Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1331 Charlotte's troubles

Not all of the collections of the Louvre in the 21st century are authentic, such as Rembrandt's The Return of the Prodigal Son, and Davit's The Death of Marat, the original of which was collected by the Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Brussels.

Judging from the screen, it was a murder scene. The dagger was thrown on the ground, and blood flowed from Mara's chest. His left hand was still holding a note, with an angry and painful expression on his face.

Who killed him?

Charlotte Corday in a small village in Normandy. From a noble family of indifferent status, her father was Jacques-François de Corday, lord of Almont, and her mother was Charlotte Marie Jacqueline Gaultier de Mer Niva, Charlotte also has an older sister and a younger sister. Her parents are cousins. Charlotte is the fifth-generation grandson of the playwright Pierre Corneille.

Her mother and sister died when Charlotte was young. Unable to get over the loss of both of them, Charlotte's father sent Charlotte and her sister to the convent of the Holy Trinity in Caen. In the monastery library, Charlotte first came into contact with the writings of Plutarch, Rousseau and Voltaire. After 1791, Charlotte lived in Caen with her cousin sister, and the relationship between the two became very close, and Charlotte was also her sole heir to the estate.

Her life experience was very ordinary, until one day the French Revolution broke out, Charlotte Corday's father joined the royalist party, and she was forced to stand in that camp.

The worst thing about Marie Antoinette is not the "deficit", which can be made up, but the choice she made at a critical moment.

The escape of her and Louis XVI made the monarchy supporters who had supported them lose hope in them, the Conservative Party was torn apart, and the Republican Party took advantage of the crisis to gain power. They were imprisoned in the Tuileries until the constitution was revised and handed over to Louis XVI for unconditional acceptance.

If the king is not trusted, there is no hope for the monarchy.

Even if the king escapes successfully, France will fall into a war with a foreign country or a civil war, so Louis XVI must die.

There were many parties in the new republic, the first being the Girondists, who, like the old regime, turned a deaf ear to food speculation.

Rather than writing about the Reign of Terror, Godin wrote about the conscription in Danton, when France was threatened by its neighbors and needed a large number of soldiers to fight.

The weak Girondins had nothing to do in the face of external threats, leaving France waiting to be slaughtered like a beef cattle.

Danton tried to find cooperation with the Jacobins, but could do nothing because the Jacobins did not trust him.

Eventually disintegration and ruin befell the Girondins.

Charlotte blames Marat for driving out the Girondins, and she fears a full-blown civil war. She believed that Marat's presence threatened the Republic and that his death would bring an end to violence across the country.

So she found an excuse, entered Marla's home, and killed her in the bathtub.

Louis XVI was a good man but a bad king, and his flight would have caused civil war and foreign military intervention.

Charlotte also killed Marat because of the same concern.

After achieving her goal, Corday did not try to escape, but stood calmly by the window. Godin used a dramatic technique here, and she was escorted away with her hands tied behind her back by the people who rushed in calmly and dignifiedly.

Questions at Cordet's interrogation focused on whether her actions were part of a larger plot by the Girondins. Corday firmly stated that she conceived and executed the plan alone, and some people questioned how she, a woman, could have stabbed Mara in the heart.

She could reveal the real murderer, but Corday insisted that she did it herself. She cried and said, "He made me a female killer."

Following the verdict, Corday asked the court if her likeness could be painted, allegedly to document her true self. She pleaded:

"Because I have a little time to live, citizens, and I hope you will allow me to paint myself."

With her consent, Corday chose as her painter Jean-Jacques Hall, an artist in the National Guard who had begun painting her during the previous interrogation. Hall's painting was completed not long before Corday was put on the death row car. During the painting process, Corday himself inspected the finished product and made suggestions for improvement.

She was sent to the guillotine with dignity, and the executioner even washed and dressed her, and later she left a lock of hair.

The executioner said to her, "You will find it a long way."

Charlotte said, "No, I'm not worried about being late."

The last narration sounded when the knife fell: She killed us, but she also taught us how to die.

This compounded Napoleoni's idea of ​​not wanting a civil war, and Godin didn't sing praises to him, and Charlotte even looked like a heroine.

Only one sentence was repeated over and over again: Louis XVI was a good man, but a bad king.

Charlotte is an aristocratic girl who lives in Normandy and has nothing to do with Paris.

A king chose to escape for his own benefit regardless of the country's safety, and a noble girl chose to die generously in order to protect France from falling into civil war. She did not kill the Jacobin Marat just because she was in the royalist camp. The Jacobins did not retaliate wildly because she killed their leader, but used a trial to determine her charges: in France, taking one life will save many lives, and assassinating a murderer killed many people. People, and those who intend to continue to murder are justified, but the law stipulates that killing must be paid with life.

Georgiana had to sigh, Godin is such a genius, no wonder Lucien let his script pass.

She thought about it for a while, and thought that she could show this book to Leon. He probably wasn't in the mood to watch comedies right now.

Although many people died, it is not a tragedy, it should be a drama.

"Gordan, do you still have a copy?" Georgiana asked loudly.

Her grand ladies and playwrights are gone.

"Looks like I'm going to change the maid." She said with a wry smile, then took out a quill, trying to write something on the script.

Then she reacted.

Lucien was threatening her.

The two brothers have a weird relationship, but they seem to be able to say a lot of intimate words. Last time Leon said that her sarcastic words pierced his heart like a dagger.

Later, Napoleon fought back, but Lucien didn't know that the meaning of the script shown to her was that if he dared to hurt "Marat", Lucien Bonaparte would, like the presiding judge in the play, let "Charlotte" Decent enough to go to the guillotine.

Georgiana would not be as infamous as Marie Antoinette but would die a hero, Lucien had a good writer and he could do that.

Women should remember not to say words such as coward, coward, and useless to men easily.

Entertaining the British envoy Lucien could have been less radical, but because Georgiana provoked him, Lucien "roared" like a wild lion.

She felt scary and reassuring at the same time, as if she could really stop worrying about safety.

She felt that it was necessary to remind the fellow British to be careful of this smiling tiger, but she was not allowed to write letters, so how could she send the news to the British?

This is another thing she didn't expect, and one day she will be a double agent.

In a good mood, she boldly wrote down a line: I had a great time today, and Lucien was with me, which made me very happy.

After finishing writing, she added: But I miss you more.

"Coward!" she swore, and finding a bag, put the script in it, and called one of the Guards to send it to Napoleon.

Then she began to have a headache how to send news to the British. She first thought of invisible ink, but how to let the British know that she used invisible ink?

"Stingy man." She cursed under her breath, and continued to pace and think of a way.

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