If "Georgiana" knew in advance that besides those famous mistresses, the legendary dedicated Napoleon Bonaparte also had scandals such as actresses in opera houses, she would definitely hate him. A set of guys.

Severus is very dedicated, except for Lily, there is only Pomona. When Napoleon knew that Josephine was having an affair with other men, he didn't dare to put all his love on one person anymore. Will Fleurs do the same?

She was always doing things that were disappointing, first to Albus, then to Severus, like she was slowly falling.

Maybe when it was all over, she might die alone, but right now she felt wonderful.

Compared to Severus, who likes to sneak around, Napoleon prefers to "listen". After all, he is a Muggle and cannot use spells. Orders on the battlefield do not always depend on the messengers. Drums and music also have a similar effect, and because the drums have no pitch, only speed, so there will be no mistakes.

Only when the charge horn sounded would they charge at full speed.

Napoleon had always been the one calling the shots on the battlefield, and now he too could listen to his voice. As for "Georgiana", she is like a country girl who left the country but was lucky enough to climb into the first ruling bed. She is surrounded by a very unreal sense of dream, and she can't believe that "good luck" will really come on himself.

If the halo of the first consul was removed, Napoleon was just a poor boy wandering on the streets of Paris, and it is estimated that no woman would favor him. Marengo was originally a little-known small village, but it became world-famous because of the second key battle of the anti-French alliance took place there.

When telling this story, Napoleon's face showed an unforgettable and proud expression. In his words, it was like an opera he hadn't seen before, full of ups and downs.

If he lost that battle, he would never have guessed what would happen to him. Fortunately, he won, so his position as the number one ruler became unshakable.

He forbids others to gamble, but he himself is a gambler, but he doesn't play with money. In his cognition, money is used to support his family, not to play.

Josephine and him treated each other with respect, and they rarely quarreled, except about her debts, but there were not many topics to talk about, especially because of the children, which became more and more annoying.

He is more of a "stallion" and it is difficult to enjoy the whole process as happily as before marriage, even though Josephine is still as sultry as before, the passion that once drove him to his head, and married after only a few months have nothing left.

Only war can make him feel that blood boiling again.

If Pomona had preconceived that Napoleon used the Christmas assassination to persecute and exile the Jacobins who took him in, she would also think that the Corsican was too wolfish.

Now she knows that all this is not entirely for him to eradicate dissidents. Those who were suppressed and persecuted by Napoleon were potential allies for the Bourbon royal family. After all, the enemy of the enemy is their friend, but this is the opinion of politicians.

The Jacobins were good at instigating. Napoleon aroused the ambition and greed of those bankers with a few words. If the money reached a certain level, they would lose their concept. Anyway, buying two or three Burgundy wineries is definitely enough. Men are also jealous. Before Napoleon had a hairline, he was also very jealous of the children of rich people who were born with everything they should have.

It's just that compared with complaining about the unfair fate, Xianfu's lieutenant chose to despise them.

When the Paris Commune formed by the proletariat came to the Tuileries Palace, Napoleon was watching like many people. Instead of dreaming of living in the Tuileries Palace, he thought about how to suppress the rioters.

Pomona didn't know if General Wellington had participated in suppressing civil riots. The army has always been criticized for taking action against civilians, but rioters not only rob, but also set fire. As an important port and capital London, if London The kind of fire that happened in 1666, because of the trade blockade, it may be difficult for London to rebuild as quickly as Copenhagen, a neutral country.

Wooden houses are built quickly and burned quickly. The Tuileries Palace was burned down when it was occupied by the Paris Commune for the second time. In the end, only the facade remained. Waiting for Pomona in the 21st century When I went to visit, there was no facade, only the garden outside.

The fire element is jumpy and lively, which is very suitable for the sunny Leo, but fire also represents destruction and is often associated with war.

Since it is an impossible dream, why not do it arbitrarily? Maybe when I wake up, the dream will be forgotten.

Like a female knight, she overwhelmed the god of war in the eyes of men. The Corsican, who is not strong but has a big head, is lying on his back, as if enjoying the feeling of being dominated.

Hathor said that he longed to have chains on his body, which is a civilized way, but his desire for freedom made him reject any form of chains, including the constitution.

There is a card in the Tarot. On the card, the goddess tamed the lion. This card is called power. She felt a kind of power filling her whole body.

The fireplace in the bedroom was still burning in June. Although the weather was a bit cold during the Little Ice Age, it still feels a bit overheated.

She felt sticky with sweat all over her body, although she knew she wouldn't sweat because her body was not in this world.

The subconscious mind can't lie, she should sweat at this moment, and she will sweat.

She used to think that the Gryffindor lounge stinks, so many Gryffindor girls have put up with it, not to mention the smell of wild animals is worse than that, and it doesn't matter if you get used to it.

Go to the scene where her country girl climbs the bed of the nobleman, she is Georgiana, the name is taken in honor of the free Nika and the most beautiful purple robe, the Greek word for queen, Venice is not the queen of the Adriatic what? Rather than let the boys intensify the conflict to the point of no return, it would be better for the girl to come forward, but the first thing she has to do is to let the robber who loves to rob to return other people's things.

"What are you thinking?" He was lying on his back, looking up at her with a smile. The hard-working First Consul also began to waste time on women like a foolish king. He knew that she could not be pregnant.

"I hate war." She said coldly, although her body was still hot and her breathing was short of breath. "My father chose to be hostile to his former lover because he lost his beloved sister. You know the pain of losing a loved one. Are you uncomfortable?"

He seemed to be caught in some crazy association, a little crazy.

"You haven't lost anything, but you are always thinking about gaining. Josephine betrayed you, and you only feel anger. You are the one who was hurt. Have you ever thought that Josephine can not come back and follow her way?" The little lover is gone."

"She owes a lot of money."

Pomona slapped him.

He endured it for a while, and finally slapped her hard back.

It hurt a little, but it made her feel better, and she thought it was him who slapped Severus.

"You are a very fine man, Napoleon Bonaparte. I don't know how to describe it. You can do better than a rich man." Pomona smiled contemptuously. The woman of her own child was driven out of the house, and later the child grew up and killed his whole family, do you think he deserved it?"

"You despise the rich?"

"No, who would be as stupid as you to despise them." Georgiana pinched his Greek nose. "Are you still jealous of them?"

"What do you want from me?" he asked back.

She wanted to say that she didn't sleep with him to get anything, she actually enjoyed the process.

"Can you cancel the reward, I don't want all the desperadoes in the city to want his life."

The feeling of being surrounded by enemies and daggers all over the sky is too bad. If he is alone, he must be vigilant. If there are accomplices around him, he must also worry about whether he will betray him because of the reward.

Napoleon looked at her with almost hatred.

"Okay." He agreed, and then he lay on his side "You can go."

She looked at his attitude of rejecting others thousands of miles away, and felt that it might not be possible to just leave like this, because he would think wildly.

"How about you give me that bounty?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Help you," Pomona said. "It takes money to do good deeds."

He didn't answer, and Pomona took it for granted.

She left the First Consul's bed, put the black swan necklace on the head of the bed back on, and then began to dress, the velvet rustling.

"Have you ever seen the picture of the girl with the pearl earring?" she said as she dressed. "I think that's a beautiful picture."

"you want?"

"I want to ask you, do you want me to wear pearl earrings like her?" Pomona said. .”

He looked back at her.

"Good night, my lion, have a sweet dream." She dressed and left his bedroom without regret.

This is the rule, except for Josephine, no woman can spend the night in his room.

And she can't go back to the theater like a female star, so it's a problem where she sleeps later.

Being a girl on the street is sometimes miserable, but it can also be her own fault.

Maybe she can go to the Louvre to find an empty corner for one night, surrounded by famous paintings, making her feel like she is back in the Gryffindor tower, where there are also many oil paintings on the walls, maybe she can still What an adventure.

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