Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1375 The Last Date

Napoleoni didn't take Georgiana directly to the police station, he took her to the Tuileries Palace, to the restaurant on the first floor, which looked like a well-decorated cafe, the last time "officer The club's reception was also held here.

"Your office will be here from now on." Napoleoni said, "Before that, you have to rearrange this place. More than one person has complained to me that this is not like the residence of a ruler of a big country."

Georgiana looked at the dreaded pom-poms, a decor that might appeal to a girl and a date.

"Who designed it?"

"Fontaine and Persier, you don't have to use them." He looked at the small dining tables and said, "You can also change the furniture, but don't make it look like Versailles."

"You don't ask Josephine's opinion?"

"I really like the venue you arranged last time."

"Don't worry about being too luxurious." Georgiana reminded.

"I need Leon's machines to work."

Georgiana said no more, she began to look at the dining room, which was almost as big as the Hogwarts auditorium.

In the early 18th century, because plagues such as the plague often rampantly disrupted the order of life in the city, the high court had to work with municipal agencies to deal with the crisis in addition to daily case trials.

They manage a wide range of issues, such as doctors' salaries, almsgiving, begging during the plague, and even urban sanitation and garbage cleaning. The judges of the Paris High Court were also responsible for ensuring that the necessities of life were reasonably priced and overseeing the quality of food. For this reason, they often argued with bakers, fishmongers, butchers, and salt merchants.

When there was a crisis in supply, some judges gave generously. For example, during the period of Louis XV, a dean was nicknamed "the baker" because he spent most of his property in a severe famine, Parisians imported grain.

People tend to evaluate this kind of person more than the person who spends money on himself extravagantly. This kind of donation has become his political capital. I wear fancy clothes, and my clothes are deliberately wrinkled, so that people don't think they are "rich".

Showing off wealth is never allowed, and the restaurant cannot be "simple" as it is now.

When people's material needs meet certain conditions, they will turn into spiritual needs. Georgiana did not expect that she would gain a foothold here.

Compared with sweet potatoes and wheat, potatoes do not have such high requirements on temperature, and they will germinate when the temperature is above 4 degrees, and storage is much more convenient than sweet potatoes, but potatoes are easily infected by late blight. Schaptal used to be a university lecturer, and he was in contact with relatively advanced intellectuals. He thought that everyone's ability to accept and judge was as strong as him.

His promotion plan has the nature of "popular science". Farmers can plant the land according to the method he said, or they can use the original method of planting. Potatoes are gone.

Late blight was one of the culprits responsible for the Great Irish Famine of 1845, but there was also a human element to it. The Corn Law protects the interests of native British farmers, which is the same as the "Bread and Blood" movement in 1801.

Interests are higher than the value of human life. Foreign grains will lower the price of food and cause damage to the interests of farmers. British judges will not donate their family property like the judge of the Paris High Court nicknamed "The Baker". Those who came out to help the victims might be sentenced to hang for the thief who stole a piece of bread.

After ten years of turmoil, there is finally a scene of peace in France. Most people want to settle down, but there are still a few rich people like the "baker" who are willing to spend their wealth for the people.

Loans to those bakeries, the bakeries can be repaid slowly in the future, there will be no famine forever, and the price of food will also drop. Some people love and some hate the guild, but it is much better to operate at a loss than to close down, and Napoleon It also agreed to exempt them from business tax for several years, as long as they survive this hurdle.

The loan interest is not high, 1% per month and 12% per year. Lance did not use laws to restrain these bosses from "consciously" not lending usury. He set up inspectors to check the accounts of bakery owners once a week, and found special The police will be sent to arrest him if the funds are not used for special purposes.

If Parisians had to choose between the devil and the policeman, they would definitely choose the devil. The police chief Fouché was a tall, thin, very pale man with thinning red hair, wearing a simple black coat, and the executive was studded with gold. The uniforms with silver ornaments provide a stark contrast.

He gave Georgiana a very cold feeling.

In fact, think about it in another way. If the bakery owner’s loan can save expenses from other aspects, he can still earn some money. Winter is coming, and fuel has become an inescapable topic for people who cannot go to the south. The army is also looking for more energy-efficient ovens. Even if there is no reward order, some people will think about this matter. During the expedition in Egypt, The soldiers tried their best to cook the wheat grains, whether they were fried, dried or boiled, they were not as delicious as bread. Even two cavalrymen committed suicide because they couldn't bear the hard life, and the army almost mutinied. They have lost a lot from the luxurious Italy to the barren land of Egypt, without comfortable tents and gorgeous furniture, this huge psychological gap is unacceptable to many people.

Wouldn't it be nice to be a law-abiding person, earn a living by hard work and integrity, and bake sweet treats like Jacob?

The ups and downs of life should be given to the kind of people with good psychological quality.

In the end, the sheriff still passed on the toll fee collected by Napoleon for selling fertilizer to the farmers. The countryside is short of fertilizer, but no one in the French countryside has ever used human manure. If the fertilizer is good, they will buy it.

However, if the weather is still so cold next year, a bumper harvest will be impossible. They will doubt the effectiveness of the fertilizer, and it will be difficult to say whether they will buy fertilizer from this "gold mine" again in the future.

Simple people have simple things to think about. Everyone has their own fears. The lion that can sleep soundly on the battlefield is most afraid of the riots of hungry people, but Georgiana believes that he is not afraid of fear or shelter from the cold. Leaving Paris.

"Will such a large hall be covered with silk?" Georgiana asked.

"I've already placed an order for 6 million," said Napoleone. "Or you can make more silk dresses."

"Didn't you tell me to wear pants?"

"We're going to the city hall later, do you want to change your clothes?"

"How about I just wear your clothes?" she said with a smile.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head, "It's enough trouble to have a person like me in this world."

"Well, since you say so," said Georgiana, "lend me your civilian clothes."

"Why do you always ask me to borrow it?"

"Other people's clothes are too big." She smiled sarcastically. "Your clothes fit me well."

"Are you still angry?"

She stopped smirking and waved her fist at him, "You're mad at me!"

With a suppressed smile on his face, he said seriously after a while, "You said you don't want to waste time on jealousy."

She threw a vase at him, but he caught it nimbly.

"I don't know how many other women you have!" She asked angrily.

He didn't answer her.

She felt tired and had a cold heart.

Because she believed the rumors and misjudged the person, she thought that Napoleon was really dedicated, just like she thought that Buddy Crouch Jr. was a good boy with good character and learning.

"I hope you will continue to be jealous," he said calmly, "so that I feel that I am not unnecessary to you."

She looked at him incredulously.

"After the Campo Formio peace treaty was signed, I said that I wanted to create a great era, and this era would be marked by me, but my actions violated this promise." He said angrily, "We will more or less There’s a little discrepancy between words and deeds.”

"That's different, Leon, your ambition is too big, and this dream is difficult to realize." Georgiana said, "The AD calendar is very convenient, and even those countries that use the emperor's title as their calendar have switched to it."

"Do you think I can create a great era?" He asked back.

"Of course I think so," said Georgiana affirmatively. "I stayed to witness that."

"To you, is it important for me or the world?" He asked again.


"Liar!" Before she could finish, Napoleoni charged her with "you want to gain power through me."

"I don't think so!"

"Then why aren't you jealous?"

Here's why don't look for younger lovers, here's why! It's not that he came to coax you, but you go to coax him!

"I understand a truth, impulse is the devil." She gritted her teeth and said, "Don't force me to beat you up."


Only then did Georgiana remember that Josephine had been waiting for this "little bastard" in the city hall for six hours in her wedding dress.

"You want me to change into a wedding dress?"

"You Brits talk about aristocrats and keep you at a distance from the people. I like to walk among the soldiers and the mob, and talk to them, and listen to their history. It does me good. I hate that countryman calling you For 'mistress', my mistress is France, you are not."

"Then I am..."

"Madame Bonaparte!" he interrupted again. "Damn public opinion..."

"Don't think about it, Leon."

He flipped a table over.

"She was a very good woman." Napoleoni said with his back to her. "She was very afraid that she would not be able to give birth again, so with the help of medicine, she felt that being married and having no children was incomplete and unreal."

"Severus told me that he could have no children." Georgiana said calmly, "But our marriage is also problematic."

"Your marriage is not real."

"If it wasn't for you, we would have kept going, we were even going to adopt a child."

"You also want me to die, so you let me fight him?"

"Did you tell her the method I told you?" Georgiana said calmly, "Find a fertile woman, and the child will be raised by Josephine after it is born."

He didn't speak.

"Oh, I see, you can't give me love, you just give me power, right?" Georgiana sarcastically said, "You still want to try with her this time around?"

He was about to speak.

"I understand." Georgiana interrupted what he was about to say, "I can't always win a human girl, but I want to tell you one thing, if you return to your family, don't come to me again, I can do it alone Had a great time."

She knocked over a vase on another dining table, letting it fall to the floor, and the glass shattered with a crisp sound.

Then she turned and left.

"I can tell you after Christmas," said Bonaparte. "Do you know why I told you today?"

She stopped.

"Today I let someone take Paulina away. Even if I forcefully drag her, I will drag her aboard, as well as her son."

"I see." She said calmly.

"Do you now think you can still fall in love with the same person twice?"

Georgiana is gone.

Her life was officially declared ruined.

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