Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1345: The Lion and the Fox (Part 2)

Bruna arrived very late, when Georgiana had finished "consulting" about the Catholic Mass.

As a Protestant she didn't know it was normal, and it would give them the feeling that she wanted to do like the Romans.

Napoleon's purpose was to let Siyes deal with the people of the church. He said that Siyes was not interested in theology, Siyes preferred to read enlightenment books, and his favorite author John Locke was British.

The task Bruna received was to return the originals after typesetting, printing and photocopying thousands of tons of books in the church library.

This has almost nothing to do with the main mission. Fortunately, when Bruna came, Sies and Caprara already had a crush on her. All in all, this task mainly depends on her.

She once told Bonaparte that when the Library of Alexandria was occupied by the Arabs, the Arabs used gold to allow scholars to translate, and when translating a book, they gave the translator and the book the weight of gold.

Corsicans are not so generous, he still has a petty bourgeois concept of financial management, the daily wages of typesetters are still the same as they used to work in the newspaper office, but Georgiana has to provide three meals, this job can give these because Newspapers closed. People who lost their jobs needed to feed their families.

Grand Marshal Du Roc came and asked her if she wanted anything. Duroch was more British than she was, cold and serious, feeling like a British housekeeper.

Even the clergy will be more relaxed in front of girls. Anyway, Napoleon's "soft" attitude should be very useful to Caprara and Sies, and they walked together when they left before curfew.

Whether Napoleoni can achieve his goal is open to question. This kind of high-intensity and high-pressure situation is really too much for her. It's okay to do it occasionally, but she can't bear it every day.

It was Leon's idea to bring them together this time, and it would depend on Georgiana's ability to bring Sies and Caprara together next time.

Maybe Josephine helped him like this before, and Georgiana also needs to use her charm to achieve her goal.

She suddenly understood why Napoleon felt that he was not relying on women anymore.

He not only has a tough attitude, but he can also lower his posture when he wants to build a good relationship with others.

It's like playing a game.

But this kind of "friendship" is only superficial, and when it comes to actual issues, it may not be what he thinks. For example, when Napoleon wanted to achieve independence in Corsica, everyone usually had a feast together, but they all disappeared when they started.

As he said to Mr. Martin, the Italians are more hypocritical than the French. Siers has his hypocritical side, but she does not resist him.

After the guests left, she began to read the book written by Siyes. It is not easy for a person who can see through the harm of privilege. In the Qin State during the Warring States Period, the prince broke the law and the people were the same crime. "Everyone is equal before the law" is not Western first.

It is normal for this kind of person to be proud of his talent and have a bit of a temper when he speaks.

Napoleoni came while she was studying, and he was going to Luxembourg to debate tomorrow, but instead of going to the Tuileries, he came to her suite.

He is the kind of person who can sleep on a camp bed, so he doesn't pick at how shabby she lives now.

What she didn't expect was that Godan also came with him.

Men sometimes form strange alliances. Georgiana does not allow the two of them to meet privately, but Bonaparte creates opportunities for Godin. I don’t know what this "favorite" did to satisfy Bonaparte. To betray Georgiana's maid.

"Have you had dinner yet?" She greeted him like a newlywed, turning a blind eye to the interaction between Godin and Sophie.

Napoleon in boots looked tense.

"Are you nervous?"

"I'm worried if I'm going to get to the point. My speech was stupid during the last coup," said Bonaparte nervously.

"Show me your speech."

"No." He directly refused.

"How do you want me to help you?"

He puts his fist to his mouth, as if in thought.

"Then go to bed early and keep energetic tomorrow." She comforted him.

"I don't want to sleep." He shook his head and refused.

Everyone has their own field of expertise. Napoleon, who is a genius in military affairs, seems to be a person who can't speak. The speech of the parliament is different from the morale booster of the army.

"Come here." She opened her arms to him, "I will lend you my shoulder."

He stared at her for a moment, then walked over to her and rested his head on her shoulder.

"Do you want me to watch?"

He didn't speak.

"Which is worse than going to the battlefield for the first time?"

"It's hard to say," he said listlessly.

"Severus told me that you seemed intimidated."

"He laughed at me?"

"No, he told me that even you were so scared, which shows how terrible the Great Revolution is." She patted him on the shoulder, "You are very brave, Leon, fools don't know fear, you still remember that necklace event?"

"You mean that Marie Antoinette necklace?"

"If I deal with Rangna, I will burn her face and exile her after three days. Is it horrible for me to do so?"

He laughed. "You're horrible."

She is still a little tender in front of a real tyrant, and besides, she didn't bring up this topic for the purpose of discussing punishment.

"There are always some people who think they are safe and can do whatever they want." She played with the buttons on his uniform. "Those MPs stay in the safe back just like the women, they're not like you..."

"We're all mortal," he cut her off. "Humans have weaknesses."

She didn't know how to answer this question.

"Baby Isis, how are you doing today?"

"That's it." She unbuttoned a button on his chest and put her hand in. It was warm inside, not like a ghost at all. "How is Leon's performance today?"

"Usually I listen to them debate, today is the first time they listen to my speech."

"new life."

"That's right, a new life." He moved his big head away from her shoulder. "How about giving me a kiss first?"

She hooked his neck and began to kiss that mouth full of lies.

A lie often sounds sweet, but it is not as sweet as honey. For dinner, he may have eaten Spanish ham, which tastes different from fresh meat.

Of course, the ham eaten by the "King" will not be cheap, although the food on his table does not look rich.

"Do you want to eat me?" he teased.

She was delirious looking at "Spanish ham."

She wants meat so badly.

This is different from being short of money and unable to buy meat. She has money but must restrain herself, just like a queen after a constitutional monarchy, her finances must be supervised by public opinion and common people.

"Why didn't you ask Duroc to help me?" She remembered the rush in the morning, but fortunately, the female family members of the Leoncourt family helped.

"I want to see how far you can go." He said affectionately, "Now you understand why Leon Cour became the king's close servant?"

She didn't ask him if he wanted to be king because it was such a stupid question.

"Priests are much better than dreamers. You have to think about the agricultural reform. You don't want to become Madame Pompidou, do you?"

"You think Leon Cour is Quesnay?"

"He's not a surgeon." Leon traced her face with his fingers. "I think Mr. Jenner will adopt you. Do you think he will agree?"

"You want to borrow his reputation again?"

"The British royals are already vaccinated and we cannot be left behind."

"You're promoting vaccination based on the paper he wrote?"

"I know that he has practiced it many times. Although I am not the kind of person who needs authority to announce the results before I believe it, nor is it the kind of person who can confirm that the method is feasible based on theory alone."

"Well, I'll listen to you," she said wearily. "I'll write to him."

He looked at her contentedly, and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"If he doesn't agree, you can't force him, you know?" she warned the Corsican.

"Religion is like a pox or a serum. It allows us to enjoy supernatural powers, but it also protects us from charlatans and illusionists. Be careful not to be manipulated by them." He pointed at Georgiana The tip of his nose said "Don't forget you're a witch."

"You still want me to do divination for you?" She said with a smile.

He had a disappointed expression on his face.

"Have you gone to the fortune teller today?"

"That's a stupid idea."

"No one will tell your fortune, Leon."

"But you hit the mark both times."

"Have you seen me use tarot cards?"

He stopped talking.

"Women's intuition is not always so effective, and it may not be accurate next time." She shook his hand and said, "Remember the prophecy I told you, Severus leaked? If he doesn't believe it, tell Black Then the prophecy will come to nothing, and the boy will not be marked by the Dark Lord, and will eventually be the one to defeat the Dark Lord."

"You're always sober, aren't you?" he said displeased.

"No, I was very unconscious when I met you two, and I also encouraged Severus to find other women to marry and have children." She said coldly, "He was irritated by me later, he said that I live in Plato's ideal In the country, children are born for the benefit of the country."

"What's wrong with that?" said Bonaparte grimly.

"Someone will take advantage of this and manipulate girls into having babies like cows on a farm." She took his hand and placed it on her belly "He made me understand that I should bear children for the man I love , no matter how much hardship I have to go through myself, I told you that before because I think of those women who are forced into prostitution, they are forced to sell themselves because they want to raise their children, I think this kind of woman is better than abandoning Mothers who have their own children and live a decent life themselves are much more responsible.”

"I won't let you get down to that."

"I want to get pregnant for you, but if God really doesn't have this plan, all I can do is accept it. You have to remember the plan I told you before."

"Are you really not jealous?"

"I don't want to be Rachel. Jacob wanted to marry her, but because she couldn't bear children, he preferred Leah, who didn't want to marry. So don't ask me whether I'm jealous or not." She said with tears "I said in public that I can't bear children, why are you still wasting time on me?"

"I don't think it's a waste of time talking to you," he said awkwardly.

"You think I'm better than Josephine now, and there will be someone better than me in the future. Do you know why I beat you in the morning?"

He didn't answer her.

"I know you have her in your heart, I think I'm used to the feeling of other women in your heart, this is my life, human girls hate and envy me, but I envy them that they can meet you before me, I understand Women should not oppress women, but it is too difficult to do so. I will not provoke Mrs. Pompadour when I get favored like the women of Louis XV mistresses. This kind of provocation is meaningless. If it is I, I will want the status of the main wife, let my children become the king, not the king's vassal..."

"You're going to replace Josephine when you have a baby?" he asked again.

"I'm not like you. This ceremony may be held on a whim, or it may be blocked by someone. The more someone stops you, the more you have to do it. I have carefully considered it. I am older than you. You can't expect me to be with you." Sensible girls are also jealous of you, this is the price you choose not to coax 'unreasonable girls'."

"That's it. I'm not good at dealing with capricious and unreasonable people!" the Corsican said loudly, "I can't do anything but make trouble."

She was so angry that she lost the ability to think.

"Sometimes I really wish you were a normal woman, with a little normal reaction." He said indignantly, "It seems that Britain is really a cold-blooded woman."

"Did you listen to what you said? You are not good at dealing with vexatious people, and you made me vexatious again!"

"How will you make trouble for no reason?"

"Be a bit grown-up! Bonaparte!" She jumped angrily.

He turned around indifferently, showing his back to her just like Caesar.

But she didn't draw out the dagger, but threw her whole body on his back. He staggered two steps and almost fell, but he managed to stand upright and didn't fall down.

Napoleoni said that God inspired the concept of equality in the world and saved the rich from being killed by the poor.

Siers, who was at the second level, retreated to the third level. He was also a priest, but he became a respected French revolutionary, and he did not perish in the turbulent waves of the Great Revolution.

This is a lesson learned in practice, just as the price of bread should be based on the consumption ability of consumers, not the luxury of sellers.

At the same time, polygamy is not a luxury, it is not a privilege of the rich, it depends on the needs of the woman and the ability of the man to support.

Can't enjoy the envious eyes of others, but also deal with the disputes and various demands they bring, is this really a pleasure?

Maybe everyone has their own different point of view.

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