shook her head helplessly, "No one will listen to advice."

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Georgiana took a sip of black tea with a wry smile.

"Can you use tea leaves for divination?" Truman asked again.

"No, and I don't believe in tea divination."

"Then what divination did you use just now? I didn't see you using crystal balls and playing cards."

"Humanity and the laws of value," said Georgiana.

"You asked your Aragon just now, you mean the Duchess of Anjou, Yolanda of Aragon?"

Georgiana did not answer her question.

How did she come up with this strange question just now?

"Joan of Arc has only existed for 11 months, but the Duchess of Anjou has existed for 42 years, and we will not let you become Joan of Arc." Louvre pointed his wand at Georgiana's shackles.

"No!" she exclaimed.

"Why not?" Louvre asked.

"Does he feel unsafe?" Georgiana said calmly, "I want him to untie it for me."

"Although the witch was annoying just now, she was right about one thing. Everyone has to choose a side." Louvre said, "You should choose a side."

"I thought the International Statute of Secrecy kept wizards away from Muggles."

"I was sent by Downing Street because I'm the only female Auror." Louvre said with a sneer, "I didn't expect my gender to be my advantage."

"when did you come?"

"After the French woman left, she left not long ago, and we agreed on a rotation."

Georgiana shook her head helplessly, it seemed that something was happening under her nose.

"Do you want to go back to England?" Louvre asked looking at the watercolor sketches on the table.

Georgiana was thinking about what Maria said just now.

She chose to stay because she had ambitions to achieve.

Is Reynorman really accurate in her predictions, or is she good at reading people?

That woman was not like Sybil, who was very frantic when she predicted. After she finished her prophecy, Sybil couldn't remember what happened. Lenorman looked sober, but she said that she was a sleepwalker.

Sleepwalkers had better not wake her up, or she'd go crazy.

"Is George III really crazy this time?" Georgiana asked.

Louvre did not answer the question.

"I'm going to sleep for a while. If you have nothing to do, you can read a book." Georgiana pointed to her neatly stacked books. "Especially The Wealth of Nations, my prophecy is in it."

Then she went to the bedroom next door, threw the shawl on the rocking chair, lay on the simple bed and fell asleep quickly.

It is a strange thing to dream in a dream, but Georgiana dreamed anyway, and she was driving a carriage along a road lined with hawthorn blossoms, which, when they were in full bloom, covered the branches like spring snow.

If one day she wants to plant a road tree, she must plant this kind.

Although hawthorn tastes very sour, it is a fruit that is beneficial to the body, and it can also be stored in sugar. Old fools will definitely like it very much.

Just as she was thinking this way, an old wizard suddenly grabbed a candied hawthorn she had made and took a bite. There were a pair of blue eyes behind the half-moon glasses.

"Why are you here?" asked Georgiana.

"I'll give you a piece of advice. None of the monarchs in 1802 were sober," said the old fool. "The king you chose needs you."

"Will he still be king?" Georgiana said wearily.

"First of all, you have to understand that the monarch and feudal autocracy are not the same thing." The old fool explained, "At a time when the fate of a country is extremely dangerous, a wise, calm and wise monarch is invaluable. He can dissolve every party. conflicts between them, and long-planned internal animosities."

"Do you mean France or England?"

"I told you that in 1802 all monarchs were insane, not just France and England."

"Why this year?" asked Georgiana.

"On the first day, God said let there be light," said the old fool. "On the second day, God created the air and separated the water from the air. Do you remember what opera he saw at Christmas in 1800?"

Georgiana was all shaken, the old fool smiled meaningfully, waved at Georgiana, hummed a song and continued to eat hawthorn.

The two-wheeled carriage led her to run at high speed, and soon the surrounding hawthorn flowers turned into white mist.

The French calendar is very beautiful, frost moon, fruit moon, grape moon, fog moon, and snow moon. Unfortunately, most people are not used to it, so they use numbers instead.

She reached out to caress the face of her little French lover, and she was the only shadow in his gray-blue eyes.

"I thought you understood." She said softly, "All glory and wealth are fleeting, and inheritance cannot last forever for what you want to protect."

"I hate him." Leon said very calmly, "I want him dead."

"There are many people who want him alive..."

"I remember most of what he said when I saw him for the first time. I couldn't understand most of them, but I understood peace, soldier, it's useless. I was thinking, what does this person want to do?" Leon called Cut off her words, "I remembered later, I didn't go to the Tuileries Palace on the day I returned to Paris, I didn't live there, and Josephine didn't wait for me in Paris, that was the real dream, I I'm sober now, I'm not dreaming, you see."

He showed her his arm, which was almost black.

"What did you do?"

"Freed a trapped stag, I shot seven times," he said calmly, "as he freed a cursed old man."

She was speechless.

"You said I was a gunpowder smelling man, now you smell it?" He showed her the black arm, which indeed smelled strongly of gunpowder and blood.

"I heard that madness can be inherited, and my family also has genetic diseases. I have seen many corpses without internal organs on the battlefield, but I have never seen one on the dissecting table. I don't think I can be a doctor. It's too disgusting." He said Some frantically said, "But I still wanted to see what the stomach looked like, so I dissected that deer."

"The stomach of a deer is different from that of a human," she said hastily.

"I feel the same way," he said with a smile. "I feel like dissecting that deer is like dissecting his corpse. Why?"

She couldn't speak.

"tell me."

"His Patronus . . . was a deer."

"and yours?"


"Malmaison kept many rare birds, and Josephine told me not to shoot that swan." He said softly. "She's a good woman, isn't she?"

Georgiana nodded.

"Good girl." He kissed her on the forehead, "You don't need to tell them the condition, anyway, they will deliver it to their door."

"Then I..."

"Sleep with me." He patted himself on the shoulder. "This is your future work."

She wanted to refuse, but finally leaned forward.

She should let go of her ambitions and try to be a normal person so she can leave.

"I said, how did you treat me, how did I treat Britain, this time I let them go, do you understand?"

Georgiana nodded immediately.

Then he put his arms around her, like a stuffed toy, and soon fell asleep.

But the hand that was stained black by black gunpowder left black marks on her clothes and sheets, and it looked like it couldn't be washed clean.

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