
Severus opened his eyes immediately when he heard the sound, and pointed his wand in the direction of the sound.

"What are you waiting for, it's almost dawn!" said a macaw, all white, in Conseil's voice.

Severus looked at the Patronus in a daze, when there was a knock on the door.

"Get up, Smith, we must go!"

Severus sat up in bed, rubbed his eyes, then stood up and opened the bedroom door.

Giovanni the vampire packs his bags like a marten whose lair has been found.

"What happened?" Severus asked.

"The vampire hunters are back, they must know that I am the one who made trouble recently." Giovanni said in panic, "I have to leave quickly."

"The French wizard is back?" Severus asked.

"No, the pure-blooded nobles came back, and Napoleon issued an amnesty to allow them to return home."

"That idiot," Severus said through gritted teeth, and the two of them packed their bags together.

"Where did that parrot come from?" asked Giovanni.

Severus ignored him.

"I have good news and bad news for you, which one do you want to hear first?"

"I really didn't know there was good news at this time," he said with a smirk.

"The good news is that your bounty has been cancelled," said Giovanni. "The bad news is that you have become the new lottery. Whoever captures you first will be the first police chief of Paris."

Severus froze for a moment.

"If you fall into the hands of those people, you will die unhappy."

"Do you know who they are?"

"There is the red priest Demarais, who was originally a member of the church, but later joined the Jacobins and became an accomplice in the persecution of church members." Giovanni said, "He is Fouche's right-hand man, and there is also the anti-smuggling policeman Du Bois, he is Bonaparte's servant, the garrisons, the generals who have nothing to do at home..."

"Enough." Severus interrupted Giovanni. "Vampire, you go alone."

Giovanni froze.

"This matter has nothing to do with you. Thank you for helping me get to the present. I owe you a favor."

"If you really don't know where to go, you can come to Venice." Giovanni reached out to Severus. "I have a friend who can help you leave Europe."

Severus and Giovanni shook hands, and each went back to packing his things.

After about an hour, the two went downstairs together, and the early morning mist covered the streets, which looked a bit like London in the fog.

Sometimes the separation comes so suddenly that people are caught off guard.

After shaking hands again, Giovanni chose the direction to go out of the city. Although vampires always act at night, the city gates of Paris are closed at night, and he was afraid that he would be strictly checked if he went out of the city before nightfall, so he left even in the daytime.

Severus walked to an empty street corner and took out his pocket watch. It was less than ten minutes before six o'clock in the morning.


The house-elf immediately took shape.

"What if we can't go out after the sun comes up?"

"Porka doesn't know," said the house-elf in a trill. "Can we go now?"

"I still have three days left in this world." Severus said, "Go back immediately and ask your master's master if there is any other way to keep entering this world, otherwise even if I find the map, he won't be able to get it."

Polka disappeared in response, and Severus turned up the collar of his coat before disappearing into the mist shortly after.

==================================================== ===============

After leaving the bedroom of the First Consul, Georgiana did not really fall to the point where she had nowhere to live. Her guardian, Leon Kuhl, seemed to have thought of this a long time ago, and made arrangements in advance, leaving a carriage Wait for her at the gate of the Tuileries.

They are also guardians, Mr. Jenner will not be so "sensible", he really sacrificed his reputation to protect Georgiana's reputation, she felt as if he had let others down again.

If it was an ordinary Muggle, no matter how good-looking he was, Pomona would not bother to care about it, because a wizard shrouded in dark power occupied her heart.

Pomona suddenly understood why Irene, a witch, was so loyal to Tobias Snape, a Muggle.

She was distracted all the way, and she was not in the mood to tell where she was. It was already late at night when she arrived at Leon Kuhl's house, and the housekeeper opened the door for her. Like a thief.

The bath water was ready, and the housekeeper obviously knew something. Pomona kept looking at the hot water in the bathtub and didn't take off her clothes until it got cold. She felt that taking a cold shower should be regarded as a punishment.

As a result, she had a lot of unhealthy dreams that night, and dreaming in dreams was really an indescribable strange thing.

After tossing and turning all night, she woke up early in the morning and was still in good spirits. Just after she finished washing and washing, she was hesitating whether to say hello before leaving, or to leave without saying hello, someone knocked on her door.


"It's me, Georgiana," said Monsieur Leoncourt from outside the door. "My wife would like to invite you to our breakfast. Do you accept?"

Breakfast can also be invited?

"Of course," said Pomona, with an odd feeling she couldn't describe.

"I left your skirt at the door. The First Consul hopes that you can wear it today."

She had a feeling of being struck by lightning.

"You put it there." She said a little self-destructively, what would she look like in the eyes of others?

Not long after, she heard Mr. Leon Kuhl's footsteps coming from the door. She opened the door, and there was a gift box tied with a ribbon at the door.

She had the urge to burn it with raging flames, but finally picked it up.

Inside the box was a black velvet dress, which in this day and age is women's mourning, but a man's formal attire.

Its style is similar to the skirts handmade by the village girls themselves, but the stitching and tailoring are much better, and there are still threads left on it, so it must have been made overnight.

"Bastard who abused power," she muttered, putting the dress on anyway.

After putting on the dress, she felt that she looked very much like a judge in the mirror. There were many female judges in the 20th century, but there are none now. After all, women are considered minors by law and need a guardian to participate in social activities.

This kind of dress is not suitable for powder makeup, so she went downstairs without makeup.

Leoncourt's house is not gorgeous at all, and it can even be said that it already has an imperial style, which is similar to the Trianon Palace.

When she came to the dining room under the guidance of the housekeeper, the Leon Kur family was already waiting for her. The food on the table was not very rich, but it was arranged in a very artistic way. Mrs. Leon Kur brought the hostess The seat was given over to "Georgiana", who sat with two children, a boy and a girl.

"Georgiana" did not refuse, and when she was about to take a seat, it was Mr. Leon Cour himself who pulled out the chair for her.

Everyone was staring at her as if waiting for her to announce dinner, but Pomona felt that what they were eager to know was not about food.

"I'm going to make loans," Pomona said, "to small bakeries that are on the verge of bankruptcy."

"350,000 francs may not be enough," said Mr. Leoncourt.

"This requires the support of you and friends from the Charity Association. Let's talk about this topic after breakfast." Pomona picked up the table knife, dipped a little butter with it and spread it on the bread.

After she started, Leon Kuhl's family began to eat. The hostess and daughter looked extremely nervous, as if they were guessing what topic she liked.

"I have a friend who used to be a soldier." Pomona said first, "His dream is to open a bakery, but unfortunately he has no start-up capital, and the bank will not give him a loan because he has nothing to mortgage."

"Poor thing," said Madame Leoncourt anxiously.

"He was a kind man, and he didn't rob the locals like everyone else, so he was still empty-handed after the battle." Pomona said the story of Jacob from another world, "Helping those bakery owners is like helping him. Complete your own dream, where is your son working now?"

"This is my grandson, Lance, who is still a student." Mr. Leoncourt said, "My son works in other provinces."

"What's your major?" Pomona asked.

"Law," Lance said humbly.

This is the advantage of having a good father. When other young people studying law are still seeking relationships everywhere, Lance's grandfather has already given the relationship to him.

"The loan contract will involve legal provisions. How about we take him out later?" Leon Kuhl said politely.

"This is your home, of course you decide." Georgiana said with a smile.

"You heard me, the opportunity is rare, you have to seize it." Leon Kuhl said majestically to the young man.

Lance looked nervous, but the girl next to him looked frustrated, an expression Pomona knew so well, she often saw it on the faces of girls who weren't asked to dance.

"I haven't been back to the Trianon for a while, this..."

"Alice." Madam Leoncourt said immediately.

"Please go over there and see if my maids have finished copying the book."

"Copy?" asked Monsieur Lyoncourt.

"The most important function of books is to pass on knowledge. It doesn't matter if they are original or not." She said flatly, "When I finish copying those books, I plan to return them to the church."

"I think the monks will be very happy. The charity will have members of the church. How about inviting them today?"

Pomona smirked sweetly.

Napoleon was signing an agreement with the church, and if she said the wrong thing, it might ruin his event.

She was outspoken that day, and the "rumors" released in the Louvre probably were not taken seriously. Britain and France are both wreaking havoc on each other's land, and there is no sign of peace talks.

Although the "Amiens Peace Treaty" does exist in history.

I hope she will not be taken for a fool like Madame du Barry.

Pomona prayed to herself and stuffed her mouth with bread.

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