Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1287 Change Your Life

"Are you ready?" Severus asked Felix.

"Ready," said Felix Young impassively.

"Take my arm," Severus said.

Felix did so, and after a brief squeeze, they emerged on a shore.

Seagulls hovered on the turquoise sea, as if God's tears were left here, and a city as beautiful as foam was floating on the blue waves.

"Do you know where this is?" Severus asked Felix.

"Venice." Felix looked at Severus in surprise "We're not going to…"

"I've changed my mind." Severus said, "I want to teach you to be a warlock, not a killer, not to mention that in the world over there, your child's appearance can easily become a disguise, but you have to be careful, there are The Scavengers, they are our old enemies."

"What made you change your mind?" Felix asked Severus.

The wizard smiled softly.

"You heard from her?" Felix said pleasantly.

"I just found out where the entrance is, but I don't know how to get in," Severus said.

"Congratulations." Felix held out his hand to Severus, as if to shake it like an adult.

"It's too early to celebrate." Severus didn't shake his hand back, and Felix took it back nonchalantly.

"What are we going to do next?"

"I'll teach you how to collect and analyze intelligence first," Severus said, "and buy more clothes as a disguise."

"Where can I buy clothes from the 18th century?"

"I happen to know one," Severus said, as a launch came up and he stopped it with his hands.

"We don't Apparate anymore?" Felix asked.

"It's part of the disguise, we're going to travel like Muggles," Severus said, putting his arm around Felix's shoulders, and leading him into the boat like a father leading a son.

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In English, horse (horse) and whore (whore) are pronounced almost the same.

The word prostitute sounds very harsh, and no woman would want to be like that, but if she is penniless, has no skills, and has two children to support, what other options does she have at this time?

To be a prostitute who took on the responsibility of being a mother, or to be a decent man who left two children behind and lived on his own?

Pomona understood Josephine completely. In such a troubled world, there would always be some women who were forced to take that path.

And she herself was not the case at all.

She is not pure at all, and kindness is rare. The only thing she can give is to comfort the first ruler who lacks confidence in women.

Those female stars in the Paris Opera House looked down on him, it may be that they lost themselves in the cheers and applause.

It takes the country to be built before someone else can make it great.

The actors put on the emperor's clothes and looked more like the emperor than the real emperor, and the real emperor sat in the box and watched them perform.

There is nothing more interesting in life than this.

It was hard to say whether Josephine really wanted to go to the opera, or just wanted to attend social events as the first lady. Anyway, despite Napoleon being too tired to keep his eyes open, she also dragged him to the theater.

The result was a near accident, and she almost became a widow for the second time.

Pomona will not make the same mistake as her. When the enemy's situation is unknown, she will go to public places as little as possible.

What's more, there are other interesting things to do in private. Maybe after everything is over, she will spend the rest of her life in the monastery like Madame Du Barry, but now, she wants to enjoy the life of being a favorite concubine.

Napoleon wanted to be "Sultan", and she knew what he really wanted, but of course this kind of daydream was impossible in the Western world.

So this title of "Sudan" will only be sung from her mouth. She gave him sweets, and he had to give her back. Isn't this kind of relationship like a prostitute and a client? Although he is always asking her what she wants, she doesn't want anything in particular. Even if he wants to give her a botanical garden for planting roses like he did to Josephine, she is not that interested. There are too many things, but she will spend time Go take care of it, she already has everything she needs anyway.

After days and nights of sleepless search by the secret police, Bishop Caprara was found.

In this world, there are believers who stick to their beliefs, and there are also people who betray their original positions for the sake of profit. Life in exile is not happy. Many old nobles want to apply to return to China. People who were originally exiled from the Fruit Moon Incident, as well as the terrorist Barre Both Er and Wadier submitted applications to the Desperadoes Committee. Many people have been recalled, but more than 140,000 people are still under review.

These temporarily stateless desperadoes planned the kidnapping of him by members of the royalist party, who wanted to persuade the papal envoy to prevent Napoleon from replacing the cardinal who secretly supported them.

Although Hathor's pet despises some women, he is also very good at pleasing women, even a little servile.

He was cute and a little disgusting in his flattering appearance, completely different from the usual upright appearance outside, but she didn't intend to despise him, nor did she intend to make him like Severus who would never give love to others.

As he said, life will not let him yield, he has his own persistence.

It's just that the diligent first ruler became more and more "faint" after the crisis was resolved. He stayed in the parliamentary suite for a day and a night, but he didn't discuss political affairs.

Sometimes women do stupid things for love or other reasons, and Georgiana certainly knew how humiliating it was for the mistress to keep the lord of Rambouillet in her room. But she still let the master into her bedroom just like Josephine let the quartermaster into Malmaison's villa.

Women's wars often erupt because of men. She doesn't want to cause trouble, but things provoke her.

Her reputation is getting farther and farther away from her chastity. Albus would be disappointed if he knew it. He clearly hoped that she would use her brains and wisdom instead of Veela's natural charm to gain people's recognition.

She cried many times over it, but the bastard Corsican didn't understand her now, thinking she was "crying with joy".

Veela is clearly a human being, yet it is classified as a beast. Who wants to be hunted like prey by humans?

Only by covering up her appearance and becoming short and fat would no one notice her, but in this way, she longed to be noticed again.

Severus would be very angry if he found out.

She didn't want to end up like Josephine, who was bullied and accused of being at fault in the first place.

If she was clear-headed enough, she should think of a way to get out instead of drifting with the tide in her dream.

The idea is easy, but implementing it is difficult.

Napoleon, who looked like the scum of hell to Louisa and the diva, was charming to her.

The vast majority of men are not as persistent as Leon. They often change after they find that the target is difficult to obtain. There are so many women in the world, and she is not the only mixed Veela.

He is good at surprise attacks and protracted battles, he will always find gaps and opportunities to break through her.

Milk and chocolate can also be like flowers, as a gift to seduce girls.

She didn't know if this was his own idea, or if it was an idea given to him by his staff. The National Day is coming soon, and there are so many cooks in the manor. He asked her to make some sweets for those street wanderers according to her own preferences. Veterans, and by the way, recorded the information of those who were willing to come to receive supplies.

The sugar factory has not been established, so you can buy sugar from the British first, but he still has the final say on how much to buy.

Once some things are addicted, it is difficult to quit. If you want to get it, you will do everything possible. This is better than not being able to eat it at the beginning. I don’t know the sweet taste, so I have a dispensable attitude towards the sugar industry no the same.

She could feel that he still wanted to block the UK, and he didn't care about the hard life of the civilians after the blockade. He just had too much money and couldn't spend it, which was just used to buy people's hearts.

The destructive power of that rumor is astonishing. The rebel party secretly set up a saint who saved the father, causing people to question the justice of the French Revolution. But will the Bourbon royal family distribute candy to everyone during the National Day? They also collected such heavy taxes and collected corvee to build the gorgeous Palace of Versailles for the king.

Leon also built the Louvre and St. Luke's Palace, but these palaces are either open to the public or administrative organs, not the king's private garden.

It was no small matter that made Napoleon furious. There was corvee in the feudal system, and there was also corvee for road construction. After the Great Revolution, this kind of corvee was abolished. Road construction can just be used to solve the employment problem.

Pomona couldn't do without work. In order to get rid of the British and American monopoly on cotton, the eastern Mediterranean was becoming a French cotton plantation area, and Strasbourg became the center of the cotton caravan, which required a lot of carriages and horses. It doesn't matter if she doesn't know freight herself, and she can summon someone at any time if she wants to consult.

Some people say that whether a man wears clothes or not is different, and now she fully feels the difference.

Leaving aside the matter of building roads, making delicious food can make her feel good, and chocolate can only be used after crushing cocoa beans into powder.

Together with the other male cooks, she crushed the cocoa beans with a stone pestle and passed the cocoa powder to the pastry chef.

Yes, she knew about the cocoa powder machine, and invented it without so much labor, but if she didn't do it, where would her anger be vented!

Although her head was covered with sweat, she didn't feel tired. She regarded those cocoas as someone's face, and beat it vigorously without hesitation.

The people around may have sensed her anger, and they all worked quietly without chatting.

How does this atmosphere look like making desserts?

The nasty Corsican dwarf, she's mad at her!

This kind of enthusiastic working atmosphere can make her not think about those unhealthy images, but the day and night of Rambouillet still left an imprint on her mind, and she couldn't help comparing it with the days by the Venice canal. contrasted.

Then the thought made her even angrier.

A good girl can't have such nasty thoughts.

Her heart ached for Severus, why couldn't he always meet a good girl?

She felt more and more ashamed to see him.

She shouldn't be immersed in the joy of conquering God of War at that time, but should feel that she was humiliated, but she couldn't help it.

A married man and a married concubine talk seriously, they are ridiculous.

It's a scandal, embarrassing for all involved, what more dignity is there?

"Miss, try it." Sophie held a spoon to her mouth.

She smelled the rich chocolate smell and licked it.

"It's too sweet," Georgiana said. "Leave less sugar in the next pot."

"We all think it's right." Sophie said, "It's because you have suffered too much."

She looked at Sophie's words.

"Take a break." The male chef beside her said, "We should do this kind of physical work."

"The director of Bonafort, who is in charge of shipping in Northern Italy, is waiting for you." Sophie said, "Let's go up."

She doesn't want to go back to the council suite.

"Put a table and chairs by the swan pond, and I'll talk to him there," said Georgiana, unfastening her apron.

"Yes, miss." Sophie smiled slyly and left the kitchen in a skip.

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