Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1427 Big Tree Attracts the Wind

A long time ago, there was a country named Jin in the far east. The king of Jin at that time planned to clean up a group of unrest in the country and realize the long-term stability of Jin. Nobles who fled from Jin.

At that time, there was a state of Yu between Jin State and Guo State, which was a small country smaller than Guo State. The king of Guo State was very favored in front of Zhou Tianzi. He often went on expeditions everywhere. This time, he took the opportunity of helping those fugitive nobles to send troops to attack the new king of Jin State.

The king of Jin couldn't bear it anymore, and when he planned to send troops to teach him a lesson, his advisers dissuaded him. In the eyes of the counselors, if Guo Guo wants to win over Jin, there is only one result, and that is to abandon its civilians. The root of war is to raise the power of the people. The monarch makes the people nostalgic for their homeland through enlightenment, so that they can go to the state affairs together. If the Guo State does not pay attention to raising people's power, does not pay attention to benefiting the people, and repeatedly wages wars, it will surely fall into trouble. So the counselor advised the King of Jin to wait. Later, a miracle happened in Guo State. A god descended from the sky and lived in Xinyuan. Guo State, who was in trouble, immediately sent people to worship, hoping that God would rescue him from the predicament.

But God said, do you only beg God for your life when you are about to perish? What is God? Guo Guo's morality is poor, how can he deserve to own land?

A few years later, the story of the state of Jin destroying the state of Guo under the pretext of destroying the state of Yu on the way, and destroying the state of Yu on the way back, is also the source of the "false path to attack Guo" in the thirty-six strategies.

In addition, there is a beauty trick among the thirty-six tricks. Georgiana deliberately translated it to Napoleon, but the Corsican smiled and hugged her in his arms, snuggling up against the head of the bed to keep warm.

There is no heating in St. Luke's Palace, and the warmth depends on the fireplace, which is now burning brightly, and the firewood is crackling.

The lion, who was enraged by George III's crazy idea, is now quiet. He talks about his childhood dream of the East. In his eyes, Europe is just a molehill, and the real heroes are all in Asia.

In the east there is a sleeping lion, and when he wakes up the whole world trembles.

But this sleeping lion is not India. He has read a lot of books about India, mostly historical materials, which was his only pastime when he was a poor officer.

Georgiana also had nothing to do when she was in the military camp. She borrowed a few books to read, one of which recorded the kingdom of Mysore in South India.

The vast majority of British cultural people will have one or two books about India in their homes, and there may even be people who understand Sanskrit. The origin of the Kingdom of Mysore is still controversial, but this is not important. The Tiger of Mysore Tipu Sultan Haider Ali was an anti-British hero in India, but he was killed in 1799. In 1790, because of his defeat, he ceded nearly half of the territory to the coalition organized by the British and sent his two sons to Take hostages to the British.

Of course, there is no freedom when being a hostage. Why didn't the UK let the two little princes go back?

Now that Britain has supported the Udiaru family as the royal family, France can also support it, provided that the two little princes who are hostages are found and taken away from the UK alive.

Mauritius has always been the naval base of France. Napoleon had no time to take care of it when he led the French army to fight in Egypt. Now he can use the territory of Mysore as a bridgehead to attack the territory of the East India Company, but this means that he must cooperate with the British The war is back on.

Occupying the Mediterranean, but going around the Cape of Good Hope, and then to the South Asian subcontinent, why not dig through the Suez Canal? so close.

But with the railway, the British navy can also build one, reach the Red Sea from land, and then board a ship to India, provided that the Turks will watch the British swagger through their territory.

According to the Peace Treaty of Amiens, Egypt now belongs to Turkey, and Britain and France will withdraw their troops, and there is a price to be paid if they want to use it. In this peace talk, Napoleon Bonaparte was responsible for acting as the mediator between Turkey and the United Kingdom. West Africa, which had been built by the United Kingdom for many years after the Suez Canal was built, was about to be abandoned.

The troops from the British mainland, the freight incurred and the expenses incurred in India all need to be borne by the East India Company.

The special trade certificate was issued by the East India Company to allow the neutral country to serve the British trade. Now there is a problem with it. Are those trade certificates issued by the British or the Indians?

Hyde Ali was illiterate, but he was afraid of the British kingdom. On the contrary, those Indians who were educated and could speak English were used by the British parliamentarians as tools to rule India.

Napoleon's style is to arouse the national feelings of the local people, whether it is the French or the Italians. Later, the national pride of India is also produced, and the country can wake up, but before that, it is just the granary of the British colonists and objects of fantasy.

"I used to think it was nice to be slender. You can gain some weight so that you can have meat."

He smiled shamelessly as she got out of bed and dressed.

Georgiana didn't bother to pay him any attention.

If the peace agreement can be signed, the second industrial exhibition will still be held. Fortunately, she had the foresight to postpone it for five months.

But how much industry can be developed in five months?

"Georgianna, show me the sari on your body." He made another request.

"You want me to cover my face?" She looked back at him with a sneer.

He suddenly looked at her with a gloomy gaze.

The sight was terrifying, so she had no choice but to do as he said. She tore off a corner of the curtain used to block the light, covered herself up, and blocked the lower half of her face, revealing only her eyes.

"I hope you are just sister Dina Sad, not an English woman." Napoleon said in a low voice, "and your English husband, I hope they don't exist."

"Not every Englishman is bad," whispered Georgiana. "I think God sent me to you just to show you that."

He didn't speak, and looked very gloomy, not at all like the sunny Leon.

"Otherwise, I'll tell you another story." She was about to walk over, but Napoleon stopped her.

"Stay right there, don't come over." He said fiercely, "Do they think I'm someone like Louis XV, who agrees to any condition as soon as a woman shows up?"

"Isn't what I just said enough for them to suffer?"

"How do you know?" he asked again.


Again he didn't answer.

"I guess." She said quietly, "because I'm trying to understand you."

Their conversation was a bit inexplicable, but Georgiana thought he understood.

"Don't worry, I didn't tell anyone." She coaxed in a low voice, "You are mine, and I belong to you."

"Have you read The Wealth of Nations?" he said dryly.


"Then have you ever heard of bounties?"

Georgiana recalled.

"You mean to lower the price of food by exporting it?" Georgiana asked.

He laughed, "Go and tell those British envoys that if you agree to this condition, we will have the possibility of peace talks. No one is allowed to mention the two brothers you mentioned just now."

"No problem." Georgiana readily agreed, "Caprara said you were reading The Wealth of Nations, and he was worried about what you would do to Italy."

"Don't say you love us two next time." He lifted the quilt and began to get dressed too. "This statement is disgusting."

But that's the truth.

Georgiana thought, but didn't say it.

"Fraternity" is actually not a good word, and she feels it now.

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