Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1337 marry me (2)

According to the "Infantry Manual" of the French Army, the regular pace of the French army is 60 steps per minute, and the charge pace is 120 steps per minute. The pace of charging can best reflect the strength of an army.

The pace is limited for column and line changes, such as "turning backwards" or "turning left/right" only takes a few seconds and is negligible in calculations, the 1st Fusiliers must move faster than any other company , and they have to go much farther than others, because they have to go through the full company distance, marching 10 company sectors, others go 80 feet, and the first fusilier company has to go 810 feet.

When the group turned back, the eighth company in the last row became the first company, and the rear team became the front team, and they had to walk 810 feet.

When a woman marries a soldier for various reasons, she has to be exposed to knowledge that ordinary women will not be able to access and understand.

After the assassination, Napoleoni went to St. Luke's Palace, while Giorgina was left in the Tuileries Palace. The Tuileries gardens are now full of heavily armed infantry and cavalry, and ordinary citizens are no longer allowed Coming in, he wasn't worried at all that she would become a target of citizens' anger just like Marie Antoinette.

Luxembourg is now on a mandatory vacation, members of parliament can no longer go to the parliament, and the army in the city is under the control of Massena. He once experienced a tough battle in Genoa, Italy. At that time, not only did the city run out of food, even cats Rats, mice, wild vegetables, and leaves were also eaten up.

In order to prevent the residents of the city from rebelling, Massena issued an order that anyone who met more than 4 people gathered together could be shot and killed.

Now Paris is also implementing this order. Only the gendarmerie and the police can move freely and quickly. They are taking this opportunity to hunt down royalist elements. On the contrary, those young officers who shouted "for the sake of the republic, kill the tyrant" were arrested. He is being held in prison at the Paris court awaiting trial.

Davout, the director of the cavalry, is investigating the unit where the criminal belonged. It is a small military alliance composed of 20 people. They are not hussars, but middle and low-level officers of other arms. The captain he had known in the Valence artillery regiment drove past him in a hansom.

At that time, Guérand pretended not to recognize Napoleon and let him hide from the storm alone. This time, Napoleon did not pretend not to recognize him. Old classmates who had not seen each other for many years met in this way.

Once again the Corsican short's height saved his life, and the saber brushed against his scalp, taking a bit of his hair, and he would have been dead if he had been an inch taller.

Georgiana kept reminding him to bring a sword, and he did, he was a general who had been in battle, and sometimes took the lead, and his opponents were officers who had been idle in Paris and had no actual combat experience, and he was looking for them It is not easy to run from the position of waving the saber in your hand.

When Davout rushed over, he took advantage of the chaos. Later, when he was cleaning the battlefield, he found that there were matchlock guns in their "supply bags", probably because they were afraid of hurting their own people, so they were useless.

There will be many veterans on September 14th, and there will be many more people at the pier than during the rehearsal. The 20 horses of them may not be able to leave after being caught in the crowd of veterans.

This time the assassination was not as thrilling as the one on Christmas Day in 1800, but the consequences were very troublesome. There were not a few republican soldiers in the army, and they would not be bought by titles, honors, and land to die for Napoleon.

Regardless of whether Guérande is seeking personal revenge or for the benefit of the Republic, "Your Majesty" must handle it carefully. The execution on the spot will be clean and neat, but it will also leave a story behind. .

Louis XVI was also judged after a trial. He and Marie Antoinette were not "decent" at all when they were captured, and the queen's hair was gray.

Just like Georgiana's hair, maybe she will not go to a desert island as a prisoner, but be sent to the guillotine. In the eyes of everyone, she has a way to cast a concealment spell to hide her neck, so that others will mistakenly think that she has been decapitated Is it?

Mr. Martin was worried that she would become the second Joan of Arc. Now there is no burning in the church, but the Inquisition is still there.

The chapel of the Tuileries was restored, but without the cross and the crucifixion.

Perhaps because I knew that Georgiana had a habit of liking replicas, the murals were drawn exactly according to the "Debate on the Eucharist" painted by Raphael, which is kept in the Signature Hall of the Vatican.

There are priests, bishops, priests, young and old in the painting, as well as Dante, Savonarola, monk-painter Angelico.

In Caprara’s words, the Academy of Athens discussed only Greek and Roman philosophy, while the “Debate on the Eucharist” contains much more content. There are two levels of human beings and heaven in the painting. For many years, it has not been as convenient to just stick the painting off the wall, but the process of creation is like this, which requires patience and waiting, and not everything has to be effective immediately.

You can pray anywhere, not just churches.

Napoleon said to her that the people need religion, but you are not the people.

She doesn't discuss the issue of identity with him for the time being, she wants to find a little peace, she needs a clear head to think calmly, Napoleon is like a burning chariot, so she can't calm down at all.

Now there is an imminent matter that will affect the political situation in the coming year - planting seeds. If possible, she hopes that the livestock industry can be restored in France. The British eating habit of eating meat still affects her. She tasted a can of horse meat. It was not as bad as she thought, but it was definitely not delicious. The muscle fiber was very rough. It was said that the meat did not rot after a day of cooking, and it was only suitable for young people with good teeth.

She was so much older than Leon, and sometimes she seemed younger.

How did humans manage to be so much stronger than other intelligent races that outlived them in such a limited lifespan?

"Miss Georgiana," Karno said.

At the moment they were in the corridor of Diana in the Tuileries Palace, and she had just been watching the soldiers outside through the window.

She walked through the entrance of the corridor leading to the Louvre several times, but she didn't return to the original world, and she didn't want to go back that much. She seemed to be really fascinated by the little French lover.

If she leaves in the future, how can I forget him.

"Please come with me." She said to Karno gently, "I have something to discuss with you."

"Is it about my vote?" Karno said. "I hear you are a straight man."

"No, I need to borrow your legal knowledge. I will start planting soon. I want to lend money to farmers so that they can buy seeds, rent heavy horses and replant. This is related to next year's harvest. If you pay back next year and this year If it's as bad as it is, then it's not good."

"Is this your idea or the instruction of the First Consul?" Karno asked.

"What's the difference?" Georgiana asked.

Karno froze for a moment, smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Should I call someone else? Like a banker or something?"

"I think I can handle it." Carnot said, "After all, I used to be the governor of the French Republic. How can you, a little foreign girl, know as many people as I do?"

She didn't feel offended, she just couldn't laugh at the thought of the soldiers who died under his wrong military command.

"You are now working in the tribunal, and your duty is to protect civilians." She reminded, "I like those rural people quite a bit. Do you know that I was imprisoned in a rural monastery by Napoleon for a while?"

"I know, I also know that he couldn't bear it first." Karno smiled ambiguously, "You just went back after he wrote two letters?"

"Who told you that!" she yelled angrily.

"Who else do you think?" Karno asked.

At first she thought of Lucien, then of the foolish guard who delivered the letter, perhaps Lannes had told Karnot.

"Anyway... I chatted with rural people and learned something about it." She stammered and changed the subject.

"I believe that the First Consul did not sell France's interests to win your favor like Anthony did." Karno restrained his smile. "But he will indeed do foolish things to please you. Why would he want to see the Crown of Thorns?"

"Because I want to see it."

"I want to hear the truth, young lady," said Karno seriously.

"He said that the last thing in his life he wanted to be compared to Louis XVI." Georgiana said calmly, "I don't want to be Marie Antoinette either."

"You only said half a sentence. He still doesn't want to be compared with the officials of the Directory." Carnot said with a smile, "Let's go, I want to go to Marie Antoinette's living room to talk."

"I don't want to go." She said solemnly.

"Are you also afraid of Marie Antoinette's ghost?"

"That's his private domain, the Tuileries is so big, can't I find a place where I can sit and chat?" She said arrogantly, "Come with me, Mr. Minister."

"What should I call you?" Karno asked.

"Georgianna, the first lady will always be Josephine, and there will be no second lady." She said coldly, then turned her head and left.

Nostalgia is one of Napoleon's few strengths, and when this trait is gone, he is not far from a cold-blooded political animal.

There is always something better in this world.

When he said that he couldn't leave the woman who had been so wonderful to him after he became great, she liked him. This is much better than the world she lives in, where wealth is used to judge social status, and men who have money can do whatever they want.

Voldemort's father, old Tom Riddle let the women who had been with him live on the streets, and his son grew up in an orphanage. No wonder his family's reputation was so bad in their hometown.

Merope was pretty ugly, but it was enough for her to give birth, not to mention the handsome son she gave birth to.

If you marry a beautiful woman who can't give birth to a child, you still have to worry about whether there is something wrong with you. Will a rich young master marry a woman who has given birth to a child?

So he was killed by his son. After his death, the Riddle family became extinct, and the property was divided among relatives.

Only the Riddle House was left unoccupied because it was haunted, and later it became Voldemort's stronghold.

I'm afraid that except for a woman with little knowledge and vanity like Merope, no one would look at that loser. With such a failed father, it's no wonder Voldemort felt so ashamed that he didn't even want to inherit his surname.

So why did she go back? There was simply no hope there.

But she seemed to hear Severus crying again, but only she could hear it, and hoped it wasn't because she was mad.

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