Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1383: The Sounding Organ (Part 2)

The organ gun is the same as the Gatling machine gun. Because of its heavy weight, it needs to be placed on wheels or erected at a fixed location. It is very suitable for defending a large number of enemy charges in a narrow location, such as a bridgehead.

But the organ gun is not like the Gatling machine gun. After firing a row, it must be reloaded manually. Georgiana has no interest in improving this kind of thing. She wishes it would disappear from this world.

After learning of Georgiana's intentions, Captain Jean Pinault, who was in charge of guarding the bridgehead, would certainly not refuse to lend her a place, but he felt that she actually had a better choice, which was to go to the Royal Porcelain Factory.

Almost all the townspeople in Sevres have someone working in the porcelain factory, but she thought it was Bernadotte's place. Later, Davout sent someone to say that the townspeople and the British representative were already waiting for her there, so she turned around. look back.

Bernadotte was promoted to the Western Legion in June. At that time, it was rumored that the British were going to land, but it was later discovered that it was just a rebellion by the Royalists.

Not long after that, he was transferred back from the west, as a dispensable member of the Senate, and then he was assigned to deal with the ceramic factory.

The Sevres Ceramics Factory is exclusive to the royal family, and the office building of the factory is built like a palace, which looks very magnificent.

There are two pig-liver red vases at the entrance, as tall as a person, but there are no flowers inside, just useless decorations.

Georgiana had no way of knowing why Napoleon "tortured" Bernadotte so much. Anyway, Bernadotte did not come to see her. The original director of the ceramics factory was responsible for guiding her. He brought Georgiana and Ka Pralla went to the reception room, and when she opened the door the townspeople on both sides were staring at each other across the table.

The "Bitter Lord" side is easy to recognize. They wear crumpled and yellowed shirts, while the other side wears cleanly starched and ironed shirts. The coat is also made of expensive materials. Even if they are not aristocrats, they are rich people. .

She has never realized that the spelling of Sevres and Severus are so similar. The British representative in black almost made her misread it. She only found out later when she cleared her mind. The man bore no resemblance to Severus in height, build or appearance.

As soon as the door of the reception room was opened, the representatives of both sides stood up. The British stood up straight and bowed to Georgiana, while the French took off their hats and looked at her cautiously.

"Hello, sir." Georgiana held out her hand to the Frenchman who seemed to be the leader, and the man froze for a moment before kissing the back of her hand.

"Uh..." Georgiana had already withdrawn her hand from the oldest old man, desperately looking for a compliment.

"Please sit down." She said coldly, and then walked to the seat by the fireplace, which they had specially vacated for her.

Sophie and Michelle set out the hot chocolate and china she had brought.

Theoretically, this sweet smell could calm Madam's restless spirit. After sitting down, she held Demilde in her arms and looked at both sides.

"Drink some, now is a special period, don't waste it."

The French immediately picked up the cup and drank it, while the British followed the etiquette, took a symbolic sip and then stopped drinking.

Georgiana searched for Granit among the three Britons, but found no trace of him. Instead, a businessman who attended the Seine River reception last time was here. He noticed that Georgiana was looking at him, and immediately nodded with a smile. .

"I came here because I heard about the conflict between you..."

"They must have done it." Before Georgiana could finish her sentence, a 30-year-old man on the French side pointed at the British side and shouted loudly.

"And your evidence?" Georgiana asked without waiting for the Englishman to speak.

"Who else would there be if it wasn't them?" the French youth said unconvinced.

Georgiana looked at Caprara, who was smiling at her from the doorway.

"Have you ever heard of Kepler?" Georgiana asked the gentlemen.

"I've heard of it." The British answered first.

"I've heard of it too." The French replied unwillingly.

"Then do you know who Kepler's mother is?" Georgiana asked again.

This time no one answered.

"His mother was once accused by the villagers of being a witch. She was accused of using witchcraft to make a woman sick. She was sent to the Inquisition. Her son collected a lot of evidence to defend her. It was later discovered that she had A bad temper can easily offend people, the sick woman falsely accused her, if you accuse these gentlemen of stealing corpses, please provide relevant witnesses and physical evidence..."

"As long as they open the door for us to search," the French townsman interrupted her again.

"What if the search turns up no evidence?" Georgiana asked.

"We apologize!" the French townsman said angrily.

"We do not accept your apology." The British townsman said coldly.

"Which of you is managing that cemetery?" Georgiana asked both sides.

No one spoke this time.

"no one?"

"This kind of thing never happened before they appeared." The French townsman said coldly.

"Are your relatives buried in those graves?" Georgiana asked again.

"It's my cousin," said the excited French townsman subduedly. "She's only 20 years old."

The corpses of young women were undoubtedly more valuable and fetched high prices, but she felt that the French townspeople didn't want to hear that.

"Why don't you bury her in the churchyard?" Georgiana asked. "At least the priest can take care of it."

The French townspeople looked at Caprara together. Caprara was now dressed as a priest.

"Bigger cemeteries will have cemeteries. The last time I went there, there was no one to manage the cemetery. Weeds were everywhere, and the tombstones were messed up. Is this how you treat your relatives?"

The Frenchman said nothing.

"Even the trial of the king has his letter as evidence. If there is a gravekeeper, at least he can have his personal testimony. We are not in the Dark Ages now." Georgiana said coldly.

"You can't just leave it like that." The bitter master said.

"What do you think?" said the Englishman haughtily.

"I have another story, do you want to hear it?" Georgiana said, looking at the Englishman.

"Please say."

"Marie Antoinette had a maid named Jeanne. She pretended to be the queen's signature and letters, and deceived a cardinal's trust. She successfully defrauded an expensive necklace from a jeweler, although it was later discovered that the queen was Innocent, but her reputation and majesty have been damaged, and this happened because she was too careless and didn't take proper precautions, which gave people like Jeanna an opportunity to take advantage of her. You will be charged for what you have done. The same is true for you, there have been many grave diggings in the UK, and you should be more cautious when you are abroad."

"What do you think should be done?" the British said rebelliously.

"According to the Salik Law, the victim has the freedom to accept or not accept compensation. The ghoul is forbidden to associate with anyone until the victim's parents accept the compensation and allow him to return to the crowd. If these gentlemen do not accept your compensation, you will not associate with the people of Sevres."

"Why should we give compensation?" said the Englishman excitedly.

"I said, because of your carelessness, you were warmly received by the French during this period, so you were negligent, right?" Georgiana said sharply, "You never thought that this was maliciously sabotaging and instigating Britain and France. The relationship between them makes the peace talks impossible?"

This is the characteristic of Britain. Other countries sacrifice economic interests for political interests, while Britain sacrifices political interests for economic interests.

"Problems that can be solved with money are not problems." Georgiana said in English, "Think about what you encountered in the barracks just now. I moved you out of the city just to avoid that happening. Fortunately, the town There are not as many people as there are in Paris."

"I see." The businessman who attended the reception said to Georgiana in English, "How much compensation do you think is appropriate?"

"You have to convince them to accept your compensation first." Georgiana said in French, pointing to several "sufferers" and said, "Also, improve the management of the cemetery as soon as possible, so that similar things cannot happen again."

"What about my cousin?" asked the Frenchman.

"Report to the police. Even if you want to search, the police will search. You have no law enforcement power." Georgiana said sharply, "Do you need me to call Fouché to teach you how to call the police?"

The French townspeople shook their heads together.

"Is there anything else you want to add?" Georgiana asked Caprara.

"A verbal agreement or a paper contract?" Caprara said with a smile.

"Contract," said the French leader who had been silent.

"Get a notary, and you two, get out." Georgiana pointed to the two most excited people on the British side and the French side.

"Come with me, gentlemen," said the director of the pottery factory.

The two excited men stood up and followed him out of the drawing room.

"Need any more help?" Georgiana asked.

"I believe we can solve it." The British businessman said, looking at Georgiana.

Georgiana stood up, "I am very sad about this unfortunate incident. I have also buried people and know the feelings, but we cannot cause more hatred and more death."

"Be careful. If your brother sins against you, admonish him. If he repents, forgive him," said Caprara. "I will send the priest to celebrate Mass for the unfortunate lady."

Georgiana looked at the people sitting here, can she exit now?

Michelle supported Georgiana, and they left the room with elegant steps and manners amidst the crowd.

After the door was closed again, Georgiana breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do you want to see General Bernadotte?" Caprara asked.

"No." Georgiana pursed her lips.

"I thought it was basic courtesy," Caprara said with a laugh.

What reason had she and Bernadotte had to meet?

"That's going to be strange," said Georgiana. "Where do we go next, Father."

"I thought you didn't need my help."

"No, I need your guidance." Georgiana said sweetly, "Please help me."

Caprara shook his head with a smile and left first.

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