In the battle of Hogwarts, in addition to using the devil's net, Pomona also used the pimple vine and the antidote, but the antidote is poisonous, and it is not practical in occasions where children may appear, and she cannot use it all at once. The Malfoy Manor was set on fire, so the pimple vine became her "pillar".

Oh, she is really a wicked witch, just like in Muggle fairy tales, under the blessing of the crazy growth spell, long and prickly thorns burst out of the ground and twitched in the air, trying to attack For the students who came to help, the thinner tree vines completely covered the stone pillars. Looking at the scenery in front of Pomona, they had an inexplicable sense of accomplishment. Yes, she married a bastard, and this bastard's style is like this, whoever annoys him, he will show the other party's color. Hufflepuff had always kept a low profile, but that was to keep a high profile at any time. Those who had never seen the power of plant magic were all stunned.

"Honey, although I said you can do a big job, is it necessary for you to tear down my house?" Narcissa Malfoy said tremblingly.

"It's not demolished, Mom, it's razed to the ground." Draco also widened his eyes.

"Don't worry, the main house is fine, and it's easy to destroy it. You just need to find its burl." Pomona found a place to sit down contentedly, and she also wanted to laugh like a demon king.

"Didn't you go to that class with Gryffindors in sixth year? Neville Longbottom was the first in the class to get the burl."

There are several greenhouses in Hogwarts. The relatively docile magic plants are in the first greenhouse, and freshmen can enter them. The second and third greenhouses are more dangerous, and there are many carnivorous plants.

Draco ignored her, and all the nobles who came to help arrange the arrangement ignored her. Everyone was stunned by the devastating power in front of them.

Yes, if there are people who don't play by the rules, they don't have to play by the rules, and what a happy world it is to be free.

"Will these vines actively attack people?" A noble lady asked Pomona cautiously.

"As long as it suspects that someone is going to take its burl, it will, relax, this is part of the fortification, and I will not hurt any of my own."

Pomona told them to relax, and they didn't relax at all, and the vines came close to roaring like dragons.

Severus Snape and Dumbledore are different people. He likes to crush with strength. What Draco said at Weasley's trick shop yesterday should have been spread everywhere. It is estimated that someone is secretly observing Malfoy. In the manor, it is better to make a big scene than to hide it. Come if you have the courage to come.

"Neville! It's almost there, let the boys get some burls, there are too many vines!" she shouted at the Hogwarts Herbology professor.

"How do you get the burl?" Draco asked tremblingly.

"Want to play Quidditch? Draco, I remember you are a Seeker like Harry Potter."

Draco immediately turned his gaze to Narcissa.

"You heard what your godmother said, be safe." Narcissa said with a smile.

"Don't forget to bring your wand, you can already use magic outside of school," Pomona added.

"Wow!" Draco cheered loudly, and went to get his broomstick with the other children who studied with St. Mungo's cheering.

Theodore Not was the only one missing from these people.

He had no sense of presence and was not very courageous, so everyone regarded him as resting at home.

Barty Crouch Jr. was just like him, except that he was a student of Hufflepuff, and he learned to play dumb to cover himself up, and Pomona herself was busy when he entered, so she didn't notice him at all, and he ended up I don't know when he actually became a Death Eater.

"What are they setting up there?" Narcissa Malfoy asked, pointing at the students throwing dung eggs.

"If you fertilize magic plants, the plants that are born at a very high speed lack nutrients. What they throw is dragon dung. If it is a plant that does not like the sun like the devil's net, then you need to use moon crazy animal manure."

The nobles and ladies immediately showed disgusted expressions, and Professor Sprout didn't say a word, so there is nothing to say.

Even if they see such a powerful force, they don't intend to use it when they hear that dung is used. They want to keep the girls dignified and tidy. They chose the path of not wanting to be strong and clinging to the strong. What does this have to do with her?

She will not be merciful to the vines, the redundant branches will be cut off to make the plants stronger, if you don't want to make yourself redundant, try to become stronger.

"Sissy, let's sow seeds." Pomona said holding a sack.

"What's this?"

"Mibu Mibao."

The ladies all looked puzzled.

"The main defense is done, but the details need to be added. You plant the seeds according to the blueprint I sent you. This kind of plant is very rare, not even in the Hogwarts greenhouse. It is sponsored by Professor Longbottom."

Neville was Pomona's little angel, he was always on call, and he would never negotiate terms with her. She really didn't want him to regain his magic power by means of a magic riot.

"What can this Mibu Mibao do?" someone asked.

"Mibu Mibao looks like a small gray cactus when it grows up, but instead of thorns, it is full of boils. It will pulsate slightly, like a diseased internal organ. We are also celebrating Halloween, so it must be a little scary. The atmosphere is right."

Pomona said lightly while avoiding the seriousness.

Mibu Mibao is a kind of plant produced in Assyria. It is very rare. It is even more remote than Irgillium. Mibu Mibao has a very strong self-defense mechanism. When it is attacked by outsiders, its boils are powerful weapons. , which will spray out a lot of viscous and foul-smelling liquid to attack the enemy.

She is on guard against these ladies, who knows if they will rebel because of intimidation, the premise is that they know that Mibu Mibao has other functions besides its terrifying appearance. Apart from flashes of light in the dark night, the best warning sign is stench. This time she will not be the same as last time, there are loopholes everywhere in the maze for people to exploit.

Newt, the author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, has a strange box in which magical animals can be kept. It breaks the law that no living things are allowed in the space. She would like to know how it is done. Whether the Room of Requirement is relevant.

Having been with a smart person like Severus for a long time, he can quickly guess what she thinks. When meeting ordinary people, her emotions are a little out of control. She took a deep breath to keep calm, but she couldn't Make enemies everywhere like that grumpy old bat.

No matter what the attitude of the Greengrass family is, as long as Head Hufflepuff is on Slytherin's side, the family who accepted the invitation will have to weigh it carefully.

Pomona also participated in the Battle of Hogwarts. She brought all the students in Hufflepuff's grade. She also broke a tradition. Hufflepuff is generally timid, and many neutral noble families are like this. Now that Pomona Sprout has taken her stand, come or not come and give a verdict.

It turns out that this is the feeling of strength.

Pomona smiled sweetly. This is something Dumbledore could not give her. He hoped that she could live in peace with everyone and be fair and just, instead of Severus threatening with strength like this. You don't mess with me, I won't mess with you .

No wonder George and Fred thought he was cool.

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