Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1382: The Sounding Organ (Part 2)

In addition to the words "the people need religion, you are not the people", Napoleoni also said to Georgiana, "Don't forget that we rule over 36 million subjects, of whom at least 18 Millions of people are Confucian scholars who can only echo what others say."

Even if he was a "dictator" and "tyrant", Napoleon could not completely ignore public opinion. During the negotiation of the peace treaty with Britain, the hot topic in the newspapers was the "Special Treaty on Educational Affairs".

Compared with those congressmen who refused to return the church to France, Napoleon, who declared himself a Christian in Egypt, was much cuter. Women are the easiest to be controlled by these priests. Fortunately, Georgiana is a witch.

She felt that Caprara wanted to manipulate her. Even a gentle priest would unconsciously show his strength in front of a weak and docile woman, which was a man's nature.

And whether a woman will be bluffed by them depends on her own knowledge, or whether she has seen the market, how can she be the Pope's special envoy without any level, and refute the senior officials of the Napoleon government one by one, and even need the former governor The government went out in person.

Sometimes the strength of the troops is not enough. There were seven or eight thousand women and hundreds of men who besieged Versailles back then, and there were 25,000 soldiers collected by the Duke of Breuer in Versailles to protect Versailles. However, these soldiers will not do anything to women, no matter how many there are. It is also a decoration.

During the Nika riots, Besaliliu’s grassland cavalry archers and barbarian mercenaries dared to attack the crowd gathered in the racetrack. At that time, the people elected a new emperor and put a golden collar on him as a crown. .

In such chaos, the new emperor Ipadios could only escape by his own strength. He only appeared once in the history books, and then disappeared. Maybe he just died in the chaos.

Napoleon commanded the army to fire artillery on the masses with the permission of the Directory, and across the Seine River, the soldiers who fired the artillery could not feel the blood.

If it is close range, those hesitant soldiers are not as easy to use as Swiss mercenaries.

The Swiss are foreigners, they receive the king's salary, and of course fight for the king.

So Georgiana didn't want to listen to what Caprara said, and went to Mortier, although his mother was English and had received an English education.

The commander of the Guards, one at a time, and one at a time, Napoleon took away Jean Baptiste Bessières, who left Davout at Versailles.

Although Joseph Bonaparte went to Amiens, the Governor of Paris Jean-Andoch Junod is still there, and it is much better to find any of them than to go directly to the barracks of the 17th Military Region to find Mortier, so she is dressing up. It was time for Michel and Phyllis to go to Versailles, and Davout to accompany her to Sevres.

Most men will be soft-hearted when facing women, unless Lucien is cold-natured, or the woman is like the Princess of Wales, she wants to take advantage of this, and they won't treat her as a woman after she puts on her trousers. An object of care.

She didn't dress herself up with jewels and bright colors, but put on a white chrysanthemum just picked from the greenhouse. Europeans don’t have the custom of sweeping chrysanthemums to send chrysanthemums, but there are chrysanthemums around the cemetery. White chrysanthemums represent sorrow, and yellow chrysanthemums represent infidelity. After wearing white chrysanthemums, she painted herself a little rose-colored blush and pink lipstick, otherwise White skin, silver-gray hair, and white chrysanthemums, the combination is like a ghost.

She was wearing a black gown, the one given to her by Napoleon. Black was most suitable for a funeral, although it had a layer of gold embroidery on it, but it was too thin. The shawl was put on.

"How do I look?" Georgiana asked Sophie and Matilda.

"It doesn't seem to be warm enough." Sophie said, "There are too few outdoor clothes."

"We won't stay outside for long." Georgiana was thinking, where would she arrange the "arbitration court"?

Sevres is not far from St. Luke, but in view of the current situation, she thinks it is better not to go to the Senate to "make trouble". If you go to the British, you have to open the gate of the barracks, and the troublemakers will take the opportunity to rush in of.

After thinking about it, she only thought of the bridgehead of Sevres. It was a place that was easy to defend but difficult to attack. It would not be very abrupt for soldiers to appear there. It was not yet the point where it was necessary to suppress civil unrest.

Something similar happened to Napoleon in Egypt, when French sappers destroyed the local cemeteries and crowds gathered outside his garrison. Twenty deputies of these locals sent a complaint to Napoleon, who, passing through the gates, did not take advantage of the crowds pouring into the fenced courtyard, and Napoleon entertained these agitated deputies with the same courtesy he had received at Grand Scheich.

"Go and prepare some hot chocolate, and bring the china." Georgiana ordered the two of them, "I will entertain guests later."


After dressing up, Georgiana went to find Demilde, hoping that those excited people would pay more attention to their words and deeds for the sake of the child.

When Davout came with his guards, Georgiana had already boarded the carriage of the British thoroughbred horse, followed by Caprara's carriage. It works.

She was not sure if it was a coincidence, but as soon as Napoleon was gone the trouble ensued, as if someone had planned to make trouble in his absence.

When Davout approached the carriage, Sophie opened the door.

"Know what happened?" Georgiana asked.

"I know." Davout replied.

"Go and invite representatives of both parties to the bridgehead of the Pont de Sèvres. Be polite, but if they attack you, you will fight back. What weapons do you have?"

"Muskets and muskets," said Davout.

"Are there any heavy weapons?"

"You want a cannon?"

"Not so far," said Georgiana.

"It's better to use the organ gun." Michelle said, "I saw it in the barracks just now."

"Since you saw it, why didn't you let them take it?" Georgiana said angrily.

Michelle was too scared to make a sound.

"It's useless against townspeople," Davout said immediately.

"The last time I went to the tavern with the First Consul, he told me a story. When the people rushed into the Tuileries Palace, because Louis XVI ordered the Swiss mercenaries not to open fire on the people, the dead bodies of the Swiss mercenaries I will not let the same thing happen to you." Georgiana told Davout, ignoring the children nearby, "Violence does not stop people who act on passion when they feel that they are no longer safe. would be out of the game, and my intention was to hold them back."

"I see, Madame," said Davout.

"Do you need a priest to bless you?" Georgiana asked Davout.

Davout glanced at Caprara's car, smiled and shook his head.

"Hope the bullet doesn't know you, General."

After Georgiana finished speaking, Sophie closed the door, and soon the carriage started to gallop.

When the carriage drove away, Michelle was still trembling.

"Your suggestion is very useful." Georgiana said softly to Michelle, "but I won't apologize to you for it. Do you know why?"

Michelle shook her head.

"Do you talk to your father like that at home?"

"Mom told me to be careful with my words and actions," Michelle said.

"The French men I have come into contact with actually don't care about women's opinions and ideas at all. Instead, they hope that women can understand their own ideas. This must be different from those men in the social circle who revolve around women and men guess women's ideas. Ang seldom coaxes me. When I get angry, it depends on his mood. He will only shout 'opposition', but he will not get resources and power from him. He even restricts women's right to wear pants. Your father will You must stay here because you hope you can watch and learn more, and your husband will rely on your opinion a lot in the future, what do you think he would think if you were like you just now?"

Michelle shook her head in confusion.

"At first I thought that you would bully Felice like those squeamish ladies, but I think Felice bullied you a little bit. Did she rely on her relatives in the Guards, so she did everything she didn't like to do?" Do it for you?"

Michelle didn't speak, nor nodded.

"The old nobles were a bit of a bully. They used etiquette too much. The new nobles don't know these rules. They have to knock on the door when they enter the front hall. That's why I seem so free and casual. You don't deliberately maintain court etiquette. Now I want you to show the etiquette you have learned in front of the guests, and Sophie will assist you later."

"Yes." Michelle whispered.

"Scared?" Georgiana asked Demilde.

He shook his head.

"I'll pinch you later, you remember to cry, understand?"

"Uncle said men shouldn't cry," Demilde said.

"You're a boy, not a man."

"I don't know how to cry. It's useless to cry. Mom is still not at home." Demilde said like a little adult.

Georgiana didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Will I be the heir to the First Consulate?" Delmid asked.

"It depends on whether you can live to adulthood." Georgiana said softly, "In the past, the First Consul was very worried that others would plot against him, and he would spit out half of his food. You should also be careful what others give you. "

Delmid nodded.

"Do you dare to vaccinate?"

Delmid nodded.

"He will come back in a few days and I will arrange for the doctor to vaccinate you." Georgiana stroked his soft hair, "My little Rhine."

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