Just imagine, the first ruler of France would fall in love with a British female teacher? Is this not a dream?

Or to put it another way, a short, poor boy fell in love with a beautiful and rich noble lady, and she also fell in love with him. Isn't this a daydream?

She only thought it was an intoxicating dream, and she didn't believe that Napoleon would lose his mind for her and make the same decision as Anthony, so Cuvier's provocative and poetic question was unrealistic, but this question This is where the ridiculousness lies, what reality is mentioned in the dream?

Everything is a dream, since it is a dream, why does she care so much?

Many people in power during the French Revolution held the same idea. When Robespierre was in power, he could do whatever he wanted, but he fell in a blink of an eye, but ended up so miserable in the end, so the people in the Directorate government seized the time Enjoyment, after all, when they fall from power, they will no longer be able to enjoy such a luxurious life.

After admiring the flower galleries and sculptures in the Rose Garden, Georgiana bypassed the Botanical Institute and headed to the mound in the southwest corner. There was a hedge maze on the mound, not quite as complex as the Triwizard Tournament maze, but just as good for trespassers to get lost.

February 17, 1802 was a crescent moon, and the moonlight was not abundant. There was snow on the ground, which could reflect a little light, but if you walked along the snowy road and avoided the dark bushes on both sides, you would walk into a trap.

Fear of the dark is the nature of many people. The magic of fluorescent flashes was invented in 1772. But the British at that time, whether they were Muggles or wizards, were very annoying. The current Minister of Magic should be Artemisia Lufkin of Hufflepuff. She governed and made the Quidditch World Cup in England Held, she was not that focused on the promotion of this spell, at least not many of the French pure-blood wizards she asked would know.

Some people think that what they think is advanced will be accepted by others.

The arrogance of the French is not lost to the British, but it is a pity that the British, who were the winners after Waterloo, forgot. The power of Muggles is related to the interests of wizards. According to the history of magic, in 1782, because of George III’s madness, Lord North, the Muggle Prime Minister at the time, approached the Minister of Magic, Natchbull, and asked him if he could Helping to cure King George III of his mental illness, Lord North later believed that witches had spread the word, leading to Knatchbull being forced to resign after a motion of no confidence.

William Pitt Jr. took office in 1783, and his predecessor was William Cavendish Bentinck. He served as Prime Minister twice but did not hold real power. The power was in the hands of Charles James Fox and Lord North. Unnamed Prime Minister.

Wizards have never known much about Muggles, even wizards who deal with Muggles all the year round. The history of magic habitually writes Lord North, who they thought was the Prime Minister, as the Prime Minister.

For wizards, does it make much of a difference?

This is similar to the relationship between Henry Addington and William Pitt Jr. Henry Addington was supported by George III. George III seemed to be mentally better this time. On February 17, he conveyed through Cornwallis A new peace condition - the governor of Malta, the head of the Knights of St. John is a member of the Bourbon royal family.

This condition is actually not very absurd. At the beginning, the condition proposed by Britain was to let France cede Egypt and Malta to Britain.

After all this, what kind of second industrial exhibition will be held?

The streets are full of patrolmen and gendarmes. This chilling feeling should be real. If anyone thinks they are dreaming, try shouting "Long live the king" in front of the patrolmen.

Even Georgiana was expelled from the Grand Trianon and now lives in the barracks at Sèvres with all the English.

Since midnight on February 18, British people have been arrested from theaters and restaurants, and then escorted to military camps.

The common people don't know why it suddenly became like this. The British newspapers are still happily talking about the benefits that the signing of the "Amiens Peace Treaty" will bring to the two countries, and Georgiana will definitely not tell them this kind of thing.

What she can do now is to stay in the house reserved for her by William Pitt Jr. before he left, and try to keep it as quiet as possible, so that other British people do not know that she is also in the barracks.

People who lost control out of fear would tear her apart, and she didn't want the dragon's breath to be used on her "citizens" first.

Protestant bedrooms are not as gorgeous as Catholicism, but they have everything they need. Georgiana sits by the bed and looks at the Fire Opal in her hand. It still has an iridescent effect in the dark sky, just like the mood of the people around her. .

She seemed to understand something of why this ring was so valuable, worth it for Bey's wife to exchange for his other wealth.

After Artemisia Lufkin, the Minister of Magic, Grogan Stump, also graduated from Hufflepuff College. During his tenure, he redefined the definition of man and beast.

He believed that any creature with an intelligence capable of understanding the laws of a magical society, and taking part in the process of carrying out those laws, should be classified as a human being.

In addition, he also set up the Alien, Beast and Ghost Office under the Department of Magical Creature Management and Control, and many useful things can be obtained from the fire dragon. Dragon blood, dragon claws, dragon dung, dragon heart, dragon skin, dragon liver, it is as useful as the whale in the Muggle century. Before Harvey Ridgebit, there was no fire dragon sanctuary in the world, where it was allowed Raise and study dragons in captivity. Before that, many wizards raised fire dragons for personal profit or hobby. In 1709, the Wizards Conference passed a bill prohibiting the breeding of fire dragons. However, the Wizards Conference was held by British wizards and had nothing to do with French wizards.

The Beast Office of the Fire Dragon Research and Restriction Bureau, that is to say, before Stump, raising fire dragons and fire dragons in the wild were out of control.

Now that Napoleon passed the celebration banquet without incident, the French Ministry of Magic can no longer sit around with a salary like in the old days. Even if they are not in Romania, they can also set up a reserve for raising fire dragons on a land as large as Europe. Not only can they prohibit others from raising fire dragons, but they can also make profits from it, and even benefit the Ministry of Magic to a certain extent. After all, wizards It is not like the Muggle regime that needs to rely on taxes to maintain income.

The Paris Bulletin published such an article: Britain was once a stable country in Europe, but now it has fallen, and everything related to Britain is contemptuous and pitiful... The madness of King George III will Infected more people on the island of England... The king has lost his glory, and the battles he fought can't be counted. We don't know if he can still mount the horse to command the battle, and we don't know his past glory and dignity How long can it last.

The best solution at this time is for the Prince of Wales to ascend the throne and let George III step down from the position of king, but is George III really crazy or fake?

There are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests. The Bourbon royal family that has lost its use value is a burden to the United Kingdom. It needs to be supported by British taxpayers. Isn’t it enough to support a British royal family?

If Napoleon can accept the conditions, then it is a good thing, if Napoleon does not accept, the ministers can also say that it is the crazy words of the mad king.

Napoleon Bonaparte can be easily fooled?

It’s true that Georgiana is a witch, but she didn’t use the love potion, nor did she use the Imperius Curse. Napoleon once told her that he didn’t want to kill her. At that time, her answer was that if she didn’t give him a reason to kill him , so why did he do it?

Now the reason came. I heard that his eyes were burning with anger, and he couldn't stop shaking.

When he is out of control, he will give inhumane orders. The city of Acre in Egypt is an example, but when his rage passes and he regains his composure, he will become a "wise king" again.

On February 17th, everyone was attracted by the celebration banquet. No one paid attention to Napoleon's study room. His secretary usually kept the keys of the safe where important materials were stored. Someone broke into St. Luke's office that day.

Fortunately, the guards discovered it in time, but it is impossible to know whether the information inside was stolen. The guards who were chasing at that time said that the intruder suddenly disappeared in place.

Georgiana remembered a dream she had had a long time ago, she couldn't remember when, when she dreamed that a young man was being chased, and then he put on the invisibility cloak and disappeared in front of the Muggle soldiers.

It was the Scavengers who were in charge of St. Luke's guard that day.

A scapegoat has to bear the guilt of someone else even if he has not committed a fault.

Sometimes Georgiana really wishes she could be a woman like Mrs. Poland, forgetting her 70-year-old husband and country, just like an ordinary woman, staying at home and not going out to see guests, living a life of two people , After having children, it becomes a more complete family.

Or maybe England is a weak country like Poland, which would make life easier for her.

It's a pity that this kind of woman can't capture Leon's heart.

For Bonaparte, a woman who can bear children is the best woman, so an army that can win battles is the best army, but he also likes scholars and women with flair. What kind of woman is the most flamboyant?

Cleopatra means the glory of the father, and Georgiana would not say "wait a minute" to Mrs. Du Barry on the execution ground. She will not be like Horace's younger sister, who only knows to cry when her fiancé dies, and does not guard against the sword stabbed in her brother's hand.

I know who I am, do you know who you are?

Georgiana stood up, she didn't want to sit in the bedroom like this any longer.

She opened the door to find Cornwallis' son, Lord Bloom, reading a newspaper in a chair by her door.

"Find me some books to read." She ordered in the dean's tone.

"You want to read a novel?"

Georgiana smiled sweetly, "Bring me the British Constitution."

After she finished speaking, she slammed the door of the room in his face.

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