Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1348: The Fable of the Bees (Part 1)

Mrs. Recamier was originally named Juliette Bernard, born in Lyon in 1777, she is 24 years old now, her father was a notary, she spent her childhood in a monastery, and at the age of 16 she married Lyon, who was 27 years older than her Banker Jacob Recamier.

She has a beautiful appearance and elegant temperament. In this frivolous and depraved era, she is like a white flower in the salon.

She is a neoclassicist, often wearing a long white dress, leaning coquettishly on a boat-shaped chair with a fixed back. This kind of chair is also popular because of her, and it is called "Recamier". Georgiana had such an armchair in her room.

According to the information provided by Bruner, that woman can maintain a posture for several hours without moving a bit, and she is the perfect model in the painter's mind.

Her skin is very white, so transparent that you can almost see the blood flow in the blood vessels, her lips are very beautiful, the small mouth is always slightly opened, revealing the neat and white teeth like shells.

She will take the initiative to make friends with women and invite them to her home as a guest. No one in the social circle will say anything bad about her.

It is precisely because of this that Georgiana is so angry.

Oh, and her name is Juliet!

Who is her Romeo?

In Mrs. Recamier's house, she also found a lot of furniture with lion legs, which is the symbol of Napoleon. Now Georgiana's mood is not so much to catch her husband's cheating wife, but more like to catch her lover who is lying." girlfriend".

She is not clean herself, so why blame Mrs. Recamier.

In order to protect their property, it is normal for big bankers to give their wives to powerful people like Napoleon, but it is this "normality" that makes her feel angry, and the trend before the Great Revolution has begun to revive again.

The salon is not a place for "country people" like Georgiana who likes to show the love between husband and wife in front of people. The husband of the noble lady who hosts the salon will be excluded from the salon, and the hostess and other male guests will keep a close relationship. This kind of ambiguous relationship, which looks like friendship and seems ruthless, is the rule of "upper society".

She doesn't like this kind of atmosphere, and when she has time to flirt with men who are not her husband or her regular boyfriend, she would rather go shopping in the Paris central vegetable market, the stinky smell of dead fish is more comfortable than the strong fragrance in the salon, And she can also check the prices, and pay attention to see if there are any women shouting for bread and food as they did ten years ago.

She was obviously so unhappy, but "Chrissen" was extremely happy. He usually showed up at the Tuileries Palace on time at 8 o'clock, but today he was late, but he made up the late time at noon. Instead of coming over to have dinner with her, Diclo sent her the furniture instead.

One of the inferiority of a man, either like Napoleon, he is gentle to all women, hoping to cast a wide net to find a stupid fish; or he is as challenging as Severus, a mixed-race Veela is what all boys want to pursue, Furong As a student, he was not easy to make a move, so he "woke up" to the fact that there was a mixed-race Veela by his side.

"I'm so pissed off." She murmured angrily. If she regained her magic power, she would definitely set fire to this recliner.

"What made you so angry?" Godin, who loves to write scripts, said to Georgiana.

"She's been like this since she came back last night," said little snitch Sophie to her boyfriend.

"I want a new maid." Georgiana said to her butler, "Go find someone for me."

"Do you want an exile?" Godan found a chair to sit down, and Sophie found another chair. She tilted her golden head and looked at Godan.

"You are all mad at me!" Georgiana couldn't help roaring.

"Mrs. Remicard has a young man named Chateaubriand next to him. He is an exile." Godin said, "And Lucien once wrote to her, so you feel at ease?"

"What do I care about?"

"The head of state has nothing to do with her, it's just an ordinary social relationship."

Georgiana had mixed feelings, and finally kicked the deck chair.

"I have news for you," Godin said. "Levi Cohen wants to see you."

"who is he?"

"I thought you knew him. He's a celebrity in British Jewish circles," Godin said. "His third daughter, Hannah, married Nathan of the Rothschilds just last month."

"What did he see me for?"

"My newspaper and your book are all obtained by him. Do you think you should say thank you?"

"Tell me the truth."

"He wants to raise funds, and now many banks want to participate in farming loans."

"Including the Bank of France and the Bank of Bonaparte?"

"The head of state hopes to attract foreign funds, credit assessment by the government and land mortgage, which is beneficial to those banks. Nathan's brother Jim is in France, he is doing smuggling in Dover, behind the scenes With Murat's support."

Georgiana thought of Du Bois, the anti-smuggling policeman. How could a little policeman like him dare to touch Murat.

"If you want to do smuggling, it's easy. Frankfurt is very short of British goods. There are 15 Jewish companies engaged in British textile business." Godin said calmly.

"No, I won't do it." Georgiana shook her head immediately.

"Then what should I do?" Godin asked, "I am your housekeeper, and others think that I represent you."

"What do you want to say?"

"You have to give me some benefits, otherwise others will bribe me."

Georgiana laughed. "What do you want?"

"Agree to my marriage with Sophie, she will still work here after we get married." Godan said.

"I'm not her mother, and you've only known each other for so long, and you're getting married so soon."

"It's what you said, we won't be allowed if we don't get married, oh..." Godan's foot was stepped on by Sophie, and he cried out in pain.

"I will give you my blessing, young man, you don't need my permission." Georgiana smiled calmly, "But what I want to tell you is that marriage is just the beginning, and you will encounter many setbacks and trials in the future. Please don't forget How you fell in love with each other in the first place."

Godin looked at Georgiana, and after a moment he said, "Would you like to see Cohen?"

"Let him come to see me. In addition, I will sponsor you 200,000 yuan, which is considered as your resettlement fee. No cheating is allowed in my house."

Sophie blushed.

"Think about the Frankfurt business again." Godin said, "Nathan Rothschild's father Meyer Sr. purchased the outstanding debts of the Prince of Wales and his brothers, allowing Nathan to have direct contact with members of the British royal family. If you really want to lend money to the Prince of Wales so that he will no longer be manipulated by the parliament because of the debt problem, you should maintain this relationship."

"I'll think about it," she said deadpan.

Then Gordon went out.

Sophie hesitated and stayed with Georgiana.

"As long as Britain and France start a trade war, Godin's pipeline will be cut off. You can't rely on him for everything." Georgiana looked at the blond Sophie, "Napoleon gave me everything I have now. We are all going to collapse, and you have to persuade Godan not to intervene in the smuggling matter."

"I see, miss." Sophie said timidly.

"Go and fetch Gaston Martin," said Georgiana.

Sophie went out too.

After Georgiana was left alone in the room, she looked at the Recamier lounge chair again.

She remembered that Bonaparte was half lying down like this, talking about his ideal, he wanted to open the sugar factory to Frankfurt.

In the dream he saw a deer drinking by the Frankfurt River, and it looked very beautiful.

"Actually, what I'm most jealous of is you, Lily, you can die at such a young age while maintaining your purity, and there are still so many people who miss you." Georgiana said slowly, "You are a good person, and I like it very much. You, but I don't think we can be friends anymore."

"Your husband is a fool." Caroline's voice sounded in the empty room "For a dead woman..."

"He's not a fool," Georgiana interrupted Coroline. "Many people say he's smart."

"How difficult is he to deal with?"

"I'm afraid he'll ruin Paris in a fit of rage," she whispered.

"By what means?"

"Probably water."

Caroline laughed.

"why are you laughing?"

"No wonder they are obsessed with you one by one." Caroline sarcastically, "Some people still want to introduce you through me."

"You agreed?"

"I don't want to live the life I used to have." Caroline said calmly, "It's fine now."

"You don't support the restoration of the Bourbon royal family?"

Coraline didn't answer her.

"I now find that Muggles can be charming," said Caroline after a moment.

"Are you in love with Napoleon too?"

"Do you know why he called you Isis?"

Georgiana smiled and shook her head.

"How about some sculptures of Horus in this room?"

"Whatever." She said weakly, and then lay down on the recliner.

"I hope your husband doesn't come," said Coraline. "It's better for all of us."

Georgiana closed her eyes sleepily.

It didn't take long for her to hear the sound of flipping a book. She breathed a sigh of relief and sank into the darkness.

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