Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1332 prince of peace

When you have power in your hands, there are always some conveniences provided.

The Paris library sent two staff members to buy a private library for Georgiana that contained more than 1,000 books.

She remembered that after the war, the French library's collections on the French Revolution were not as large as those in the UK, and maybe she could use this method to pass on the news.

But before that, she needs to get a general idea of ​​who Karno is.

The advantage of not having to eat with Napoleoni was that she could carry the food herself and read while eating.

This is what she wanted to do when she was a student.

Without meat, she can make cookies, and the English folks won't let her eat without sugar anyway.

This good mood lasted until she started reading about Karno.

In the old days, rich people could be exempted from military service by paying money. The Heberites once proposed that the entire population must join the army, especially the rich. Danton revised this proposal to make it a little more reasonable. Later, Carnot was responsible for drafting a document that was adopted An ordinance called the National Military Service Act.

In theory, France has become a country where all the people are soldiers, but in fact France only recruits the first echelon, that is, all men aged 18 to 25, and all men aged 25 to 30 in the second echelon are on standby. It was the orders of Danton and Carnot that gave France an army greater in number than all the countries of the continent put together, and which promoted Napoleon to command.

The "Civil Code" promulgated by Napoleon in 1801 was improved on the basis of the "Civil Code" drafted by the Robespierre Society. Danton believed that every day a nobleman and a villain should use his head to pay for all their debts. For crimes committed, the Suspects Act allows local governments to arrest people as they please, and even if they are acquitted, they can still be thrown in prison.

But these are not the worst aspects of the Reign of Terror.

The British, like other nations, wanted a piece of the action when France was plunged into civil strife, and British warships planned to capture Dunkirk.

Carnot didn't take the lives of the French seriously at all. When he wanted to attack a place, he relied entirely on human lives to fill it up, which happened to be what Napoleon hated the most.

If the officer of the 22nd regiment hadn't issued pamphlets, he didn't know if the regiment was still available, and Napoleon would not have sent the soldiers of this regiment to Santo Domingo to fight a battle that never returned.

He wielded the ability to control the promotion of officers at will. An Austrian officer was unlikely to be removed if he was 1,000 miles away from base camp, while a French officer could be removed at any time.

The Vendée uprising showed that without organization and maneuverability, continuous activity, fighting and courage alone cannot win victory.

Carnot asked his men to go on the offensive over and over again, he didn't think about casualties at all, the junior officers were cleared out quickly, but the ablest would stand out, Kleber, Moreau, Rainey Ye, Marko, Ney and others were all trained under Karno.

On the Rhine there are Osh, Dessex, and Saint-Cyr, and on the Apennines there are Bonaparte and Massena. In a sense, Carnot’s army is a "cradle of famous generals", but This cradle is not like a military school.

There is a gap between theory and actual combat. During the Battle of Toulon, he ridiculed those "geniuses" who came with Dopp. The first thing he did when he arrived at the position was to find a bunker. .

In 1794, the Vendée uprising failed, and Lyon and Toulon fell into the hands of the Republican Army one after another, and the French army was able to deal with the foreign land with all its strength.

Carnot paid no particular attention to the orders he signed, and gradually organized a large army provided by conscription orders.

He divided the army of the Republic into 13 legions. The Spanish war required two armies, because the artillery could not pass through the Pyrenees, the third army was deployed on the Italian border, the fourth army was deployed on the Rhine, and the fifth army was deployed on the Rhine River. The corps was used against the Allies in Flanders.

Because no one can be found, he can take on the responsibility of only a large force, and the rest of the troops will be deployed in all directions, but for Belgium, he should have an overwhelming number of people, because it is the most dangerous place, Here are assembled the Austrian, Dutch, British and Hannover armies.

The reign of terror at home forced French soldiers to go to the front to face another kind of terror. The winter of that year was extremely cold, and the sea in the Netherlands was frozen. surrender.

The military representative once told Lucien that the French could not cross the strait, it also depends on the weather conditions, if the British Navy's warships are frozen...

The weather was fickle during the Little Ice Age, and no one knew if a cold winter like 1794 would come again, and the French acquired Belgium, next to Holland, and thus another blockade of Great Britain from the Baltic to Gibraltar possible.

The credit of the French is extremely bad. The French king killed the Knights Templar directly because of lack of money. When Louis XV swallowed the property of the Jesuits because of lack of money, the Dutch became the savior of French credit. .

It may be difficult to convince the Jews that the French really intend to sell them land, and who knows if the French will deal with them in the same way as they did with the Templars.

The situation at the poker table is probably like this. People with confused thinking must not be able to play this game. Why did Lucien introduce a "talent" like Carnot to her?

She took a bite of the cookie and crunched it. Now France is overheated by the victory brought by Napoleon. Belgium does not need people with outstanding records. On the contrary, it is Carnot's legal ability that interests Georgiana. .

But law cannot control a mercenary any more than violence can deal with a man of passion, and terror can make a man sober.

After the wave of the French Revolution, Napoleon needed to forcefully promote luxury goods, and even sold luxury goods to Belgium, forcing Belgians to buy them. People in the 21st century can never imagine.

At that time, the wealthy people's consumption was reduced to the point of subsistence, and they didn't dare to talk about ostentation at all. If they dared to spend money recklessly, they would be sent to the guillotine and beheaded by the people.

Continental law will not be changed easily, but they can add laws at any time to compete with British common law.

Anyway, the army can never be handed over to Karno, as is the police. At most, he can only control the court, which is a grievance to the once powerful governor.

"You are also a troublemaker, Lucien." She shook her head and continued to read the bloody historical materials.

Napoleon once told her that Spain funded his six warships. What use are six warships for the national war?

Relations between Spain and France were not as good either, although they won the Orange War together.

Godoy was the pro-French prime minister, and the Spanish prime minister in 1792 was the Duke of Arcadia, who rejected William Pitt, Jr.'s request for an alliance.

Later, Louis XVI was beheaded, and the Duke of Arcadia agreed to join the alliance, and then the two sides jointly sent troops to attack Toulon, which was very unpleasant. George III announced that he would become the king of Corsica, so Spain's attitude towards France's regicide suddenly changed. , they are now Napoleon's allies.

And the Duke of Arcadia has become the king of peace among the voices of the crowd.

Will the Duke of Arcadia replace the weak Spanish crown as usurper?

"Look at what you've done, Mary." Georgiana put down the papers and said contemptuously.

Marie Antoinette is Georgiana's Dopp, and though she's still terrified, she'll definitely be at the ceremony.

How bad the situation could be, she has dealt with giants.

But no matter how ignorant and playful Mary was, she was always a princess of noble birth, who could not only bring France a powerful ally, Austria, but also bear children. Luisa also bore Napoleon the King of Rome, though that child was called a mongrel.

Pete reminded well that no matter how much the ceremony looks like a wedding, it does not have any legal and religious constraints. It can be understood as making girls happy.

Britain is her backer, and she cannot always help the French.

She needs to get the message out and get the British Navy to clear their minds and stop bombing Copenhagen.

The Regent diamond is hidden in the sole of the boot, so can she be carried out by someone?

She thought of her playwright Godin, how to get him to agree to deliver the news for her?

Not all men will change their banners for women. Napoleon gave up the tobacco tax, but in exchange for the advantage of expelling the Royalist Party from Britain, what will the Prince of Wales do?

If he disagreed with the peace talks, it turned into a truce. Britain and France continued to be hostile. French men would stop smoking.

Napoleon was not yet Antony, although his betrayal of French interests to England looked like it.

How would French men choose between quitting smoking and winning?

She suddenly had a "naughty" heart again.

Napoleoni said that the so-called neutrality is to treat both warring parties equally, and if Venice is not his enemy, then Venice should let him do what the Venetians allowed the Austrians to do, or did not prevent them from doing.

She was curious about the reaction of the Corsicans to her "invitation".

And she can also take advantage of this secret meeting to sneak out of the Grand Trianon Palace, but only if she knows where the British are now.

Maybe she could take a turn and stop on the way to the appointment.

"You're a bad girl, Cecilia." She murmured, and left the library to find Godin and her maid.

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