Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1344: The Lion and the Fox (Part 2)

What should an ordinary woman do on the second day of her wedding?

Georgiana asked Matilda to receive a bouquet of dahlias from the senate president Siyes. This colorful flower looked very beautiful.

The Senate and the Council of Five Hundred are both in St. Luke's, and the Speaker is not there, so what is there to debate?

French courts are divided into ordinary courts and administrative courts, ordinary courts resolve civil and criminal cases, and administrative courts resolve administrative cases. According to the French constitution, no government official can be prosecuted by ordinary courts without his approval. The assassination of the First Consul does not belong to the category of cases accepted by the administrative court, so it will eventually be handed over to the special court.

The judges of the special court are all appointed by Napoleon himself, and tomorrow is basically his personal performance. Before the death penalty vote, King Louis XVI encountered it. When the Jacobins were in power, other parties had only two choices. One was to vote for it, and the Jacobins were responsible for compliance; the other was to vote against it, and the Jacobins charged them. There is a tendency to protect the king. So the Girondins voted for it without any hesitation, and all 683 MPs found the king guilty, and only Jean-Denis Langruinet voted against, because he was a legislator not a judge, and later he initiated the punishment Motion to leave it to the people to decide what punishment the king should be sentenced to.

This time, it was rejected by a vote of 423 to 281, and then each MP must go to court to express his opinion.

If it was an imperial meeting, Prond's head would fall to the ground as soon as the king gave an order.

"I've heard of you." Sies said, staring at Caprara. "Do you still need a guardian now, ma'am?"

"Hahaha." She smiled awkwardly, this old guy was really straightforward.

"Miss Georgiana is now unmarried, both legally and religiously," Caprara said cheekily.

"The Roman jurist Julian once said that when a guardian fails to faithfully perform his duties, he can be dismissed due to suspicion. Now, in the name of exercising management duties by fraudulent means, I will cancel your guardianship. You have no right to act as a guardian again." On behalf of this lady."

Caprara looked at Sies in shock.

"Can we sit down first?" Georgiana smiled awkwardly.

"Do you think there is a seat for me in Paris?" Siyes said with enthusiasm.

"I'd rather ask you, what evidence do you have that I'm fraudulently exercising management?" Caprara asked.

"Do I need to remind you two?" Siers said arrogantly, "Are you planning to use Mrs. Maintenon's estate as a land mining?"

"How did you get that idea?" said Georgiana incredulously.

"The little girl doesn't understand, don't you understand? Mr. Special Envoy." Siers looked at Caprara and said.

"I remember that according to the rules after the Great Revolution in your country, the title 'Sir' has been abolished." Caprara said.

Sies sneered and looked at Georgiana, "What else do you have to say?"

"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about," she replied honestly.

"According to the feudal law theory of the Franks and the relationship between the monarch, free land can be turned into land mining. First, the landowner gives the land to the king, and the king then donates or rewards the land use right to the land giver, and the land giver then gives himself At the same time, according to the provisions of the "Salik Law" and the Ripuel Law, 600 sous should be paid for killing the king's vassal, a freeman, a Frank, a barbarian or an ordinary person under the Salic Law Compensation was only 200 sous, and this was not the only privilege of the king's vassals. A person on trial who did not appear in court or obeyed the order of the judge was considered to be outside the protection of the law, and no one could take him in, nor could he Give him bread, if the king's vassal refuses to file a case, it will not be considered guilty, can I understand now that you are the vassal of the first ruler?"

Only then did Georgiana remember the agreement signed by Leon and Caprara not long ago, when the British sent a thoroughbred horse over...

"I think you seem to remember it." Siyes said coldly, "Is he so impatient to be king?"

"No, you misunderstood, he just doubted my management ability..." Georgiana explained.

"Young people these days, I really don't know what to say about you. You should love your husband and your family. France has had so many troubles because of you. I advise you to go back to England. That's your home. and hometown," Siers said.

"She was robbed by the first ruler of your country." Caprara said aside, "Isn't there still a lot of things robbed in your country?"

Sies' face turned ugly for a moment.

"I respect you as a churchman..."

"If you really respect that I am a member of the church, how can you revoke my guardianship in the name of fraudulently exercising management duties?"

"Then you don't think what you and the First Consul did was a fraud?"

"Do you think we cheated you, Georgiana?" Caprara asked.

She shook her head immediately.

"Look, your accusation is not established. I am still her guardian." Caprara stood in front of Georgiana with high spirits, blocking her behind. "Don't forget the purpose of your visit today, Speaker."

"Dealing with the royalist party is our country's affairs and has nothing to do with your church."

"Then why do you think the royalists kidnapped me two months ago?" Caprara asked.

"I knew that he had a conspiracy to let you be this woman's guardian!" Siers pointed at Caprara.

Caprara sighed, "If you hadn't fallen into his scheme, do you think you would still be the Speaker of the Senate now? Your Excellency the Governor."

"Didn't you lose your memory?" Georgiana reminded Caprara on the side.

"You're going to take on him yourself?" Caprara asked.

"I also want to know how he wants me to help you deal with the Royalist Party." Georgiana looked at Sies and said.

"We still have to wait for someone to come." Siers said angrily, "General Bruner hasn't arrived yet."

"Should we sit down and wait?" Georgiana asked again.

This time, Sies didn't refuse, and found a sofa to sit down by himself.

"Which do you think is more beautiful, Chartres Church or Notre Dame Cathedral?" Caprara asked kindly.

"Chartel Church is much brighter than Notre Dame Cathedral." Siers also answered casually.

"Why don't you stay in the church and join the world instead?" Caprara asked.

"At least I voted against the confiscation of church property. I think this is the right way to preserve the church. You should control the priests and stop disrupting France with the Shuan elements. The church and religion should represent order. .”

Caprara said nothing.

"How is the peace talks going?" Georgiana changed the subject.

"Waiting for a response from the UK," Caprara said.

"Leon is an impatient man, as you know best, father."

"That's what you should tell your fellow countrymen, daughter," Caprara replied.

"The church is not a crusade, you have come with an olive branch..."

"Where's your patience, Speaker? Have you become so impatient after staying with those soldiers for so long?"

"We are not the court of Louis XVI. The Council of State is all chatter."

"Why don't I call Karno, he's busy farming and borrowing money," Georgiana said.

The two looked at her together.

"October is coming soon. After the farming season, next year's harvest may be even worse than this year's."

"I remembered this when you mentioned this. Why didn't you accept the inspector?" Sies asked impatiently, "There were farmers who wrote letters before, asking the higher authorities to send someone to teach them how to improve their farming methods."

"Am I not cultivating?"

This is the crux of the food problem in France. The Physiocrats only value interests and systems, but they don't think about the most basic problem-how to grow food.

After all, these Physiocrats are all high-ranking officials and dignitaries, and they have never worked in the fields.

"Does she look like Madame du Barry?" Caprara said to Sies, pointing at Georgiana.

Siers said nothing.

"You thought about the farming loan?" Caprara asked.

"I read a lot of classics in the library." Georgiana said.

"It was left by the Physiocrats, and the missionaries brought those books to France." Siers said, "Chinese culture has actually had a great influence on the French Enlightenment thought."

"What do you think of Confucius?" Caprara asked Georgiana.

"Don't believe it all, especially the eight-pipe system, just like what you wrote about privilege, should be eliminated. It is a sad invention. To completely mess up a society, one only needs to give preferential treatment to some people and make others Depression is enough."

"Have you read On Privilege?" Siers smiled interestingly.

"She can read theology," Caprara said enthusiastically.

"I'll listen to you tell me something," Sies asked Georgiana.

"I don't think theology is for entertainment." She said in a low voice, "I have something to ask you about the ceremony..."

The exchange process is written in Chapter 1 "Gifts" of this volume. If Napoleon becomes king, the hostess will become his vassal after signing, and she will not plead guilty if she does not go to court

Even if she gave birth to an illegitimate child, the hostess can also designate that child as her heir, and if it is sold, she will pay for it

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