Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1367 Eternal Lover

"Miss, I didn't lie to you." Matilda cried and said, "I went to monitor Mrs. Bernadotte, and I was not lazy."

Sophie looked at Georgiana nervously.

Georgiana could not describe her feelings in words.

Bernadotte's wife is Eugenie Desire Claire, the former fiancée of Napoleon Bonaparte. "History" says that he took care of Bernadotte because of Eugenie. It seems that the married Chrissen is still That Krissen.

Who said Napoleon was devoted! who is it?

Bernadotte is now a senator. He didn't go to the front. Naturally, his family will stay in Paris, and Eugenie will also attend such a big occasion.

Napoleon has always been good to his old lover, not to mention that Napoleon broke up his engagement with Eugenie because of Josephine.

He feels guilty, doesn't he?

"What has she done?" said Georgiana icily.

"It's nothing." Matilda wiped away her tears. "She was chatting with other ladies."

Georgiana could never have imagined that one day she would end up like this.

She actually hated every woman who had an intimate relationship with him like a jealous woman.

Is she crazy?

Severus had no such problem in that regard, except for Narcissa Malfoy, who was to take care of Draco for the rest of his life because of that unbreakable vow. This wasn't the Godfather's job anymore, it was more like Narcissa finding another father for Draco.

She was so angry that she had a headache, and then sat on the chair with Sophie's support.

Just now she felt deserted reading alone, but now that her maids are back, she wants them to continue playing outside.

"If the first ruler comes later, you stop him." After regaining a little thinking ability, Georgiana said coldly, "I'm afraid I can't control my emotions. I shouldn't have done what I said or did. , what I will regret in the future, I will talk about it after I calm down."

"Yes," said the maids, and they left her tent together.

After their figures disappeared at the door, Georgiana took out a pen and paper, and recorded what she thought while the inspiration was still alive.

British income tax is treated differently according to income. The higher the income, the more you pay. This measure is actually very unpopular.

People are actually more willing to spend money on themselves. She plans to divide the porcelain of Sevres into several grades. The higher the income, the higher the grade they can buy, and it is even the same grade as gifting to other European royal families. Of course The price is also more expensive.

Porcelain is not like a car like Rolls-Royce, which can be driven outside to show off, but it is indispensable for ladies to entertain guests.

Black Rolls-Royces were only sold to nobles and dignitaries in the past, and ordinary rich people couldn't buy them even if they had money. She wanted to use the method of hunger marketing to make rich people willingly take out silver coins.

Consumers have different desires. The Wealth of Nations once said, what is the purpose of all these pursuits of wealth, power and fame? In the final analysis, it is to gain the love and approval of others.

Ordinary people also use porcelain. Georgiana herself can drink black tea with a mug, but if she uses it to entertain uninvited guests, she will be ridiculed by the other party. At this time, the hostess needs a set of expensive and rare tea sets to increase the knowledge of the other party.

The "century wedding" of Hortense and Louis did not popularize silk wedding dresses, and many French still use linen as wedding dresses.

Also, the demand for indigo has not decreased significantly, and blue wedding dresses are still the mainstream.

It's not so easy to poke Bechymos, especially under the influence of Rousseau's thinking, nobles now have extravagance in secret, and in old houses, ordinary people can't see it at all, if it weren't for her, she couldn't bear it On days when she only ate bread and didn't even have much meat, she didn't want to go to other people's salons to eat and drink for nothing.

Stealing food seems to have become her habit. This may be because the Hogwarts kitchen is too close to the lounge in Badger Yard. It is easy to take things from house-elves, and it is almost impossible to expect them to look after the house. possible.

Instead, Kreacher hid a set of tea sets that the mistress had left before, and refused to give them to Sirius, allowing him to take advantage of the Potter boy, and it really seemed like a good house-elf.

The upper classes will not believe that the misery of the poor will one day lead to the downfall of the upper classes.

She read some old-time documents from the materials provided by her fellow Englishmen, and these documents contained kind but careless language, which was very dangerous.

She suffered twice. The first time she showed kindness to save Pete Pedilu who fell in the snow, she killed her daughter, and even she almost died.

The second time was to trust Bonaparte, who looked very decent, and promised him to go to the river to play in the water.

In fact, she could just pretend that she suffered a loss that time and just not have any contact with him. She is not an unmarried girl, but later it became a definite relationship.

Louis XVI was very careless in dealing with some issues, and the sudden increase in taxes only ignited the sparks in the powder keg.

Taxes are mandatory, unpaid and fixed, just like the obligations that couples must fulfill. If a wife asks her husband to charge him, it will ignite his anger instead.

Louis XV's mistress, Mrs. Pompidou, was good at making porcelain and created a Rococo style. Men don't feel distressed when they spend money on their mistresses.

This is also the difference between the nature of the Arc de Triomphe and ordinary city gates. The beautiful and practical city gate is for tax collectors. Why do taxpayers live in such a good place?

Passion is the most basic origin of a violent hatred of inequality.

Violence cannot restrain a man who acts with passion.

Among the many ways to arouse people's passion, speech is the most direct and effective. He is also good at debates and speeches. Cicero's speeches are more rational and idealistic, while Adolf Hitler's speeches are passionate. This appeal makes the audience as passionate as he is.

The black wizard Grindelwald is also a passionate person. In contrast, the white wizard Albus has a much gentler personality. He is attracted by that passionate person just like Georgiana.

"Concentrate." She patted her face, now she needs to be cautious.

The previous farming loan was a kind but careless policy. It worked in the east where moral education was the main focus, but it didn't work in the west where wolves were respected. The founder of Rome was raised by wolves.

Paris after the absence of theocracy is no longer Paris, but Rome, even worse than Rome, at least people in that era still worshiped the God of War, Jupiter and Venus.

In a world where there are no gods, people will call themselves gods, and no one will flatter a grassroots. Georgiana didn't understand at first that Spain only had six warships. How could Napoleon show off to her? The French navy has been reduced to Can't afford to repair six warships?

Only now did she understand the reason, no wonder someone secretly called him His Majesty.

"When you are in war, take advantage of any opportunity." Napoleoni's voice sounded at the door. "Because opportunity is like a woman. If you meet her today and don't act, you don't have to hope to meet her tomorrow."

She looked up at the short man in the gray coat.

"My maid didn't stop you?"

"Who can stop me in France?" He said triumphantly, walked to the desk, and took the "On Divination" he gave her in his hand, "No wonder I want to give it to you before Christmas gone."

She wasn't in the mood to talk to him, so he started talking on his own.

"I want Trajan's column, one on each side of Paris and Dijon, I want Kleber in Paris, and Desai in Dijon. They both died on the same day and at the same time. He is the person I love the most and value the most.” Napoleoni put down the book and stared at her, “On the second day of the Battle of Marengo, I heard the news of Desai’s death, and I was so sad that I couldn’t even move. No."

She didn't know what to say.

"He left me with two last words, except that the bullet didn't know me, and he asked his adjutant Le Brun to convey it to me. He said, 'You go and tell the First Consul, I regret that I am alive It's not long, so it can't leave a name in future generations', I think he should get his wish now, how did you think of it?"

"I saw some sculptures of cavalry in Italy. Those people are mercenaries, and mercenaries want to leave traces of their own existence, let alone you."

"Why were you angry just now?" He asked with a smile in a good mood.

This time she stopped talking.

Napoleon looked down at what she had written, and read it again in his hand.

"If you nationalize the Sevres Ceramic Factory, it will be a fortune, but you can't run it yourself. Montesquieu said that the monarch must never do business."

"Who do you recommend?"

"Do you want to see Eugenie?" she sneered bitterly.

He laughed and put down the paper in his hand.

She directly grabbed the books on the table and threw him, then sat down on the chair angrily.

He walked around the table and walked behind her, placing his hands lightly on the back of the chair.

"We have a tradition in Corsica. If a citizen's daughter marries a Corsican, the man's town will give her a piece of land as a gift. I gave you the territory of Mrs. Maintenon at that time. The gift is done."

"This is France, not Corsica."

"In the future, others will call you madam."

"Madame Bonaparte was referring to Josephine."

"As long as you agree, I don't want to hear people calling you 'Mrs. Smith' or 'Countess of Aberdeen' again." He said in a cold voice.

"You'd better not get your hopes up for this expedition." She changed the subject. "If that island can't be occupied, then change to another island."

"What did you say to him in Latin?" demanded Napoleon.

"The Latin name of poison arrow wood, we have suffered a lot before." She answered honestly immediately.

"I didn't say who he was."

"Today I spoke Latin with Granit..."

"He not only speaks Latin, but also Greek, and there are so many books in the library that you two can discuss together."

"Are you coaxing me or am I coaxing you?"

"What do you think?" He asked recklessly.

She endured it and decided not to argue with this ****.

"I heard from Poitvin that the Huabiao pillar has another meaning, do you know what it is?" he said in a soft voice.

Just as she was about to say she didn't know, Caroline's whisper sounded in her ears.

"In the buildings in the east, this kind of pillar is called Wangjungui, and it is said that it is hoped that the soldiers who went out will return home."

She looked up to the door and found someone peeking in.

"There are people outside!"

"I know, who are you afraid of being seen?" He sarcastically.

She was so angry that she didn't know what to say.

He took a very delicate box from his pocket, took out a pearl-sized candy from it, put it in his mouth with a cold face, and then bowed his head and kissed her.

She clenched her teeth together as if resisting, but he managed to get the sugar into her mouth eventually.

"What's the smell?" He asked knowingly.


"Do you still want to eat?" He said holding up the candy box in his hand.

She hesitated for a long time, and was really too embarrassed to speak.

"Just say what you want, where's your usual courage?"

"I'm afraid I won't be able to withstand the temptation."

"I'd rather resist as hard as I can, and I won't let the British occupy any place in the Mediterranean. The King of Peace in Spain thinks so too. King George announced the occupation of Corsica, and Spain turned to us. I love you, but I will never For whatever terms you promise England."

"Even if they want to take me away?" she asked back.

"Then declare war, if you want to fight, I will fight with them."

She fell silent.

"France has been oppressed by you for 600 years. Each of us attacked England without complaint. Originally, Britain did not expel the royal family, and I did not intend to make peace. Just like Louis XIV expelled the British royal family, because the French royal family was in Britain will always be the harm of France, but since you are willing to sell your chastity to let us make peace, I am willing to try, it depends on whether your motherland is willing to try."

"I didn't intend to sacrifice that much for England." She held his hand and looked up at him. "I like you very much, Leon."

"You really don't want Scotland to be independent?" he said softly, stroking her cheek.

She shook her head, "Just protect the British nationals."

"I thought having them by their company would relieve your nostalgia."

"I don't like them very much, just like they don't like me very much." She said very quietly.

"Then you still want to protect them?"

"That's because we're British."

Bonaparte was puzzled by her answer.

"You can understand it as 'cold nature'."

"What Montesquieu said is right, Britain is special." He took another pearl candy from the box, put it in his mouth as before, and then bowed his head and kissed her.

This time she tasted strawberries.

Just like the strawberries she picked in the Alps.

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