Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1244 The Captain on Land

Because of the victory, the streets of Paris were filled with a joyful atmosphere, and cheering crowds were everywhere.

Severus and Giovanni arrived near the Paris Opera House in a carriage, and were asked to detour by the police. Tonight, a celebration banquet will be held at the Paris Opera House. All the celebrities present, including the First Consul Napoleon Bonaparte and his younger brother Lucien, if an accident happened to the two of them, it would be a major event that shook Europe, and the police would certainly not be careless.

"They haven't caught the 'captain' yet." Giovanni, who was the guide, said to Severus. "That man is like fog on the sea."

"What captain?"

"A captain of the Royal Navy who infiltrated France and carried out acts of sabotage." Giovanni dodged a drunk passerby. "The secret police only know him as John Wright."

Severus touched the red scarf on his chest, then asked again, "What did he do?"

"No one knows," exclaimed Giovanni, passing a group of singing Frenchmen. "There are so many legends!"

"For example."

"He participated in planning the assassination last Christmas, and participated in the assassination of Paul I."

"What good would it do the British to kill the Tsar?" Severus asked aloud.

"Tsar Paul I intends to send Cossack cavalry to invade India!" Giovanni looked at Severus. "He also wants to divide Turkey with Austria and redraw the map of Europe. Isn't that crazy enough?"

Severus didn't answer.

"His reward was 100,000 francs, but a newcomer came up recently and his head was worth 300,000 francs," Giovanni said.

Severus smiled smugly. "The levers of human power are fear and interest, and he's absolutely right."

"Aren't you curious what the newcomer did?"

"I know what he did." Severus said indifferently, staring at the brightly lit Paris Opera House not far away.

==================================================== ==============

"knock knock"

The knock on the door startled Pomona.

"How are you?" asked Napoleon from outside the door. "Mr. Jenner has been down for a while."

Pomona looked at the woman in the mirror in panic.

Her face began to deform.

Werewolves have to transform on the night of the full moon, while Veela has no such rule, and this kind of problem is prone to occur as long as the emotions are out of control.

But that was in the "material" world, and she hadn't expected it to work as well in the mirror world.

She tried to find a remedy, but found it futile, because she was not human herself.

Maybe Napoleon would change his mind after seeing her monstrosity and suddenly lose interest in her.

She calmed down a bit, let the transformation continue, and when it finally stopped, she stood up and opened the bedroom door.

Seeing Pomona's terrifying face, Napoleon was shocked for a moment, and then he smiled. "Very realistic make-up."

"What's your makeup?"

"I don't need makeup, everyone recognizes me anyway."

"Isn't it because you banned Venetians from wearing masks?"

"This is a bad habit, especially for the police who need to catch criminals. What are you wearing makeup?"

"Vela is a forest banshee that preys on men." Pomona smiled and said, "Are you afraid?"

He smiled and shook his head, as if he didn't believe it at all.

He didn't ask Pomona to hold his arm, and the two went downstairs one after the other, perhaps because Mr. Jenner agreed to attend the celebration banquet, so he didn't make things difficult for Pomona anymore.

A woman's tears are only effective for those who love her and have a conscience. It is a very powerful weapon. No wonder Napoleon made Mr. Jenner her guardian.

Pomona was very worried about whether Severus could count on this Muggle. He forced Portugal to abandon its homeland and move its capital to the New World. He might be a more terrifying monster than Pomona.

After the three of them got into the red-bottomed gilt lion carriage, the coachman flicked the reins, and the carriage left the manor under the escort of the guards.

Napoleon himself sat on one side, and Pomona and Mr. Jenner sat on the other side. Mr. Jenner looked at Napoleon without flinching, looking extremely brave.

Pomona leaned on his shoulder, maybe veela magic is not for all men.

"Why don't you accept me?" Napoleon asked Mr. Jenner, "I can call you father just like Francis I called Da Vinci."

"I dare not have a son like you." Mr. Jenner said coldly. "Do you want to rule the world, Mr. Bonaparte?"

Napoleon did not immediately answer Mr. Jenner's question.

"I've heard about your sleep habits. You don't feel it when you're young, but when you're old, you'll know how much it hurts." Mr. Jenner continued, "You're human, sober up, lad."

"Maybe it's the other way around," Napoleon said with a smile. "I don't sleep as much in my waking hours of the day. This is the world of my dreams. All this is just a daydream of a poor poor man in a hotel." .”

He leaned on the back of the sofa comfortably, "You are all the people in my dreams."

"You're crazy," said Mr. Jenner.

"You can say that." Napoleon looked at Pomona. "I thought Venus had come."

"You can look at me when you talk." Mr. Jenner shielded Pomona behind him.

"I said it when I signed the contract, you can drive away everyone who harassed her, except me." Napoleon looked at Mr. Jenner like a roaring lion.

"No, I think this lady can deal with other people who harass her, but she can't deal with you." Mr. Jenner shook his head, "You are the real threat."

On the bumpy carriage, Pomona thought of the Tarot card named Chariot, which represented instinct and will. The pampered and noble prince stood on the carriage, driving the Sphinx Conquer the whole world.

This card is all about conquest, but even though he has traveled the world, he keeps on going.

When will, instinct and self-discipline are out of balance, this card of victory will go to ruin.

In addition to the stone lions of Venice, Napoleon also brought the crusaders back to France from the bronze galloping horses of Constantinople, which may be why he lost control as soon as he got into the car.

He does not need to stop, but to turn around, because the "chariot" cannot stop.

From Versailles to Paris, there is a forest that reminds Pomona of the story of the Gemini brothers hunting blood lions.

The lion that lived in the forest also got out of control and eventually ate all the animals in the forest, making the forest silent.

Sensing something was wrong, she immediately calmed down from the sentimental feelings, and pulled out her wand from the glove that reached her arm.

Her actions calmed Napoleon, and he knocked on the carriage twice to signal the driver to stop the carriage.

Pomona remembered that Kingsley once served as the bodyguard of the Muggle Prime Minister, so French wizards should also protect the king, but will they protect the "Kingslayer"?

"Those American mercenaries are unreliable, idiot!" Pomona yelled at Napoleon, who looked at her in shock.

"Did you forget what was written in the book?"

She was too lazy to continue talking to him, so she used her magic wand to form a dirt wall, and soon there was a "rumbling" thunder-like explosion outside.

This power is not like an arquebus, but like a grenade or TNT. The group that assassinated Napoleon will blow up everyone in the car.

Pomona didn't want to kill her, because the attack was likely to be British. Fortunately, the attack lasted only one round. The guards rode war horses. They had undergone special training and were not afraid of loud noises. They were divided into Two teams, one team rushed to the forest, and the other team surrounded the carriage.

Pomona opened the car door and got out of the car. Compared with the Battle of Hogwarts, this battle is nothing but a trivial one. Giants are much more shocking than this. If the children knew that she couldn't hold back even this scene. shame.

Although the explosion did not blow up the carriage, it shook the horses pulling the carriage to death, and also broke the shaft of the carriage. She asked the guards to quickly change the horses, and she repaired the carriage with a repair spell.

The scene might have been a bit magical to Muggles, their eyes widened.

"What are you looking at!" She yelled angrily, "Hurry up and work!"

Then she lifted the hem of her skirt and got back into the carriage.

After using the magic power, her out-of-control emotions calmed down, and the deformation on her face gradually disappeared. Jenner and Napoleon watched her transformation together, and no one screamed or pointed at her as a monster.

"Scared?" Pomona said with a smile to the men in the car.

Mr. Jenner said nothing, but Napoleon laughed.

After laughing, he stared at her with that very explicit look, but this time Mr. Jenner didn't protect her anymore.

She was made uncomfortable by the sight, but fortunately the Guards had gone and returned, said a soldier from outside the carriage.

"No prisoners were caught, but we found the cannon they used."

Only then did Pomona realize that their carriage had just been attacked by artillery.

"Go on," said Napoleon calmly, and looked at Pomona again, this time with a more normal look.

"I haven't forgotten what is written in the book. Mercenaries hide ambitions, have no discipline, and are not loyal and reliable. Therefore, it is necessary to control their own army."

"Why didn't you bring mercenaries with you when you went out this time?"

"You don't like those scavengers." He said with a smirk. "I don't want them to mess up our good business."

Pomona raised her hand and slapped him.

"I can feel the pain, so I'm not dreaming." He said with a look of ecstasy. "Hit it again, honey."

Pomona was too angry to think.

She picked up her hands and decided that it was not what he wanted. Historically, the Corsican dwarf would live for a few more years. Although she didn't know how much this world had to do with history, anyway, he couldn't just die now.

The following road was very peaceful, and there was no surprise attack along the way. When their carriage entered Paris, it aroused cheers from the crowd celebrating the victory.

Napoleon pretended to wave to them, and Pomona kept her presence to a minimum.

This seat should not have been hers.

Mr. Jenner didn't wave his hand either. They were all British, although now Portugal lost their homeland and their capital.

The carriage was surrounded almost impenetrably, but it finally arrived at the Paris Opera House slowly. As soon as the carriage stopped, all the soldiers standing at the door saluted Napoleon.

When the door opened, he let Mr. Jenner out first, then he went out, and Pomona was last.

The feeling of being under the spotlight made her feel like she was sitting on pins and needles, she really wanted to be invisible like this.

So she lowered her head all the way and followed the two big men into the opera house.

The moment she stepped on the ground of the opera house, Pomona remembered that she hadn't been there with Severus, only went to a small opera house, but that opera house was a disguise.

The real entrance to the wizarding world is in the garden behind the theater. The old goblin said that she must cover her face, otherwise she will be treated as goods, because Veela is classified as a "beast" in the division of species. ".

It seems that men are also the ones who formulate mom classification, so they leave such a convenient door for themselves.

The crows in the world are all the same black, bah!

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