Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1338 marry me (3)

There is a room dedicated to the throne in the right wing of the Tuileries Palace, after all, it used to be the residence of the king.

That room was now locked like a taboo, and besides that, there were the first and second parlors, as redundant as Dudley's spare bedroom.

She chose one of them and planned to occupy it in the future, provided that she really possessed this ability.

There will be no desk in the living room, the coffee table is a bit shorter but it can be used, and paper and pens are also ready-made.

Sophie had prepared black tea for her, and another girl, Matilda, went to ask the court master where her bedroom was going to be.

She wouldn't live in his room while the First Consul was away, nor could she live in Josephine's bedroom, so where to live was another question.

She didn't mind sleeping in the study room at all. The problem was that the Tuileries Palace didn't have one, but there was one in the showroom. It was just like the trophy room, displaying the past glory.

"Tell me what you know?" Karno asked grandly while sitting on the sofa.

She recounted the situation she saw during the inspection of Leon Cour, and mentioned the solution to the shortage of rural labor force, and the constitution did not include monogamy in it.

Without labor, large farms would collapse and be eaten away by land-hungry small landowners, obviously too many small landowners are actually bad for agricultural development.

The farming loan is just like an emergency measure like her loan to the bakery, and it is not up to her whether the guild will be banned in the end.

The civil code will not be changed easily, but there can be supplementary laws such as the "Military Service Law". She wants to make legislation to prevent cunning small landlords in the countryside from stealing and cheating.

Peasants are not fools. Those "women who love to knit" can tell fairy tales to children. Telling stories around the family at dinner time was a common entertainment for the French in the 18th century. As Hortense said, she Love ghost stories and tell them to everyone at family gatherings.

Compared with the bustling opera houses and nightlife in the city, the countryside is in a state of near stagnation, and "eating" is the most important concern of rural people.

In the story of "Little Thumb", a poor couple is struggling with starvation and intends to abandon their children. The two children find a hut in the forest, which is full of food, and an old woman treats them to good food. Live, seems like a nice guy.

In fact, she was a cannibal female monster, and she wanted to fatten up the siblings and eat them. The two brothers and sisters used tricks to kill the cannibal female monster, collected her pearls and gems, and returned home. People live a happy life again.

The method of victory imagined by the French peasants was not violence, but clever tricks, and finally the weak defeated the strong. The little man outwits the big man, and the oppressed poor suddenly break free and live a happy life.

If you lend them money to buy seeds and rent heavy horses with good intentions, they will try every means to trick the lender. If you are really a kind person, you should lend him the money directly, and what interest will you charge?

Another phenomenon is that the rural areas do not exclude churches as much as the urban areas. Some villages already have communist ideology. Get what he needs and never need money.

This is an idealized world that relies entirely on moral restraints. There will always be people who cannot help but be greedy, and the priest who first publicized this has been sentenced to six years of hard labor by the Directorate General, because he himself cannot control his greed. The parishioners give up all their property and share it with everyone.

That's why she thought of the governor who came up with the conscription law during the Reign of Terror, first enacted the law, and then considered lending.

Farming loans have been used in China for more than a thousand years. This can be successful, but this method needs to be adjusted according to the national conditions of France.

Louis XVI's merciful exemption from road-building corvee took away all hope from the rural people, which they needed most.

Veterans not only have to go back to the countryside to find women, but also pass on some ideas and concepts, which is a bit like doing the job of a lord, but how annoying is the lord?

Anyway, we can no longer allow the countryside to be so unorganized and blindly cultivated and planted.

Karno was thinking.

"In Lyon, there was an official named Lange. He published a pamphlet called "Sufficient Food Simple Booklet and Bread Parity". At that time, I was busy with the military and did not have time to read it. He suggested that the country should set up an agricultural joint-stock company to purchase the annual harvest from farmers on a regular basis. The price should not be determined by the owner's extravagant expectations, but by the financial resources of consumers. At the same time, this company is also an insurance company. Taking on hail protection and some disasters affecting agriculture, where do we go from here?"

"Agricultural insurance?"

"I'll think about that later. The current job of this company is to lend money. What do you think of using land as a mortgage?"

"This is what I'm most afraid of." She said with a sad face, "They will think that I am spying on their land before lending to them."

"Some land is not suitable for farming." Karno said with a cold face, "Can't you do something else after using the land as collateral?"

"Napoleoni can't push the cultivation of sugar beets, let alone let them do other things."

Karno stood up angrily.

"I think it might be better for you to divide the conscription into echelons in the past. Some people use it directly, and some people are on standby. And the agricultural company you mentioned, how much does it need to raise?"

"1.2 billion."

Sophie's hand that poured the black tea trembled, not only her, but even Georgiana was startled.

Napoleon spent 65 million francs on his second expedition to Italy. How many battles would 1.2 billion be enough for him to fight?

"There are 88 counties across the country and we can pick and choose some."

"I don't think there is a problem with this. As long as Napoleoni agrees, those counties that are not assigned will not protest."

Karno's expression looked complicated.

"Napoleoni is very afraid of civil war." Georgiana said, "Other countries will take advantage of France's chaos. You used your methods to protect this country."

"That's definitely not what he said." Karno said with a cold face.

"I need your strength, just like just now, you directly told me a direction."

"You are just newly married, and you are separated in two places. Don't you feel lonely?"

"We're not married." She said with a cold face. "No matter how much it looks like a wedding, it's not a wedding. What's more, he and Josephine went to Italy after registering. I think I can do better than her."

"No matter how much it looks like a wedding, it's not a wedding... I heard that soldiers in your country are rich people."

"It's the officer."

"You said first lending to some people. Is the money the poor or the rich?"

"People who grow food from the land and can solve food security." Georgiana said, "Whether he is poor or rich depends on his land and farming skills."

"It's not easy."

"That's why you, the governor, are needed." Georgiana said, "You must start planting as soon as possible."

"What are you doing?" Karno said a little unhappy.

Busy falling in love with a tyrant.

Of course she wouldn't say that.

"I have other work, you should go back and do it first."

Carnot stares at Georgiana as if trying to tell if she is Marie Antoinette, since they both have gray hair.

But he didn't say anything, turned around and left.

"What else do you need to do?" Sophie asked curiously.

"I'll find something to do for myself." She said humorously, and then took a sip of the same black tea that the British royal family drank.

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