Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1254 Nothing

On the night of July 14, 1789, when there was a tsunami-like roar and the rumble of guns outside the palace, the nervous Louis XVI asked the left and right in panic, "Is this a rebellion?"

At this point a duke replied "No, sire, this is a revolution."

The Duke who answered Louis XVI's question at that time was the new guardian of Mademoiselle Georgiana, the citizen La Rochefoucauld Lyoncourt, who behaved like a clown in public, but dignified and dignified in the carriage. He was elected as a representative of the three-level parliament in 1789, and politically belonged to the liberal aristocracy headed by Lafayette.

There are many factions in the French Revolution, although they have similarities, they are not all the same. The liberal aristocracy has some overseas colonial plantation aristocracy, but more are business owners engaged in mining and metallurgy. Napoleon's army needed guns, and the manufacture of guns required metallurgy and mining. As the remaining Jacobin "king killer", he became a close partner with the nobles who used to accompany Louis XVI. How "shocking" it should be when you go out.

However, their relationship is like this. The wealth of the nobles needs the protection of the soldiers, and the equipment of the soldiers and the luxurious life of senior officers also need the financial support of the nobles. Now they have to join a class of financiers. They are also the marriage targets of the new noble officers.

As the Egyptians said, no matter how expensive turquoise is, it cannot be eaten as food. The Baltic Sea is an important food-producing country. They do not produce food. The French mainland is doomed to a poor harvest. It will not be realized until one month after the autumn harvest. At that time The whole world looked for supplies everywhere, and when the food arrived, the civil uprising was over, which happened to be cheap for the new ruler to buy people's hearts.

In view of the current active performance of the Royalist Party, it is tantamount to making a wedding dress for Louis XVIII.

Originally, the situation in Paris was not so bad. In the towns outside Paris, the grain price of seven sous per pound was limited to about 2 sous in Paris. Of course, the smart people knew that they had to transport the cheap grain in Paris to sell outside the city. It happened that the residents of the city had demand for foreign goods, and a smuggling industry chain was formed.

The Prince said that if you act generously only to gain a reputation for being generous, you will be harmed by it.

In the ninth year of the Republic, Napoleon once asked the "great good man" citizen Leoncourt at the cocktail party established by the Paris Charity, if it is not for profit and vanity, what is the use of generosity?

Napoleon was a very sensitive person, which caused him to be very suspicious sometimes. Leoncourt replied that Louis XVI was a benevolent monarch, but the reputation of benevolence would not make the army afraid, let alone no one would be afraid of failing to fulfill it. Check work.

Since then, these old-age nobles who were originally marginalized or fled overseas began to walk on the streets of Paris as philanthropists.

The means of the emperor are indifferent to form. Louis XIV led a luxurious life, which made the country lords no longer think about rebellion, and the king made them obedient with gold coins and debts.

Doing good deeds costs money, and may even deplete one's wealth, but the reason is similar to spending money squandering to gain a reputation for generosity. All the women who have been with Napoleon will not have a bad life. A woman may not care about jewelry or mansions, but how many people can resist this kind and pure reputation?

Apparently Bonaparte was still dissatisfied after getting a substantial relationship, and he was still launching an attack. "Georgiana" now hoped that he could focus on other things instead of himself.

A monarch who is usually shrewd and stupid at critical moments is worse than a monarch who is usually dull and shrewd at critical moments.

She had also dealt with emotional disputes at school, usually dueling duels between rivals, developing into gang fights, and at worst, college rivalries.

The granary was still relatively tightly guarded. Napoleon also guessed that Severus might attack the granary, so he sent scavengers to guard it. However, I don't know whether it was Severus' clever means or these mercenaries had ulterior motives. The "seeds" of several granaries germinated overnight.

He knew that mercenaries were unreliable, but he couldn't find any wizards in France. The Free Stonemasons Union had contact with some wizards, but they were mainly stonemasons, and they didn't know much about the wizarding society.

If the previous terrorist acts in the slaughterhouse and the big market can only be regarded as small troubles, moving the granary is moving the reverse scale of Napoleon Bonaparte.

All the secret police, spies and informers of various places were told that to find the saboteur in Paris, his bounty was also raised from 300,000 francs to 350,000 francs.

The problem is that Napoleon doesn't know what Severus looks like, but he only remembers a scar on his neck. Such a large-scale search will sooner or later make the civilians in the city aware of the abnormality. The status of "Georgiana" sent to the Tuileries Palace.

Faint lord is a slur worse than tyrant, and faint lord is often associated with one or two beauties. Pomona never dreamed that one day she would become a "disaster" that would bring disaster to the country and the people.

She thought she was having a ridiculous dream, and she woke up in the Herbalism Greenhouse at Hogwarts.

Because she left in a hurry, she didn't change the velvet skirt she wore when she was working. It was also produced in France. It was not a luxury item as expensive as silk, but it was not a cheap woven cloth like muslin. It was a kind of military uniform. fabric.

Like a new firefighter, she was brought to the scene of the "fire" by the seasoned citizens of Leoncourt, the Hall of the Congregation on the right wing of the Tuileries.

The last time she went to the Doge's Palace in Venice, she felt that the palace was too empty, and there was no furniture in it. Now she knows where the chairs and tables that the children of the Venice Seas sat on are all gone. They are all in the Tuila In the inner palace, he is currently sitting under the buttocks of a number of French officials.

"Your Excellency Bonaparte has been cursing for two hours," said the guardian to Pomona. "Please help those poor people."

She still dared not go in.

An empty house and a large conference room filled to capacity are two different things.

Just when she was hesitating, Napoleon's secretary first spotted her.

Napoleon's first secretary, Briand, was a classmate of Napoleon, also 30 years old. He applied for retirement due to physical and mental exhaustion and excessive pressure, and was later appointed as the ambassador to Norway to cultivate his body and mind.

The secretary who succeeded him usually didn't last long. Although it was an honor to be Napoleon's secretary, Pomona couldn't remember if this secretary was the one she met in St. Luke's last time. Anyway, the other party recognized her. , The secretary whispered a few words in Napoleon's ear, put his hand in his trousers just now, and pointed at the noses of those high-ranking officials, the Corsicans who roared like firing a cannon immediately fell silent.

He looked back at Pomona, his eyes were terrifying and gloomy, completely devoid of the gentleness of the past.

"Do you need a rest, sir?" the secretary asked earnestly, and those senior officials also looked at Bonaparte anxiously, as if these scolded people needed rest even more.

"Continue in ten minutes."

Without the secretary's announcement, all senior officials stood up immediately, and the muffled sound of wood rubbing against the floor suddenly sounded in the committee.

She hid aside so that the officials attending the meeting could quickly evacuate. Some continued to talk, and some would look at her curiously as they passed by. In the end, Napoleon was the only one left in the overcrowded committee.

He not only knows how to snuff, but also smokes, but instead of smoking cigarettes, he smokes with a pipe.

If she cares about his smoking issue at this time, she definitely thinks her life is too long.

After the secretary left, she walked in without closing the door.

Napoleon's place was in the middle of the chamber, not in the most dignified place furthest from the door, where he could be heard by all.

She walked up to him, took the pipe in his hand into her own, and took a puff in a strange way. The fermentation method of this tobacco leaf is also different from the modern one, and the taste is stronger. If you smoke it slowly, it will not Choking.

She felt lazy, but her mind was clear, and after tasting it, she returned the pipe to him.

"Snatching other people's property, wives and children will definitely make you enemies. Don't you think you are stupid if you still do this knowingly?"

Napoleon continued to smoke.

Georgiana pressed his shoulders, his muscles were not as thick as Severus's, and his shoulders were not broad, which made his head look too big.

"You can let me go." She said a little tiredly, "It's not yet the point where you have to kill me to vent public anger."

"Who does he know in Paris?" asked Napoleon grimly.

"You know men, they don't bring things home and talk about them."

He breathed a sigh of relief "I thought this time it would be as easy as last time."

Pomona immediately thought of his young Cleopatra and her husband, a lieutenant who had been promoted for the service of his wife.

"He is a very stubborn man. Do you know the Anti-French League?"

The anti-French First Consul smiled, showing a mouthful of white and neat teeth.

"We also have the Anti-Dark Arts League there, but he always insisted on using the dark arts, even though the woman he loved broke up with him because of it."

"Aren't you his beloved woman?"

"Do you think you love me then?" Pomona asked Napoleon.

He looked at her in bewilderment.

"If there is no issue of ownership and a thing can be shared, then there is nothing to argue about. It is precisely because of wanting exclusive ownership that there is competition. Socrates and Plato advocated the abolition of private ownership, so that everyone should not share yours and mine. ..."

"What a theorist," Napoleon interrupted her contemptuously.

"I know you support private ownership, that's why the bourgeoisie think you're cute." She pinched his Greek nose "Just now Mr. Leon Kuhl told me that the problem of ending with money is not a problem , can you not be like the commander in the Battle of Toulon, the first thing you do after taking office is to clean up the interior?"

"He's like a rock in my boot, always there to bug me."

"If I make you happy, can you let him go?" Pomona smiled and squeezed his shoulder provocatively.

"Is he worth it to you?" said Napoleon displeased.

She whispered in his ear.

He smiled ambiguously.

Georgiana took him up and let him leave the club.

"You can rest for an extra fifty minutes." Pomona said to the secretary and Mr. Leon Kuhl who were guarding the door, and she took Napoleon's hand like a pet lion to the Duil Go to the left wing of the inner palace.

"I find that you intellectuals are all hypocrites." The Corsican dictator said, "You have to find an excuse for yourself when you do dishonorable things."

Pomona slapped him across the face.

"If it's not you, I'd rather die." She said bitterly, "My soul is defiled by you."

She cried as she spoke.

Bread, what food cannot be shared in Hufflepuff, has become a deadly thing here, and people can kill for it.

A pair of arms embraced her.

"Why am I so special?" he asked softly.

Pomona thought of the Raft of the Medusa, and the nobles who had abandoned ship.

"I know you must think I'm empty talk, but if things really get to a bad point, I don't want you to flee like Louis XVI."

"Because the purple robe is the most beautiful shroud." He said without thinking.

"I don't have to be a queen, but you can't be a deserter."

She met his eyes uncompromisingly, and Napoleon looked away first.

"I like androgynous women." He surveyed her from the feet with a sparkling gaze. "It's a masterpiece."

"I'm probably not fertile, I'm older than Josephine."

"You look 20 at most."

"That's because of this." She pointed to the black swan pendant, "I will grow old when I take it off."

"I do not believe."

"You can try it later. It's your turn. Do you choose happiness or the truth."

Looking directly into her eyes, he raised his hand and pulled off the necklace.

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