Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1286 Another scene

Even after being in Italy, Georgiana still didn't recognize the military maps.

They lay flat on the library floor, and it was like stepping on real Italian soil, the people of which she was not familiar with, except for the loose queues, pickpockets, and vulnerability when they stood in line. Army.

The Italians and the French are very different, although they are only separated by the Alps.

Just as she was looking at the map under her feet, the door of the suite opened, and His Excellency Bonaparte stared at her sullenly.

"Give me the map." He held out his hand to her, looking like a beggar.

"Aren't you going to find Josephine tonight for 'balance'?"

"I don't want to discuss this topic with you right now." He said grimly.

"You may have some kind of misunderstanding, thinking that I was jealous. Is it possible that the kidnapping of the Pope's envoy was done by the Italians?"

He raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Why do you think so?"

"Anything that makes you sad, they'll do it."

"Ha." He smiled sarcastically.

"I know an Italian who wants to avenge a family. He doesn't care who he kills. As long as it belongs to that family, he will do it even if it is a woman. Sometimes people do things without consideration. You can't use Normal people's logic to think what they think."

He stared at her without speaking.

"Those guys who love to fight are not all for normal reasons, they may also be for the limelight. Kidnapping the Pope's special envoy is not a trivial matter. Are you in control of the newspaper?"

"I can't believe it." Leon said lazily, "There is a woman to remind me of this kind of thing."

"If you think I'm meddling..."

"I'll let Fouche do it later, you go on."

"This is kidnapping, not assassination. They need to live. Aren't you negotiating with the church?"

"In the last assassination, the real culprits were three priests, not the Jacobins." Leon said slowly, "I planted the blame on them."

"Because it's hard to find an excuse to deal with your benefactor? Are there many excuses to deal with royalists?"

"I don't want to discuss who is the murderer with you. Many people are already investigating, come here." He waved at her.

She immediately jumped over the map and walked to his side.

He put his arms around her waist and looked into her eyes, "You are so beautiful, so beautiful that someone would commit a crime for you."

"I'd rather you value my mind."

"tell me why?"

"What?" she said stupidly.

"Why do you always pick up trash that others don't want? That poet is the most unremarkable among today's guests."

"A man's appearance is the most unreliable, and I value his quality more." She held his face in her hands, "Tell me a little about what you did in Egypt, don't talk about those evil ones, find the ones that you think will make you Something to feel better about."

He rubbed his face against her palm, "Don't worry, I feel better."

"Are you tired, do you want to take a rest?"

He hesitated for a moment, "Can I sleep on your lap like last time?"


She sat down generously, allowing him to lie on her lap, which used to be Severus' exclusive spot.

He lay on the map of Italy and heaved a long sigh.

"Actually, Caprara's kidnapping is still good news." He suddenly said, "It would be a big taboo to change the negotiator halfway through the battle. Conservi can continue to negotiate with us about the academic affairs appointment."

"Look, good news." She smiled lightly, twirling her fingers through his hair.

"Caprara is here to talk about the peace deal, and I don't know who would benefit from aborting the peace deal."

"Wars with interests ... how about the Americans?" she said. "They can sell arms to many parties."

"I just told you that I don't want to talk about the murderer." He said with an angry face.

"You said just now that you don't know which side will benefit from the termination of the peace treaty?" She also glared at him.

"How did you think of asking Berthier for a map today?"

"Take them all, I can't read your military maps." She patted his forehead. "I knew it was for civilian use."

"What do you want to see?"

"The unification of Italian trade requires smooth traffic first. How about building a bridge from the mainland to Venice?"

He adjusted his sleeping position and looked at her face, "If it were you, how would you manage Italy?"

She shook her head, and the pearl earrings on her earlobe shook slightly.

"Then why do you propose road repairs?"

"Rome." She said softly, "All roads lead to Rome, but Rome will no longer be the center of the Roman Empire."

He breathed a sigh of relief, "My dear Isis, you really know how to speak nicely."

"I'm not Cleopatra?"

"She is a mortal woman." He reached out and touched her face, "You are a goddess whose appearance is as beautiful as her heart."

"What if I'm not beautiful?" she said bitterly. "I think I can be a man who has nothing and still love him."

He stared at her without answering.

"Thank you for not lying." She said coldly, "You men will never overcome the barrier of external beauty."

"I don't think I can be interested in the wife of the Prince of Wales," said Napoleon. "Fat is the next thing."

"There will be exotic love after this banquet, have you ever wondered how Protestant and Catholic weddings are held?"

He smiled smugly "You want to have a wedding with me?"

"It's not me. Which witch have you ever seen get married in a church?"

"Then what is your witch's wedding ceremony?"

She regretted starting the subject.

"The Prince of Wales also found a woman older than him." Napoleon said with a sneer, "Men in our time like siblings."

"You and Josephine are siblings, we are mother and son." She pointed to her nose. "Don't look at me so young, I am the same age as your mother."

"Hold me, Georgiana," he begged, "like a Madonna of Pity."

"I'm not Maria."

"When we were in Egypt, there were many wounded soldiers. Before we left Tantula, the medical officer reported to me that the wounded soldiers who could retreat on foot could not walk another step. I immediately got off my horse, and other cavalry officers also followed suit. I followed suit, and a wounded grenadier dared not get on my saddle for fear of soiling my saddle, and I said to him 'mount, there is nothing prettier for a warrior', and the wounded climbed onto another horse. Immediately, until all the wounded soldiers are mounted, my horse is unridden, and that's what makes me love the army." He squeezed her hand, "I don't know where the quartermaster got his guts, Commander-in-Chief He dares to ride his own horse, this is what I hate about businessmen."

"I'm not your horse." She said very tiredly.

"The thing I hate the most is schemers. I love kind, gentle, and gentle women. My soldiers also like you. Are you not afraid of them at all?"

"I thought there was no need for the staff officers to be afraid." She carefully recalled the few male soldiers she saw, they looked quite gentle.

"You said you were a teacher of herbal medicine, so what is your favorite flower?"

The first thing she thought of was the Moondew Flower she had worn to her wedding, but that kind of flower was definitely out of reach for Muggles.

"I don't have a favorite flower," she whispered. "I like all flowers."

"You're lying," he accused. "Your favorite flower is related to him, isn't it?"

"That's right," she admitted, poking her neck.

She thought he would be angry, but he turned out to be calm.

"He is a lucky man." Bonaparte said, "It's a pity that luck can't let him protect you. If there is a kind of love that can't make you excited, it's better not to love."

She thought of those decadent days and nights, but she actually enjoyed them herself.

"There are a lot of people who object to my being soft on the British. They think you have influenced me." Napoleon said, "Greatness is only one step away from absurdity. I want to take good care of those soldiers. Louis XIV has a Les Invalides. I don't want them to live on the streets." I live by begging. Life tried to force me to bow down, but I will never give in to it, I will only give in to you, please have mercy on me, love me, and give me the strength to fight again."

"I'm not worth it to you," she said timidly.

"Please, please show mercy." The majestic general begged her.

"Do you think that you are the same as those little prodigal sons, if you beg me, you will agree to everything?" She quickly covered the shawl on her body tightly.

"Just hug me." He said painfully.

She hesitated, and hugged the Corsican shorty.

"I have planned a new city," Napoleon whispered, "to accommodate those who have nowhere to go after retiring. They have seen blood and can no longer live with ordinary people."

"I heard in the country that girls can't find anyone to marry." She whispered. "How about letting those men who are idle in the city go back to the country to marry wives and have children?"

"You think those country girls are their rivals?" asked Napoleon.

Battlefield sequelae plus domestic violence, such a marriage sounds really "happy".

"Have you ever killed anyone, Leon?"

"I have killed it. I have taken the lead in several battles."

She looked at this gentle little man, he didn't look like the kind of person who could kill someone at all.

"Why are you okay?"

"Because I'm a general."

She was puzzled by the answer.

"Kiss me, Georgiana."

"You just said it was just a hug."

But Leon took the opportunity to kiss her anyway.

This kiss was extremely gentle, like first love, pure and without any impurities, it was really just a kiss.

"I'm going to work." After the kiss was over, Leon said to her after a while.

"Take care of your body." She said habitually, but in the end he was very happy, and he jumped up energetically.

"I'll get you the information later..."

"No, I don't work." She immediately refused, "It's rare that I hooked up with a rich man like you, why should I work?"

He froze.

Georgiana threw herself back and forth with laughter.

It is easy for an Animagus to change from a human to an animal, but it is difficult to change from an animal to a human. The short man in front of him is a successful shapeshifter.

"You're beautiful, Leon," she exclaimed. "You're the most beautiful lion I've ever seen."

"Let's get married, can you tell me your real name?"

"No, Leon, Pomona cannot marry two men."

His eyes flickered with a soft watery light, "Goddess of the Fruit Tree?"

"A nice name, right? I dare say the person who named me this is a genius."

He licked his lips "You are like a juicy and delicious fruit..."

"Get out!" she said coldly.

"Yes," said the general with a smirk, but as soon as he left the suite he burst out laughing.

Not long after he left, Sophie poked her little head in.

"Come here and help collect the drawings." She ordered the girl.

"You are amazing!" Sophie pointed her thumbs up.

She has no heart to worship the little girl.

There is still a lot of work waiting to be done.

If only Severus could stay in this world too.

She thought wildly, anyway, he was gone in another world, and he might be able to make a name for himself in this world.

No wonder so many people come here and don't want to leave.

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