Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1253 Great Kindness

Pomona did not go to live in the Grand Tria Palace.

Even though what was supposed to happen had happened, she still didn't intend to live in that place, and now she lived in an estate near Versailles, with a group of rural women all day long.

They were very enthusiastic and never let her do work that required strength. Pomona always recalled the feeling of having a magic wand, and they would be shocked if they saw the power to prepare her.

She herself didn't know what was going on, if she wanted to compete intellectually with Muggles, then she had to learn Muggles' mind control method.

There is a kind of person who has a magical temperament that makes people want to be subdued and surrender. Napoleon is this kind of person. She didn't know what she was thinking at the time, but instead of running away while the Purifiers were chasing Severus, she stood stupidly in the conference room, waiting for them to put shackles on her.

Tobia made a rule for Irene that she was not allowed to use a magic wand, but Napoleon didn't have one. Of course she could use magic to resist him.

I disarmed in my heart, which was more serious than actually disarming. Fortunately, she was not the kind of woman who had to be held accountable after sleeping once.

His curiosity was satisfied. In fact, she was not much older than other women, but she was a monster when she grew older.

She is just an ordinary woman, there is no need to be so obsessed with her, it is an exaggeration to be fascinated.

She kindly invited him to a picnic, but it turned out to be so chilling. She wanted to talk to him about other topics.

Even war.

If someone besieged Paris like his nephew Napoleon III, what method would he use to protect the city.

He ended up ruining everything himself.

People with such a good temper like her were so angry that they didn't want to talk to him, let alone other people. It is impossible for people to be healthy and strong all the time. The reason why she wrote back that day was because of the weakness expressed in his letter.

She let go of the men in uniform, and if it had been someone other than Napoleon's who had come, she would not have known where they had taken her.

It was a law he made himself. Women need to be accompanied by a guardian, but he himself did not abide by it. He seemed to be a very decent person before. She thought he could be trusted, but she was all wrong.


She kept this account in her heart and was ready to ask for it back at any time.

Because of her anger, she had a lot more strength to pack and dry the bandages. She made a mess of those bandages, as if she tied it around the Corsican dwarf and mummified him!

She was getting angry, and it was a long time before she heard the sound of hooves approaching.

Now she has post-traumatic symptoms after hearing this voice, but she later thought that people in this century rely on horse-drawn carriages for travel, and she will have to adapt sooner or later.

So she went with the other servants to see who the cart brought.

After the car stopped, a "Bourbon aristocrat" stepped out, everything was the same as in the old days except that his face was not powdered, and the servants couldn't help whispering.

Pomona looked at the terrible aristocratic etiquette, he looked like he was moving an invisible urn.

After his feet landed on the ground, he began to search among the crowd, and finally set his sights on Pomona.

He staggered in front of Pomona, took off his hat and performed a court ceremony, and then put the hat back on.

"You must be Miss Georgiana," said the Bourbon aristocrat with the air of Lucius Malfoy.

"That's right." She pursed her lips and replied.

"I am Citizen La Rochefoucauld Lyoncourt, President of the Paris Charity, it is an honor to meet you, lady, your beauty..."

"What's the matter with you?" Pomona interrupted him before the other party started his tirade.

"I am entrusted by the First Consul, and I will be your guardian from today on." The Bourbon nobleman took a commission from his coat pocket and handed it to her.

She didn't answer, and now she's hating everything she hears about someone, and she's off to the warehouse with a bandage that smells like medicine.

"At the same time, I am also the director of the Dispensing Institute." The Bourbon nobleman said behind Pomona, "I heard that you are short of medicinal materials here."

"Don't you give it to me for free?"

"Of course... yes." The Bourbon nobleman paused deliberately and said.

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to have discovered something novel, and walked up to Pomona on tiptoe, stretched out his hand and scratched behind her ear, and a white rose appeared on his hand.

"I think it belongs to you, beautiful and noble lady." The Bourbon noble made her smile with a lame little magic trick, and she finally accepted his white rose.


"Lioncourt." The Bourbon nobleman introduced himself again, "Do you think I can be your guardian?"

Pomona didn't know what to say.

"I don't want to frighten you," she said to Leon Kuhl. "The one I most want to defend against is the First Consul."

Leon Kull glanced at the villagers behind him, and then looked at Pomona from a strange angle.

"How about going for a walk with me?"

"No problem, wait a minute, I've put the things away." She said happily, holding the messy bandages and throwing them to the warehouse clerk who was dozing off during working hours.

She hasn't had time to renovate the land in the manor, and she doesn't plan to turn such a beautiful lawn into a field. There are many soft grass in Hogwarts Castle, where students can lie on the sun in their spare time.

It would be comfortable, so she left the grass even if it wasn't practical.

Even if she didn't ask, someone still took care of the lawn, and there was a smell of grass juice in the air, which was a bit pungent, but not unpleasant.

"Miss Georgiana, the First Consul asked me to give you..."

"I don't need anything," she said wearily. "How many more times do I need to say that?"

Since that day, three waves of "envoys" have come, all asking if she is comfortable living in the manor and if she needs anything.

"He wants me to tell you, 'I'm sorry,'" Leon Cole said. "Forgive him for his impulsiveness. Also, I want to ask you what you need, not life, but medicine."

"What did he tell you?" Pomona poked her waist like an angry teapot.

"I saw a young man who regretted what he did without thinking. Would you forgive him?"

"I thought he had other things to do." She sneered.

"We are currently experiencing a major incident. Several of our granaries have been poisoned." Leon Kuhl said seriously, "Don't tell anyone, it will cause panic."

Pomona looked terrified.

"Please don't worry, there are other food reserves in Paris, and the First Consul is negotiating with the financiers to allocate food and grass. What we need to do now is to ensure that the plague will not spread among the people."

She had a strange intuition that it was Severus who did it, no matter how insane the royalists were, it would be impossible for them to poison the granary, and even if they were so heartless, they would not know how to make a granary All the food in the country was contaminated to the point of being inedible, and the Salem Witch Trials did not know that it was caused by ergot until 300 years later.

"You... do you know what kind of poison is thrown in the granary?" Pomona asked.

"I'm not sure if that counted as poisoning, it just did what a seed should do," Leoncourt said. "They all germinated."

Pomona blinked.

The "grain" that humans eat is actually the seeds of wheat and rice. They will germinate if they encounter a suitable environment such as water and soil. Therefore, the granary needs to be dry and kept away from the ground, and it is impossible to germinate suddenly by itself anyway.

"Someone is doing sabotage, we need the first ruler to use a clear head, do you understand what I mean? Miss Georgiana." Leon Cole looked at her strangely, "My family and I can't stand another big revolution The impact of the shock, we donate all our wealth to do charity just to save our lives, as long as the problem can be solved by money, it is not a problem.”

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