Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1347 Dessert War

The nobles of the old era often lived in some old blocks and old single-family houses. From the outside, it looks a bit bad, and all the stairs are a bit dirty, but once you open the door of the house, you will feel like you are in the house. In another world, everything in this small world is noble and elegant, exquisite as new.

In a way, the life of the French middle class and ex-nobles under Napoleon was the same as before, as if it hadn't changed since the reign of Louis XIV, the only thing that changed were the servants, some of whom were very old And to serve the Master, these old servants reminded Georgiana of Kreacher, a chattering house-elf.

Leon in the "honeymoon period" seemed to like to play the game of cross-dressing, and often took Georgiana to various parties in these "high society" circles.

The phenomenon of food shortage is invisible in the homes of these wealthy people. All kinds of delicacies are served in the form of buffets. She wanted to persuade them, but later she couldn't help eating those delicious delicacies.

The Tuileries Palace is going to hold a reception party to welcome the British envoys. Although Napoleon's sisters are all masters at organizing balls, Bonaparte thinks that kind of balls are not suitable for formal diplomatic occasions.

The habits and customs of the British, Georgiana, of course, knows the best, but the state banquet cannot be without a bit of French characteristics, so he came out to play under the pretense of work.

All the money that is gained suddenly is always wasted very quickly.

When Bonaparte appeared, the ladies dressed very conservatively, but now they are dressed like the "Greek goddesses" in the government period, with tulle all over their bodies, almost as if they were not wearing them.

At first she was very "English" angry, but after thinking about it, it doesn't matter. Plato advocated that everyone take off their clothes before getting married. This is an ancient Greek custom. Helen of Troy was raped by many men before getting married. Check, Bonaparte, who wanted to see her reaction, was amused by her words.

He was very serious when he pretended to be a national hero, and he pretended to be aristocratic when he wore the clothes of "rich man". Aristocratic men's clothing is still breeches, white stockings, and a very tight bow tie. It is a waste of effort to walk in the filthy streets of Paris with such elaborate grooming.

Bonaparte accompanied Georgiana to buy vegetables once, wanting to experience the life of "ordinary citizens", but he didn't want to go in as soon as he arrived at the entrance of the vegetable market.

The general who had stepped through human blood, mud and piles of dead bodies on the battlefield was disgusted by the scene in the vegetable market. The wooden boards between the stalls had not been replaced for hundreds of years and were moldy from the dirty water. The stench of dead fish filled the air. The stinking water flows to the ground, it's hard to imagine such a dirty cesspool in the center of Paris.

Bonaparte wanted to lay a network of pipes underground in Paris. These nobles felt that it was unnecessary. They were used to the Versailles-style life without sewers.

Then the Corsicans got angry.

He loves cleanliness very much, dreams of turning Paris into a metropolis of one million, two million, three million people, replacing the old, poor-taste decorations of Versailles with loot from all over the world, Give the old look of Paris a new look.

Georgiana had the exact opposite opinion. She hoped that the population of Paris would be slightly smaller. According to the information given to her by the British, when the Great Revolution broke out, many laborers picked up guns and became soldiers. Besides, there is only so much land in the city, and it is very difficult to build a house. Land was hard to come by, and she didn't want to see the big city disease of the future.

Bonaparte, who wanted to complain to her and find some recognition, turned pale with anger. Later, Georgiana reminded him that it was he who said that he hoped that there would be less power in Paris. Only then did he calm down, and then he took his "girlfriend" out to play.

He didn't pay much attention to food, and almost devoured the food on the plate, very much in the style of the army.

But it's a different story when he tastes red wine.

Of course the wine the "emperor" drinks is good wine. He likes Château Danny and Château Vougeou to drink wine from Château Lafite. He will shake the crystal or gold cup in his hand and smell the wine, as if he feels Whether it tastes good or not is related to the smell.

Then she would think of Rambouillet, the lord who had brought her from the kitchen to the castle, where a young man with a charming face was looking out with deep eyes at the beautiful fields and canals.

He noticed her coming, and asked her to choose the medal style on the table, while he sniffed the wine in the glass.

Maybe her silly smile entertained him, every time she was in a daze he would laugh loudly, and then woke her up from that intoxicating dream.

Then he tried the same trick on other occasions, and no girl took the bait at all, and then it was Georgiana who laughed.

After the Great Revolution, many restaurants appeared in Paris. The owners of these restaurants were chefs of the aristocrats. After the Revolution, these feudal nobles were either executed or exiled overseas.

Josephine really doesn't know how to cook, she and the ladies of the upper class will go to top restaurants to eat, and she doesn't seem to care whether Napoleon will be poisoned and assassinated.

Hubert Lebeau was Napoleon's pastry chef. He was mainly responsible for the large-scale desserts at the upper-class banquets and formal balls, similar to the ice sculptures at the Hogwarts Yule Ball. The desserts he made were luxurious and eye-catching. The Venetian-inspired decorated desserts were a hit, not so much as petit fours made by women.

Small cakes are served to guests in the salon, but if the cake is too big, no guest will eat the artwork. She and Hubert have different opinions on this.

Another chef who is good at modeling desserts, Anthony Karem, is from Talleyrand. He is very good at making an English cake called Charlotte cake, but the British way is to add it to the base of a small piece of sponge cake. Cream of white wine, and red fruit jelly and preserves. The French method is to place a ring of sponge cake or soft soft cake around the buttered mold, put apples boiled in sugar water in the middle, add lemon and cinnamon, and then cover with custard sauce.

So Georgiana chose the Charlotte cake made by Karem French as the dessert of the state banquet.

Hubert had been absent from work since the next day when he found out.

Bonaparte laughed at her troubles, as if he didn't mind the humiliation at all.

Of course he did not say that Marie Antoinette was an "Austrian woman" in his speech at the Luxembourg Parliament that day. This title was added to Antoinette by the French people. What he said was not as radical as Godin said.

The Bonaparte family had just left Corsica, and when they went into exile in France, they also pretended to be "rich uncles". People regarded their family as warriors who defended the great cause of freedom. At that time, the National Convention wanted to issue a special decree to allocate funds to compensate the Bonaparte family for all property losses in Corsica, so the Bonaparte family tried every means to falsely report their property, and thus obtained a very considerable resettlement fee.

He told Georgiana that Britain and France submitted the peace treaty because Britain took a fancy to the coins in the French pockets, and no one really wanted to eat food at the state banquet, and Karem's Charlotte-style cake could be used on other occasions.

Then she told him about the quarrel with the officials of the Ministry of Magic when decorating the school auditorium. Fudge also liked to pretend to be generous, spending a lot of money to decorate the venue, and even those from the Ministry of Magic wanted to replace her.

She told Albus about it, and Albus helped her out. Then she told him about the time when Slytherin and the Hufflepuff girl had poisoned each other. She can buy vegetables and cook by herself without so many people in the kitchen, and she doesn't have to worry about the poison in the food she cooks. The cook needed for the banquet can be hired outside, not to mention that Napoleon didn't participate in any social activities, so what's the use of raising Hubert? Let him go out and do it alone.

Immediately afterwards, she asked Sophie to write a letter to her fellow British, do you want France to celebrate Halloween in England? Later, it was Sophie who felt something was wrong and asked Godin to intervene.

As a result of the "peace talks", Hubert was still in charge of making big cakes and distributing them to poor children in the diocese after the state banquet, which was the responsibility of the Charity Society.

Although the state treasury paid for the banquet, the name of the cake was Josephine's.

On October 5, 1791, a group of women from the central vegetable market gathered at the entrance of the vegetable market at 8 o'clock in the morning to ask for bread and food. The men did not dare to make trouble, and they would be arrested by the mounted police. The women of Paris took the main protest responsibility.

The vanguard of the attack on the Bastille was also women, and the National Guard was behind them. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, these women rushed to Versailles to ask for food. The king promised to send all the food in Versailles to Paris. The moment the food truck opened, The National Guard broke into the palace and took the king and queen away.

According to the folklore, Marie Antoinette heard that common people couldn’t afford bread, so why don’t they eat cakes is a lie, but if wasting food at this time would be an excuse for others, even if it won’t be published in newspapers, folks will spread it everywhere. Madame du Barry was once posted a portrait everywhere, with a handful of thorns and a V under the portrait, and the whole city of Paris was awakened by these words.

So Georgiana will not condemn those Parisian women who wear tulle and eat cakes. She only worries about whether they can ride horses and know how to escape when the mob attacks and fall into the hands of those people. Happy.

Later, perhaps tired of the kind of pleasure-seeking occasions, Bonaparte took her to Madame Récamier's salon.

After the deportation of Mrs. Stahl, who "does not marry without love", the salon of Mrs. Recamier, the wife of the great banker Mr. Recamier, became the most fashionable salon in Paris.

This house is next door to the slums, originally belonged to Louis XVI's chief financial officer, Swiss Jacques Necker, Mrs. Starr is the daughter of Jacques Necker.

Jacques Necker has a good reputation among the people and is called "the savior of France". Who saved France? Rich man or soldier? Mrs. Starr accused Napoleon of being militaristic, and he was an atheist who did not believe in Catholicism at all. The "talented people" around her became crusaders against Napoleon.

Mrs. Recamier behaved dignifiedly, and there were no women wearing tulle in the salon, and many cultural relics from Egypt were arranged in the room.

Some people say that Mr. Recamier, who is sixteen years apart, is actually Mrs. Recamier's biological father, so she is not very close to him.

Monsieur Bonaparte, on the other hand, in society, would have a tenderness for every lady, as if he were the lover of them all.

Madame Recamier's reputation is very good, but has she secretly communicated with this bad thing?

Georgiana wanted to tear up the books she had read before. How could Napoleon be devoted to Josephine!

"What do you think of the atmosphere here?" said the rich uncle, Chrisson.

This was his pseudonym, and he had written the novel "Crison and Eugenie" before, although he was not famous.

"Very good," said Georgiana with a half-smile.

"How do you arrange your place like this?"

"You like this place?"

"I like working in a place like this," he said, looking her in the eyes. "In Malmaison, I only feel at peace outside in the gazebo."

"You can work in the Tuileries Palace." She said nonchalantly.

He was a little upset.

"That lamp is ugly," she said, looking at the gargoyle that was dripping oil into the lamp.

The lights in Paris are still lit by candles and oil lamps, which are prone to fire, and she is beginning to miss the gas lamps now.

"What do you think of the food?"

Madame Remiel also seems to be a Parisian figure in gastronomic art.

"These dishes are so trendy," she said dryly. "The British are very conservative."

He sneered, "Aren't you very fashionable? Then you will learn how to use a typewriter soon."

"With it, I don't have to write by hand," she said dryly. "Nobody can counterfeit my handwriting. I think it's a terrible thing."

The 30-year-old Antique was so angry that he drank the wine in his glass in one gulp.

"Okay, I'll move it somewhere else." She relented, because the typewriter was really loud.

"Why don't you have Egyptian ornaments in your room?"

"I don't put things in my grave in my bedroom!" she repeated again.

"Are you afraid of death?"

"I just can't imagine that picture." She said a little sadly, "I don't want to wake up every day and have to distinguish whether I am in the world of the living or the world of the dead."

"We are alive." He put his hand on her neck and said forcefully, "Don't have such questions in the future."

"Do you have anything to do with Mrs. Lemuel?" She asked in pain, enduring the pain.

"Are you jealous?"

She nods.

"Keep it like this." He let go of his hand, took a glass of wine from the waiter, and drank it elegantly and comfortably.

As he drank, Georgiana slapped him on the back and made him spit it out.

"What!" he said angrily.

She took the glass and sniffed it, saw that the green liquid was a cocktail with anise and cardamom, and gave it back to him.

"Don't think that people won't recognize you if you change your clothes." She said coldly, "Don't drink anything of unknown origin."

"Do you think all the green ones are poisonous?" He asked with a smile, feeling amused.

"What kind of wine is this?"

"Absinthe, it has a nickname."


"Green goblin." He deliberately bumped her shoulder.

She stared at him for a while, and decided to ignore him and go elsewhere, but he followed.

He led her to a room where the figurines were, and shared the glass of wine with her in the most cheesy way possible.

It's sweet and probably has honey in it.

"It is said that this wine can cure all diseases." He whispered.

"I'm not sick."

"You're jealous, I'm in therapy." He wiped off the wine from her lips, with his big head against her forehead, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I'm still angry," she said coldly. "I don't feel happy at all right now."

"I am full?"

She nods.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, he took her out of the salon without saying hello to the hostess from the beginning to the end, as if he came to eat and drink for nothing.

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