Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1366 Guardian of Carthage

Throughout the ages, it is the most common thing to encounter harsh and complex environments on the battlefield. Due to the differences in regions and climates in various regions of the world, different climates and terrains have been created. The climate in the Gobi desert is very dry, there is an extreme lack of water, and there is no food to replenish. Napoleon ate dog meat during his expedition to Egypt.

But in fact, fighting in the desert is not the most terrifying place. If it is the most difficult place to fight, it should be jungle warfare.

The Pacific islands of World War II were all meat grinders.

Compared with the French army from afar, the San Dominic guerrillas who are familiar with the terrain actually have an advantage. The only advantage is that most of the land in Santo Domingo has been developed and turned into farms, which may be better than the small Pacific islands.

There are almost no ordinary civilians living in the jungle, especially the virgin forest, and the wet rainforest will also make it impossible for the flintlock to fire.

Combining these conditions, even if the French win in the end, it will be a miserable victory.

Napoleon's rule was based on "dazzling victories". A tragic victory could not arouse the passion of the French, let alone the failure of the previous expedition to Egypt.

It wasn't just the French and the British who came to the hunt. Georgiana found that she didn't follow the "king" to hunt, and there were many people in exotic costumes left in the camp, including those in Southeast Asian costumes.

Mrs. Laner, who temporarily served as Georgiana's maid, explained to her that this was Batavia's envoy.

The draft peace treaty signed on October 10 only reached a preliminary consensus on the territories such as Malta, Egypt, and the Cape of Good Hope. The trade agreement was still being negotiated. At that time, these allies were not allowed to participate in the meeting.

In addition to trade, there is also the exchange of prisoners. All in all, it seems too early to hold a celebration banquet so early.

From the reviews that Georgiana heard, the celebration banquet was more interesting than Napoleon's birthday celebration. Napoleoni's ability to make up stories is very good. After all, he once dreamed of becoming a writer. He had a good time at that banquet, and almost everyone All bluffed by what he said was an Egyptian princess named after the "Full Moon".

Godin Poitvin even wanted to write an opera based on her story. The story of Marat he had written before was a great success, and this unknown young man suddenly became a famous "queen" writer in Paris. .

Court Marshal Du Roque was in charge of reviewing scripts and books when Lucien was away, and he was also the son-in-law of Ufral.

Jules Ufral is the cousin of Julian Ufral, a Spanish banker who usually lives in Paris. As a minister who participated in the Brumaire coup, Uvral was not imprisoned like the mayor of Antwerp, but he could not leave at will, and this time buying food just gave him a chance.

Speculators will not let go of the opportunity when they see it. Everyone can see that the Anglo-French peace talks are only temporary. Even if it takes risks and even offends Napoleon, Ufral can't help but reach out and seize this opportunity.

The "housekeeper" Granit was also chatting with Godin and Dilloch. Sophie was next to Godin, listening to them half-understood. Maybe she felt that it was really boring, so she was a little distracted. She was the first to notice that George Anna walked towards them, and immediately pulled Godan's sleeve, and the men's eyes focused on her.

"No matter day or night, your beauty is always so dazzling." Granit said with a smile.

"Thank you." Georgiana smiled and said, "What were you talking about?"

"Spain financed six warships for your country," Granit said.

The Spanish navy alone cannot break through the British navy. This is why Charles IV of Spain is so financially stressed, but cannot transport silver coins from Mexico to Europe. Spain has been an ally of France since the Battle of Toulon.

What can six old warships do? The current Spanish Navy is not the "Invincible Fleet" of the past.

"Do you know which port these six warships sailed from?" Granit asked again.

She shook her head.

"Carthage, the hometown of Hannibal."

Georgiana's eyes widened.

"Your husband has a strong opponent." Granit teased, "We were just discussing whether these six warships will participate in the expedition to Saint Dominic."

She has a strong sense of unreality. Is the "hero" they are discussing and the man who asked her to slap her really the same person?

"How did you feel last time you fought against Dusan Louverture's army?" Diloc asked.

"I'm afraid you have to ask our military officers." Granit said a little arrogantly.

"Are they still using poison arrows?" Dillock teased.

"As far as I know they know how to use a gun."

Georgiana remembered that the place where the ancient Indians lived grew a highly poisonous plant called poisonous arrowwood. The locals often cut a wound on the trunk to let the resin flow out, and then coated the arrow with the resin. hunt prey.

This kind of poison almost blocked the throat, and the Indians used this kind of bow and arrow to deal with the British colonists.

"Does St. Dominic have arrowwood?" Georgiana asked.

Dilloch and Godin couldn't understand what she said.

"I don't think so. Poison arrow wood only exists on small islands in the Pacific Ocean." Granit said the Latin word for poison arrow wood verbatim.

"I know its antidote." She said happily, "Chew the lobelia first, then the water chestnut, and finally eat some potatoes to detoxify."

"How do you know?" Granit asked.

"I know a little about herbal medicine, and it's recorded in the book." Georgiana said, "But these two plants only grow in India and Asia. It is often said that there is an antidote near the poison, just like the poisonous arrowwood only grows in the Pacific Ocean."

"You can make amulets for people who are going to travel far," Granit said. "I've heard scholars say that Egyptian wise women used witchcraft and medicine to treat patients bitten by snakes and scorpions."

"That's a really good idea." Georgiana applauded. "I can put the antidote in the amulet."

"Excuse me for taking the liberty, I'm sorry." Godan suddenly said to Granit, then grabbed Georgiana by the shoulder and took her away.

Sophie followed, and after they left, Dilloch and Granit immediately continued the conversation.

Godan stopped until he was out of sight of Granit, and then looked at Georgiana with a smile on his face.

"You have something to do with me?"

"I have an idea." Georgiana looked up at Godin, "How about we set up a memorial column?"

"To commemorate what?"

"I was reading Cicero just now, and Hannibal was going to take a gold pillar from Juno's temple, but he wasn't sure if it was pure gold or gilded, so he drilled a hole, Finding that it was pure gold, and was about to take it away, Juno appeared in his dream that night, and she warned him not to do that, or she would make Hannibal lose his good eye, Hannibal listened In response to Juno's warning, he ordered a golden calf to be built with the gold flakes that had been drilled before, and placed on the top of that pillar. I remember that Napoleon's two expeditions to Italy did not erect any monuments. We can The names of the people who fought in that war are inscribed on the pillars."

Gordon smiled and shook his head.

"Is this a bad idea?"

"I suspect I'm dreaming." Godin said with a smile, "and it's a dream full of myths and epics."

"I remember that you have a relative who is an architect, how about letting him be in charge of the design?" Georgiana ignored Godin's crazy words.

Why didn't she feel that way herself?

"Where are we going to stand? In what form?" Godin asked.

"That's not the point. I need gold and silver," Georgiana said. "Anyone who wants to put his or her name on that pillar needs to donate money."

"How much do you need?"

"Don't ask me, you can ask him." Georgiana pointed to the direction of the forest, "Especially silver, I want to do the porcelain business, and replace the silver plates in the homes of nobles and rich people with porcelain plates, you can ask Sebastian Is Fuer's porcelain factory state-owned?"

"Yes, miss." Godin said obediently.

"The porcelain of Sevres is used by the French royal family, and the king often presents them to other royal families as diplomatic gifts." Sophie continued.

"I believe other generals will be very interested in your proposal." Mrs. Lana said quickly.

"I like bisque, and the Rococo style is too gorgeous." Georgiana said to Godin, "but the porcelain given to the Prince of Wales should be more gorgeous."

"Yes, miss." Godin said with a smile.

"Go and call Mrs. Leoncourt, I need medicine from the dispensary." Georgiana said to Mrs. Laner.

"Yes." Mrs. Laner curtsied to her and left.

"Where's Matilda?" Georgiana asked Sophie.

Sophie shook her head.

"I have a script to write. After she records the content, you continue to write." Georgiana said to Godin, "Go to work."

Godin bowed to her and left.

"This is a hunting ground, but I don't want my maid to become someone else's prey." Georgiana said after Godan walked away, "Please pay attention to your own words and deeds."

"Yes, miss."

"If any of you dare to cheat in my name like Jeanne in the necklace incident, I will not just whip you, I will destroy your face with a branding iron, you go find her, I want to organize women They make amulets."

Sophie curtseyed and left.

Now Georgiana was alone.

"Caroline, are you there?" she asked.

"Yes." Caroline said lazily.

"Do you think that was magic?" Georgiana asked.

"I don't know." Coraline whispered. "You looked a little scary just now."

"I didn't have a talent for prophecy before, and I don't know what happened." Georgiana said calmly.

"How about I help you write that script?" Caroline said, "Anyway, I have plenty of time."

"Up to you." She said nonchalantly.

Just at this time the hunting team came back, and horns sounded in the camp.

It seems that everything is the same as in the old days, only the "king" has changed.

She was in the crowd, staring at the knight in gray coat surrounded by servants, he looked a bit serious, and he seemed not aware of her gaze, or he was used to the feeling of being watched, and he didn't look back she.

"My king forgets me." She whispered what Hearne said in English. If she became a ghost, would he make a crown choke white stag like Richard II, and wear it on his body at all times?

"He won't forget you." Carolan persuaded, "You're like Isis, you put him back together."

Georgiana remembered another anecdote recorded in the church library. The deeds of Domitian, the last emperor of the Roman Flaviian dynasty, were wiped out in the secular world. Only one sculpture was left in the entire Roman Empire. His body was chopped into pieces, and his wife gathered his broken body together and stitched it together piece by piece.

Then she called for sculptors, and asked them to represent her husband's fate, and the lady erected a statue in the way of the Temple of Jupiter.

Church books describe him as an emperor hated by the elite and loved by the populace because he financed many building projects and entertained the masses.

The army also loved the emperor. In addition to improving the treatment of soldiers, he also personally led several military operations.

This led to his treasury being emptied, his near-robbery taking vast amounts of wealth from the rich, many of the senators executed for treason, and eventually the senators plotting to kill the emperor.

The senate rejoiced at the emperor's death, the commoners were indifferent, and the army mourned, and when the army was about to avenge him, it failed for lack of a leader.

Domitian worships Minerva, and Christians regard him as one of the early emperors who persecuted Christians. The number 666 of the devil is a metaphor for Domitian.

Give the army "favor" and privileges, and then it will be the turn of the rich and the upstarts, otherwise they will not like Napoleon and flirt with others instead.

After Hannibal's defeat, Carthage remained nominally independent, but actually became a vassal of Rome.

How embarrassing.

Amid the cheers of the people, she walked towards her tent in silence, and later she would face the "national hero" who took off his dazzling coat.

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