Although William Pitt Jr. sent a lot of books to Georgiana and arranged for a librarian, the librarian basically did nothing except to manage the books, including delivering information.

On the issue of maritime rights and interests, Addington and William Pitt Jr. are also different. Addington and Hawkesbury believed that French fishing boats should be treated like French warships, and they should be arrested and expelled. Later, Mr. Otto, the French Minister to the UK, said That being the case, all French prisoners of war should be released, otherwise France will disband all organizations in Britain, and France will immediately go to war with Britain. This was not desired by the peace-seeking public opinion, the British commoners, the aristocrats, and the businessmen, so the new minister changed the order to "pay attention" to the French fishermen, which eased the atmosphere of war.

In fact, it is very difficult to meet the navy in the vast sea. In the early 19th century, there were no sonar and satellites. Even when the Titanic was launched, people mainly relied on binoculars and eyesight for navigation. Napoleon first tried to rescue the Egyptian Expeditionary Army with sneak attack tactics. However, Admiral Guntom did not dare to sail the ship out of the port, which caused delays in the fighter planes. This is also a common problem among French admirals.

Nelson considered the best navy to be French ships of war and English sailors, and all the French ships captured by them were used by the British Navy almost without hesitation.

During the reign of Louis XV, France had a very powerful navy. The then admiral Pierre-André de Choufranbe became the "General Satan" and served in the waters of the Antilles and the Indian Ocean. He fought several naval battles with the British Royal Navy and achieved impressive results. Even Louis XVI once owned it, but France did not have it after the Great Revolution.

But being so sneaky is not what a great civilized country should be. William Pitt Jr. gave up the right to fish in the ocean, and at the same time allowed French warships to sail to the Caribbean Sea to recover the colony of Santo Domingo under the supervision of British warships. Napoleon also The focus shifted from the Mediterranean to the Caribbean, and possibly even the land of Louisiana.

Giving up the Forbidden Sea was asked by Georgiana, who attended the meeting that day. The UK came out of Christian humanitarianism. Is it strange for a woman to plead with a man with tears?

The Duke of Orléans, who later became King of France, accepted a constitutional monarchy. He was often seen walking along the Seine with an umbrella in his hand, which earned him the nickname "the bourgeois king with an umbrella in his hand".

British gentlemen often take umbrellas for walks along the Thames River. This must be the same as taking his loyal troops to Malta to serve as the head of the Knights of the Hospital. Then the Bourbon royal family used this island as a starting point to use the Royal Navy to invade Italy and Asia. The Adriatic Sea, like Hannibal, crossed the Alps, reoccupied France, and restored the life setting of the Bourbon royal family.

How can someone with this ability accept a constitutional monarchy.

The constitution is the chain that restrains the power of an absolute monarchy. Marie Antoinette is not tough when she should be tough, and she is uncompromising when she shouldn’t be tough. She can handle the necklace incident by herself. It was over after branding. At that time, France did not have a constitutional monarchy, and there was no question of whether human rights were not human rights. When the people were about to overthrow the king and start a revolution, she got tough instead and asked the Austrian army to suppress the French.

The British are good at compromise, and Addington compromised when he was negotiating with Otto. This information about the fisherman was carried by the librarian left by William Pitt Jr. in the book given to her by Cornwallis’ son. Seemingly very tough, William Pitt Jr., who was about to declare war on France, didn't seem to plan to resume the war at this time, but he still needed the support of the army, so he could only rely on the method of passing a small note.

Since the seventeenth century, kings have struggled with parliamentary constitutions, but Britain does not have a "written constitution", and Bentham was one of the main promoters of advocating a written constitution.

The British are always talking about "constitution" and "liberty", precisely because there is no constitution and freedom in the UK. The almost transparent tulle dresses worn by the Greek goddesses in France cannot be found in the UK. Wearing tights that can strangle people.

France’s current regime is unstable, and women’s figures don’t change frequently like the regime in France. Maybe it won’t be long before the fashion of the Bourbon period will be restored. Men will wear wigs again, and women will wear corsets again. Out of a small waist.

Ross on the Titanic also wears tights, and Scarlett in "Gone with the Wind" also wears tights. This kind of "beauty" is artificially shaped, and it is not the same thing as the natural beauty of the human body, just like forests and cities , the nobility of nature and the nobility of man.

The freedom of the United States is the freedom of "everyone is equal". According to Montesquieu's theory, everyone is equal in the original state, which means that Americans must advocate force and have guns legally, so that they can defend themselves against wild animals defend their legitimate rights as if they were their own turf.

A person who cannot shoot a gun cannot survive in the United States. Melanie wisely chose to rely on Scarlett, even though she knew that Scarlett was spying on her husband.

Freedom in Britain is unequal freedom, the barriers between classes are extremely strict, and urbanization has brought a large number of cheap rural labor into factories. But after several generations of accumulation, these former farmers will also become the petty bourgeoisie in the city, with the opportunity to study, or parents like James Stewart Mill, who cut down on food and clothing to let their children read.

Which major did he choose? Bridges, medicine, industry, or something else?

After graduating from the wrong major, it is difficult to get a job. Fortunately, Mill was appreciated by Bentham and became one of the negotiating envoys. He followed Thomas Granit to France. Now he is assisting Sir Mery to manage the barracks. The townsman became the only Protestant pastor in the barracks.

Outside the wooden fence of the barracks is the bell of the Catholic church, but inside the barracks there is silence. People will run to the church to listen to the pastor in fear. These city residents are much more educated than his former pastoral area, understand The ability is also much better. Anyway, there is no place to sit in the house that serves as a small church. The believers have to stand and listen at the door outside the church.

The last time Georgiana brought French soldiers to resolve the conflict, she was accompanied by a Catholic cardinal. How would she cooperate with this priest this time?

"Damn little bastard, you are not afraid that I will run away with others." Georgiana sneered.

Minerva McGonagall's father is a pastor, and she hasn't tried whether being a pastor's wife is as painful as Isabel's.

It's a pity that there are no nuns in Protestantism, otherwise she wouldn't mind wearing a nun's costume and handing out brochures or something. She asked Lord Bloom for the British Constitution, and as there was no written British Constitution, the army officer slipped a Bible into her, which now sat on the little round table in her bedroom.

Matthew 4:22, one day, Jesus was walking by the sea of ​​Galilee, and he saw brothers and men fishing, so he said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."

So the two brothers left their nets and followed him. Here are Peter Simon and his brother Andrew.

Those "players" hadn't been talking about fish at all at her dinner table that day; while she was cooking in the kitchen, they had reached a sort of consensus.

So is she a mediator or a witness?

Just then, there was a knock on her door.

"Please come in." Georgiana turned her head and said, not long after, the door was opened, and a woman in a hooded cloak came in.

When she took off her cloak and hat, the ugly face of the fortune teller Maria was revealed.

"I'm here to thank you for your help," Maria said in French, "and I think you need help right now."

Georgiana sighed. "You expected that?"

"Of course not." Maria smiled mysteriously, "How dare I lie to you, princess."

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