Napoleoni took Giorgina to a tavern in the Rue Saint-Honoré.

It was just opposite the Tuileries Palace, but the regular customers in the tavern were people from the bottom. Perhaps because of the large number of people, even if there was no fire, the tavern still felt very hot.

Whether it is the clothes and upbringing of the guests, or the sanitation of the tavern and the waiters, they are completely incomparable with the cafe just now. Napoleon deliberately walked behind a group of farmers who seemed to be driving cattle to the city, and found a He sat down in a very inconspicuous corner. In order not to attract attention, he asked the footmen to sit down at another table. He shared the table with Georgiana and Dicro.

Even in ordinary clothes, Napoleon looked extraordinary, which was out of place in this tavern.

But his attitude was calm, not as uncomfortable as he was in the cafe just now.

"You must be the worst spy," Georgiana told him. "There were several people staring at you when you walked in."

"I thought they were looking at you." Napoleon smiled, staring at Georgiana. "Your beauty shines brightly both day and night."

"What do you want?" the waiter asked the guests impatiently.

"A quart of beer," Dilloch said. "And some fried fish."

"Seeing that you're all dressed richly, why do you order that much?" the waiter said angrily.

"Have you any sausage?" Napoleon asked with a smile, lighting his pipe.

The waiter watched him for a moment through the smoke, as if trying to figure out who he was.

"I want the same dishes as that table." Georgiana pointed to the table not far away and said, "What is that?"

"Duck and potatoes," said the waiter.

"Are there sweet potatoes for sale?" Georgiana asked again.

"That's for pigs," said the waiter stiffly.

Georgiana stayed on the spot as if she had been hit with a sap.

"Bring us the beer first," said the grim Dilloch.

The waiter stared at Dillock for a moment, then walked away.

It wasn't long before he came with a few beer glasses, not too much foam in them, but they would never add up to a quart, only about two-thirds of a quart.

"How do you know about this place?" Georgiana asked Leon after the waiter left.

"On August 10, 1792, I hid here." Napoleon said calmly. Drinking and celebrating."

"You take girls to places like this?"

"Are you the kind of girl who likes to walk in the garden?" Napoleon asked with a smile.

"No." Georgiana took a sip of the beer. The low temperature made it feel like it was iced, and it tasted very refreshing.

"On June 20 of the same year, I was eating with a friend in a restaurant when I saw a group of sans-culottes come to the Tuileries Palace and push the king to the window facing the garden. Louis XVI wore a A red hat." Napoleon went on, "If you really want to appear close to the people, you have to come to this kind of place."

Georgiana ignored him, she was listening, and the lower classes were singing in accented French:

Winter is coming, bitter days are coming, what a fucking ghost

no more shirtless

ruler, ruler

They all ran towards the south.

"Are we going south?" Georgiana asked.

"I'm going to Lyon next month, and I'm going to review the Western Corps, will you go?"

"That occasion should be for Josephine."

"Okay, you and Joseph stay in Paris." He readily agreed.

She was in a good mood, and it was convenient for her to do things while staying in Paris, so she didn't envy the two of them going to the South for vacation.

"Do you think the shovel is better than the wheel plow?" she heard the farmer at the next table say.

"The wheel plow is labor-saving, but the clods of soil are not as fine as the shovel, and the edge of the field can't be plowed at all. The hardened soil needs to be turned three or four times, which is not as good as the shovel." Another farmer said, "It is always the kindness of the government. , even if human labor is not replaced by the plow, the manure made by those animals is still useful."

"The sheriff is asking us to buy human manure, are you going to buy it?"

"You can only know this if you have used it. Who have you heard of using human manure?"

"The first ruler is really assured of letting his mistress mess around like this?"

"It's so cold this year, it's snowing a lot in Lyon..."

Then the waiter came and brought Georgiana's potatoes and duck and put them on the table.

"Have you ever heard of this when you went to the countryside?" asked Napoleoni.

"I've only been there for a long time." She said angrily, picked up a potato with a fork and ate it.

"We used to boil wheat in Egypt, and the taste was nothing compared to bread." Napoleoni also picked up a potato with a fork and ate it. "As you have just heard, potatoes and sweet potatoes are for pigs to eat." , Prussia is going to send out the army to force farmers to grow potatoes, which the rich have never been interested in."

"How about getting over the famine next year first, and then talk about income?" Georgiana said coldly.

"How did you farm the land before?"

"There is a vegetable field in the castle, and there are forest farms around it... Am I too idealistic?"

"Do you know what Louis XVI did to promote the cultivation of potatoes?" asked Napoleoni.

She shook her head.

"He sent mounted police to guard the potato fields on the plain of Sabron, but only by day, and to lure people to steal at night. This method is much more clever than the Prussians, and it is also more clever than your method. many."

"You mean we are inferior to Louis XVI?"

"Sweet potatoes are completely unfamiliar to farmers, so it is better to promote potatoes."

"You're right," said Georgiana with a false smile, eating a mouthful of the greasy duck.

Both Napoleon and Dilloch looked at her.

"What?" She looked at the two strangely.

"Is this your way of resisting?" Napoleon asked with a smile.

"It's the Scottish way of rebelling against England." Georgiana said coldly, "You came to me because Chaputal couldn't say it?"

"He also said that weeds should be artificially planted." Napoleon said coldly, "If it weren't for the loan you made, the bakers in Paris would not be willing to sell at a price below cost."

"What do I have enough money for?"

"It's not enough, but there are more people who are afraid of death. The Marcelbes you mentioned earlier has a much better reputation than those nobles. He, his daughters, and grandchildren all went to the guillotine. The Lamoignon family It has occupied the French High Court for more than 200 years. It used to be very prominent. Now the castle is unclaimed. It is nothing to them to lose a little money.” Napoleon said calmly, “In fact, those Swiss mercenaries don’t have to die. They fought very bravely. , but Louis XVI did not allow them to shoot, those mercenaries were killed by the people, Joseph is very kind, and you are the same, I know you like those low-level people very much, if these people also participated in the riot, would you dare Dare to give the order to fire?"

Georgiana looked around.

He discusses this topic in this kind of place, isn't he afraid that these low-level people will tear him apart?

"Do you know why I repaired Trajan's Column?"

Georgiana shook her head.

"Trajan believes that people are often willing to follow leaders who are stronger than themselves. Do you think he is right?"

Georgiana thought of another person. Voldemort also thought that he was strong, so many people would follow him.

"I think it's not the number of people that decides the outcome of a war." Georgiana recalled how the large number of Death Eaters fled in panic after seeing Harry's "resurrection". "It doesn't matter if I am personally strong or not. If the opponent loses confidence, it’s enough for one’s own side to feel that there is still a chance to win.”

"Go to the police station to fill out the application later." Napoleon said, "You are more qualified to wear trousers than Joseph."

"My ideas are still very immature."

"You are a little naive, but you have a positive attitude." Napoleon said, "When the human brain believes that something cannot be done, it will come up with all kinds of reasons why it cannot be done, but when you believe something When things can really be done, you will find out all kinds of ways to do it, you said you don’t want to be jealous of other people’s women, tell me what you think.”

She looked at Dillock, and Dilloch looked at her.

"Frankly," said Napoleon.

"I don't want to waste time and energy on this kind of thing." She said indifferently.

"A sober person is the most absurd." Napoleon sighed, "When a man has a soft heart, your heart is harder than granite. He is your man, and that kid was born to your rival in love. Why don't you help that kid?" he?"

"Harry is innocent."

"Louis XVI also ordered the soldiers not to harm those who broke into the Tuileries Palace. Do you think he should die?"

Georgiana stared at Napoleon.

"A king should not give up the power to defend himself," she said after a moment.

"anything else?"

"I want to leave." Georgiana looked at the drunks who were eager to try.

"You want to escape?" asked Napoleon.

"I don't want to cause you any trouble, you are a micro-service now."

"Think of me as those Swiss mercenary soldiers, princess, what order do you think you should give now?"

"Throw them in the Seine to wake them up."

"You heard it." Napoleon smiled happily, "It's time for you to perform."

The Corsican shorty walked towards the drunks who were much taller than him without showing any weakness, and Dilloch stood by her side, as if to escort her.

The servant door followed behind Napoleon and faced off against the enemies. The guests in the tavern saw that a fight was about to start, but no one stopped them, and they all cheered loudly.

"Losing money." The waiter came over with the sausage, and held out his other hand to Georgiana. "When the police come, I will say they did it first."

Georgiana glared at the perjury witness, and at the very moment of the fight there gave him a louis d'or from the purse.

The waiter also held out his hand to her.

"Believe it or not, I will send troops to demolish this place later?"

"It's the boss's, not mine." The waiter vowed, "Give me the money, Miss Georgiana."

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