Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1319 Introducing Competition

Mont Park was formerly a quarry for plaster and limestone, and was later converted into a park by the Directorate.

This park is not a French-style garden with a plane geometry. It has height differences. It is said to be Chinese-style, and some people say it is English-style. Anyway, it is very special among many gardens in Paris.

The French’s understanding of China surprised Georgiana. After changing into civilian clothes, the first French ruler, who smelled of gunpowder, became gentle again. This made her feel very interesting. How can she change clothes by herself? The difference is that big?

The topic they talked about this time was still related to water. The water supply system in ancient Rome was a huge project. If the canal was the main artery, then how to deliver clean water to thousands of households is like guiding water to the limbs through capillaries. .

The terrain in Paris makes it impossible to build skyscrapers. If the design is reasonable, the tap water system can last for many years even without pumps. The ancient Chinese have already used the water level drop to supply water.

It was an interesting topic for the two of them, Coroline was as gorgeous as ever, she didn't walk with Napoleon's valet, but she didn't walk side by side with the "master", she walked freely and alone, the last time she went On the streets of Paris, she thought the roads were too dirty and refused to go. This time she came to the park, and she didn't have the consciousness of being a guard at all.

Georgiana remembers that Monet often went to Mont Gardens to sketch before he became famous. If the history is rewritten like this, it seems a pity that there will be no Monet's water lilies in the future.

"Are you bored?" Leon asked sharply.

"Do you think it's funny?" she asked back. "Is this the 'date' you designed?"

He rubbed his nose, "I'm afraid you won't dare."

"I've gone to the barracks, where else would I dare not go?"

"Ever been to the casino?"

"I'm not interested in poker." She twirled a small parasol and smiled triumphantly. "How about building a racetrack?"

"Because of the Nika riot?"

"That's right, do you dare to fix it?"

The dictator laughed.

"Don't you dare?"

"There is an ancient ruin near the park, do you dare to go with me?"

"You loosen my shackles, I need strength."



"I haven't played enough."

She was shaking with anger.

"This is another side of me. I like to see respected women courting." He said disgustedly. "Your shackles will not be released until I have finished enjoying myself."

She was so angry that she flirted with him in the park.

There were not many people at this time, and he ignored her in a public place. He held her face and kissed her. Passers-by nearby exclaimed when they saw it, and then walked around them to other places.

On the streets of France in the 21st century, kissing is not a big fuss at all, not to mention that French kissing was originally invented by the French.

She devoted herself to it and made up for the short parting.

This time she tasted an orange.

If Severus didn't come to her, she would go to a deserted island with this Corsican as a prisoner, drinking orange juice while basking in the sun, surrounded by free British guards, how relaxed and comfortable.

When they were in a good mood, they could catch fish and roast them for distribution to those unlucky British soldiers assigned to this job with a bleak future.

Maybe he can continue to be a pen pal with the Prince of Wales, discussing the issue of the Prince's Catholic widow and the cow-like wife. When will Henry VIII's bloodline awaken?

Being able to send a letter back to the UK will definitely make those soldiers feel very happy. Isn't it just a matter for high-level officials to take a vacation with the salary given by the country?

"I don't care if you lose everything," she said after the kiss. "I'm afraid you don't love me anymore."

He didn't respond to her confession.

Just when she thought she was one of his conquered women again, he handed her a pompom.

She took the pom-pom, the same pom-pom on his sword.

"It's a Regency pompom," he said. "Not a couple ring, but a couple as well."

She's sobered from her passionate feelings, and she's now very jealous of his pair of rings with the word "Fate" engraved on his hand.

"I don't want to get into politics, I just don't want other people to ruin everything you've worked so hard to build."

"I can't treat you as an ordinary minister as if nothing happened." He said, "Your words pierced my heart like a dagger that day. Did you say that to him?"

"I said." She said coldly.

He glared at her.

"He shouldn't have moved on." She said indifferently.

"So you're punishing him like that?"

"I hate half-hearted men," she said with disgust, "but I hate myself even more."

"Because you're the one he's empathizing with?" Leon asked.

"That's right."

"You seduced him?"

"I didn't deliberately seduce."

The analytical Bonaparte seemed almost dazzled by her logic.

"Except for meeting at the wrong time, there is nothing I can't compare to a human girl." The mixed-race Veela said unconvinced.

"If I had met you sooner, would you have loved me?" the Corsican asked. "I believe that most girls would like to be taller."

He was really right about that.

She wouldn't ignore height if she hadn't been through something with Severus.

"I remember everyone who saved me." Napoleon said, "I can survive not by luck, but by their sacrifices. I only remember to take care of those veterans, but I forget to take care of their widows. They are better than male soldiers." More money."

"You think I did something wrong?"

"I'm angry that you are still trying to buy people's hearts for me." He happily pinched her ear. "Do you know how much other generals envy me?"

"No trouble for you?"

"Again, it's the army of the Republic, not Napoleon's private soldiers. It's a cliché."

"It's not good to have more of this kind of sound."

"That's why I told you not to deal with the discharge of the army. There are people in the committee who are in charge. You can take care of women's issues."

"I saw that the cannery is also produced by women. Can the widows be allowed to work there?"

"Aren't you worried about population distribution?"

"When will the franchise be approved?"

"I know you like Venice, but they teamed up with the Austrians to kill our wounded soldiers. There are many soldiers who have a grudge against them. They want to wash their hands with Venetian blood. If you want to do that business, you have to find another way .”

She was actually taught a lesson by a human being 20 years younger than herself.

But she really didn't expect what Bonaparte said, she really had too much preference for Venice.

"Handmade lace is not difficult to make, and women can do it too. You ask them to move their workshops to France, and I give them a special camp. The current mainland of Venice is still occupied by the Austrians. I cannot apply French laws to Austrian land."

"I appreciate their three-person supervisory system," Georgiana said. "I happen to have a shortage of accountants."

"Most of the people in the Ministry of Finance are Dutch. If you see a good one, introduce it to me." Bonaparte took her hand and said comfortably, "It will be fine if he doesn't come back to you."

She didn't know if she should expect Severus to come to her.

After she left with him, could everything go back to the way it was?

Napoleon tethered the Regent pom-pom to his sword, and where was she supposed to tether the pom-pom?

At first she remembered the wand, but later realized that it was basically useless.

Instead, she remembered the abacus.

The way she was holding the abacus looked like a philistine. She entertained herself, but she laughed out loud first. Although Bonaparte didn't know what she was laughing at, he laughed as if he was infected. He laughed When I look up, the heavy temperament is gone, and I have the appearance that a 30-year-old young man should have.

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