Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 138 Going Around in Circles

Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived, the first time he survived the catastrophe because of the protection of his mother Lily Potter, he escaped the Avada Kedavra curse, the second time he brushed past the god of death Because he is the master of the Deathly Hallows.

The symbol of the Death Eaters is the Dark Mark, while Grindelwald's disciples use the Deathly Hallows. There is one on Luna Lovegood's father's arm. Pomona doesn't know that he simply likes that symbol , or he is already a disciple of Grindelwald.

Combining with magical creatures to produce mixed blood, this kind of thing Voldemort would not do, but it is the style of the White Wizard and Grindelwald. They used to be very close friends, but they ended up in a hostile position. Why?

She sat in front of the mirror and drew a lightning-shaped mark on her forehead with lipstick. In runes, it represented victory. Now that it disappeared, what did it represent?

She felt that an answer was about to come out, but she couldn't grasp the flash of inspiration, so she closed her eyes and imagined that she was Lily, and what she had to do to activate the ancient spell.

That spell was not only to rebound the Avada Kedavra, but also to go to Petunia's house to protect Harry's safety. When Pomona ran to the yard outside Harry's house that day, she witnessed the process of Harry's magic riot and It wasn't completely out of control, but it was quite dangerous. The boy really hoped that he could have the love of his parents, but unfortunately, he was surrounded by people who didn't understand him. Those Muggles maliciously slandered his parents in order to gain talk and a sense of superiority.

Yes, the sense of superiority, this is the root cause of the prevalence of bloodism, why do Muggles who can't even see the dementors rule the world?

Why do you feel hopeless? Why do you feel lonely? No desire to live.

You don't know the answer, and you just live step by step like everyone else. Isn't it scary to live a life like this?

"Mummy loves you, Harry, and Daddy loves you too." Pomona heard a woman whisper softly, "You stay safe, Harry, you stay safe..."

"What are you doing?" Severus' voice brought Pomona back from the hallucination.

He was fully dressed again at this moment, and was looking at the lightning symbol on her forehead with disgust.

"Are you going to play the savior now?"

"I want to find out what power made Lily activate the spell."

"Then don't draw that thing on the head, rub it off, it looks disgusting."

He turned his back and tied the interspatial bag made of deformed lizard skin around his waist. Although it can deter thieves, if someone wants to save him, he can't find the Potions Professor's inventory.

"None of us has any traces of runes on us, Severus. I don't think Harry's scar is simply a shared life."

"The old fool said that when the spell rebounded, part of the Dark Lord's soul shards attached to the only living creature at the time. The scar on Harry Potter's head was his soul. Every time he touched the 'dark' Everything about it hurts."

"Old Barty Crouch's death had nothing to do with Harry, why does his scar still hurt?"

"How do I know that?"

"Could it be a warning, warning him of danger, now Harry's an Auror, remember?"

Severus stopped straightening his clothes.

"Have you ever thought that Dumbledore might be wrong." She turned and faced him "Sybil once prophesied to him in the third grade, and the prophecy she said was recorded in an ordinary crystal ball, The master and the servant will meet again tonight, the servant must be Wormtail, who do you think the master is?"

"Dumbledore judged Harry Potter to be a Horcrux because of the prophecy?"

"You're so smart!" Pomona stood up and rushed over to hug him and kiss him, but Severus held out a finger and tapped her forehead, keeping her away.

"I've heard enough prophecies, and it was because of the prophecies that the Dark Lord decided to kill Lily."

"But don't they all believe it?" Pomona stood upright with her hands behind her back. "Their plans and actions are all based on the prophecy."

"I'm listening." He frowned.

Pomona looked up and down at Severus, who was dressed in black and looked like a demon king. "Have you ever thought that you are the master and Wormtail is your servant?"

He immediately shook his head with a mocking smile.

"The Dark Lord had many failures in his life, but the worst of these failures was getting Pete Pediru to boil him a resurrection potion. If Wormtail were my servant, I would describe myself as 'pathetic', Maybe I still live with my mother, let alone marry a beautiful woman like you."

The underdogs he described seemed really miserable, but it pleased Pomona to be praised by him.

"Thank you, Severus," she said awkwardly, blushing involuntarily.

He reached out and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand.

"Sometimes I think you are a dream, a fantasy that I have been alone for too long." He frowned as if he was in great pain, "You are so perfect."

She didn't know what to do with this more direct compliment, so she lowered her head, and his fingers went around to lift her chin, making her eyes meet his empty eyes.

"Put down your wand, Severus."

"Damn it!" He cursed angrily, "Why do you always find out my intentions!"

"You want to know what I was thinking just now, right? You don't need to go through so much trouble, you can just ask me directly, just like when you asked me to the prom before." Pomona smiled and shook her head, "You actually said no to me?" What a waste, what an idiot."

"Can I ask why you are willing to go to the dance with me in your heart, and you still torture me?"

Pomona thought, why is she playing with him like this?

"I don't know, Severus, maybe I'm just hoping to get your attention."

Her answer puzzled him even more.

"There must be some kind of connection between Harry and the Dark Lord, but I don't think it's because the Dark Lord's soul fragment is attached to him."

"Why do you think that?"

Harry can speak Parseltongue, and he can "foresee" Arthur Weasley being bitten by Nagini, all of which illustrate Dumbledore's speculation.

"I don't know, a woman's intuition." She spun around the dark wizard briskly, "Harry is very pure, there is no rancid smell on his body, do you remember that Quirrell who smelled like garlic?"

Severus shook his head "How could I forget him."

"He eats so much garlic to cover up the rancid smell on his body. Two souls in one body will have problems, and Harry is healthy in all aspects." Pomona thought of the poor unicorn , It's terrible that a man would harm such a pure creature for the sake of immortality "What happened to the unicorn that Quirrell attacked?"

"If you want to ask me if I have collected materials from it, yes, I have thought about it, but I was afraid of the curse, so I didn't dare to touch it." He touched his forehead with lingering fear, "If you get kicked, you will be blind, drink it. What a curse should its blood be."

"The Philosopher's Stone is needed in order to destroy that cursed body." Pomona stared into his eyes and said, "How do you think Dumbledore knew?"

Severus looked surprised.

"A prophecy again?"

"In addition to Sybil, the Trelawney family also has a great prophet Cassandra. No matter what you think, I believe in prophecy. We will think about what Sybil made to Harry that day. You have to do it now. My job is to protect her and leave blood to the Trelawney family."

"Oh, no!" Severus yelled straight away, "I'm not going to marry that crazy woman."

"I didn't say it was you!" Pomona stomped her feet angrily. "Find her a husband. I think Luna's father is good. Anyway, they are both crazy, maybe they can make a couple."

Severus looked at her "What if he still has his ex-wife in his heart?"

"That's okay, the main thing is blood continuation..."

"You're really Dumbledore's student." Severus interrupted her angrily, and after looking in the mirror to make sure that he had packed up, he disapparated without saying hello.

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