Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1318 passion flower

This time the journey was farther than the last time he took her to the pond to see the swans, and her uneasiness accumulated with the distance.

But when the ribbon on her face was untied, her surprise was double.

The king of Babylon built a hanging garden in order to please the princess. The greenhouse in her dream has a roof like the crown of Notre Dame de Ankang, and a glass greenhouse that spreads out like wings.

She originally expected a steel frame structure, but unexpectedly he used Roman columns, which looked more like a palace.

"Like it?" he said with a smile.

"Is that a reward?" she asked.

"Wedding gift," he said, putting his arm around her waist. "After Hortense and Louis, it's our turn."

She didn't want to say that it was a wedding, it was just a project commencement ceremony, far less luxurious than a wedding, the higher the expectation, the more disappointed it might be.

But she couldn't help but ran into the greenhouse happily.

It was like Notre-Dame des Institutions, with a circular hall surrounding six small rooms, which were empty at the moment, and which she could arrange as she pleased.

One of the doors leads to a conservatory where plants are displayed and heated by hot water in copper pipes.

There were no magical magical plants in it, but she was very satisfied nonetheless.

"See if there is anything missing?" Leon looked around the greenhouse and said, "I don't know anything about this."

"One thing is still missing." She looked at the translucent glass roof, where the autumn sun was shining gently.


"Hammock." She smiled mischievously on purpose "Have you ever slept in a hammock?"

"what is that?"

"Just find two supports, tie the two ends with ropes, and unfold the cloth in the middle, and it will be a bed for sleeping." She sat on a table that was not completely filled with potted plants, "You can sit on the swing Shaking like last time."

He was looking at her dangling legs.

She deliberately lifted the hem of her skirt, revealing her fetters and calves.

"Tell me what you're thinking of, soldier," said Georgiana in a superior tone.

He glanced out the window, where the others were chatting and strolling in the garden.

"Do you think this place is very similar to the Garden of Eden?" She added, "Adam and Eve were driven out by God after eating the forbidden fruit. We can steal the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden."

"You don't care how I know the secret in your heart?"

"I don't care." She said in a wild voice, "Do you want to do it or not?"

He smiled and shook his head, looking overhead "God, look what you made."

She stopped seducing him, jumped off the table, and grabbed the man who smelled of gunpowder like tearing.

Even Madame de Montesquieu understood at once who the man Georgiana was referring to was "smells of gunpowder", and sometimes the smell of gunpowder can really make people's blood boil and burn them out of their minds.

Some people love Paris because of its superficial prosperity, but few people think about how it was built as it is now.

Dirty streets must be taken care of instead of detours because they are too dirty.

You'd get your boots dirty cleaning the streets, but someone had to do the job.

She was satisfied with that "date", even though they were strolling through the streets full of sewage.

If God existed, she hoped that he would give her the baby girl the Queen of Prussia had killed, so that when she left one day, at least she would be with him.

Since this is a dream, the ending should be perfect, otherwise people will always want to change the ending and never forget it.

Lover for a Day is really a very inauspicious perfume, why is the British thinking so dark, it seems that only love related to death is "beautiful".

The love of living people is also very beautiful, although people in this world are not really alive, nor are they really dead.

"Breathe" here is not really sucked oxygen, just like people smashed the nose of an Egyptian sculpture more than a thousand years ago.

After she figured this out, she suddenly felt that taking a deep breath wasn't such a weird thing. She laughed and cried at the same time, venting all her negative emotions.

Tears make her clean again, able to accept more filth, and when she can't bear it anymore, she will be clean again after crying again.

A woman is like a flower pot with a hole in the bottom, and a man who doesn't cry is like a flower pot without a hole in the bottom. If you don't give him a channel to vent, the potted plant in it will die.

Anyway, the potted plant in her arms seems to be alive now.

After the Great Revolution, many old institutions were abolished, including the lords, but Napoleon Bonaparte was the first resident of Rambouillet. How can this proud man who wants to be the first in everything be second?

She looked over his large head at the blue sky behind the glass.

If you are truly merciful, show your miracles. She has committed a lot of sins, and she can't bear it anymore.

She understood why he had scheduled the ceremony for September, September 1792 was a very bad memory, but someone kept bringing it up for his own purposes, even instilling in the innocent child that he needed a celebration.

She didn't tell him that the birthday flower on September 14 is passion fruit, which is the same as the birthday flower on September 12, but it represents two meanings.

September 12th represents solidarity, September 14th represents suffering.

She didn't want her wedding to take place on Good Friday.

Passion fruit is obviously a delicious fruit, but why does it have such a bad meaning?

Caprara once preached to her that the time spent in purgatory is related to the time spent praying by the living, and prayer connects the living and the dead.

Even if she is a witch, she is willing to pray every day, as long as she and her loved ones don't experience suffering again.

When the climax came, she floated up as if out of her body, which was strange, her body was clearly out of this world.

She felt someone touch her forehead, very gentle, and then she returned to the world again.

She gasped for breath, and gradually regained consciousness, and the Corsican dwarf was looking at her with a smug smile.

"I won, didn't I?" he said in odd French.

"What's the comparison in this respect!" She shouted angrily.

He lay on the side, also looking at the blue sky, "I want a bedroom here too."

"You can sleep in my place." She said coldly, "Ordinary citizens don't have so many bedrooms."

"How about we go out in microservices?"

"You can use 'dating' to refer to Weifu in the future." She twisted his nose. "I don't want to waste time in the opera house, think about where you take me to play."

When he was really lost in thought, Georgiana got up and went to the bathroom next door.

It was really just for washing hands, but she felt the need to remodel a bathroom, and what could be more civilized than running water?

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